
  • 网络the Naturalists;Nature
  1. 我就有过一次历时更长的折腾。那是在70年代,当时我正开始阅读回回自然派的文学作品。

    One of my more prolonged bouts came in the1970s when I started reading back-to-the-land literature .

  2. 臭鼬是一个自然派的饮食者,它们的食物包括有昆虫,水果,坚果,鼠和其他小型哺乳动物杂食动物。

    Skunks are omnivores with a natural diet including insects , fruits , nuts , mice and other small mammals .

  3. 但他们自然派了眼前这位只在公司工作过30秒,一问三不知的家伙来。

    But naturally , they send down the one guy that 's been working there 30 seconds and knows nothing .

  4. 自然派的作家,标榜作家放弃理想,只要写真实、只要暴露社会的黑暗面就够了。

    The writers of nature-school claimed to abandon their writing ideal and to write as it is in life only and disclose the darkness of social life .

  5. 所谓历史法学派是指19世纪初首先在德国兴起的,与古典自然法学派相对抗的一个思想派别。

    The so-called " Historical School of Law " refers to the school of thought which first arises in Germany during the nineteenth Century .

  6. 他的小说具有现代叙事文学的共同特点:错综复杂的情节,通俗易懂的语言和一定的历史距离感;社会批评不再孤立自足地出现,而是嵌在情节本身里,作为它自然的派生物。

    They have the common characteristics of the modern literature : the intricate plot , easily understandable language and certain sense of historical distance ; the critical views of the society are no longer isolated , but embedded in the very plot as its derivation .

  7. 我是个基于自然的抽象派画家。

    I 'm a nature-based Abstract painter .

  8. 尊重权威,他们通常笃信宗教--宗教信仰正属于血清素系统--传统派自然找传统派的人。

    they respect authority , they tend to be religious -- religiosity is in the serotonin system -- and traditional people go for traditional people .

  9. 年轻演员们的表现清新、自然,实力派演员秦海璐则充当了该片的粘合剂,她刻画了一位内心矛盾的教师形象。

    While the young actors and actresses appear fresh and natural , the always-reliable Qin binds the movie together with her portrayal of a paradoxical teacher .

  10. 本文认为,这种生活样式是自然经济的派生物,是布依族的一种社会制度,是维系社区、群内聚力的纽带。

    This paper holds that it is a result of natural economy , a social system for the Buyi people and a means of maintaining community or clan cohesive force .

  11. 自然,企业派员工前往桑德赫斯特学院,并非希望他们回来时像个军官,或是希望他们体验军官培训课程中较为艰苦的方面。

    Naturally , companies that send employees to Sandhurst are not expecting them to come back as army officers , or to be forced through some of the more rigorous aspects of the officer training courses .

  12. 人工入化与自然天成&江西派诗学与严羽诗学比较研究之四

    Artlessness vs. Naturalness & Comparative Studies of Jiangxi School Poetics and Yan Yu 's Poetics ⅳ

  13. 龙盛石材企业集团再次隆重向国内外建筑界朋友推出自然清新、一派欧陆风情的天然龙盛石板系列。

    Longsheng Stone Materials Enterprise Group promotes again the natural European Longsheng stone plate series to all friends in construction fields .