
  • 网络Yale School of Drama;Yale University
  1. 迈克尔·耶尔根(MichaelYeargan)2005年参加托尼奖颁奖典礼领取舞台设计奖时意识到了这一点。1969年耶尔根在耶鲁大学戏剧学院就读时师从李名觉,现在是该戏剧学院设计系的联合系主任。

    Michael Yeargan , a student of Mr. Lee 's at the Yale School of Drama in 1969 and now co-chairman of the drama school 's design department , recognized that at the 2005 Tony Awards ceremonies , where Mr. Yeargan was honored for set design .

  2. 耶鲁大学戏剧学院和建筑学院正在举办李名觉回顾展。李名觉已在戏剧学院任教40多年。

    The schools of drama and architecture at Yale are staging a retrospective exhibition honoring Mr. Lee , who has been a member of the drama school faculty for more than four decades .