
xié pò xínɡ wéi
  • coercive act
  1. 在英美法系国家,被胁迫行为是作为一项合法辩护理由而存在的。

    In common law countries , was coercion as a legitimate defense exists .

  2. 本罪所规定的暴力、胁迫行为存在程度上的限制。

    Provided for this crime of violence , coercion there is degree of restriction .

  3. 在分析其相互关系之后,论述了外国的被胁迫行为理论对我国的借鉴意义。

    After the analysis of their mutual relations , discussed by foreign coercion theory significance in China .

  4. 笔者认为,外国的被胁迫行为和我国的紧急避险是并不相同,不能将二者混为一谈。

    The author believes that foreign country by coercion and the emergency hedge is completely different areas , can not be mixed up .

  5. 胁从犯具备共同犯罪构成要件符合性、违背意愿而选择犯罪的意志自由相对性和胁从行为对胁迫行为的从属性。

    Coerced accomplice should possess constitutive elements of joint crime , limited freedom of the will , and behavior according to the duress .

  6. 其次,对抢劫罪的胁迫行为进行探讨,指出胁迫要以暴力威胁为内容。

    Secondly , the chapter probes into the act of coercion in robbery offenses and points out that coercion should consist of intimidation using threat of violence .

  7. 受克里米亚亲俄议会邀请监督投票的外国观察员们也承认投票,否认基辅投票有胁迫行为。

    Foreign monitors invited by Crimea 's pro-Russia parliament to oversee the vote echoed the latter sentiment , dismissing Kyiv 's criticism that the vote was held at the barrel of a gun .

  8. 第三部分:胁迫行为与暴力行为的区别。作为犯罪手段,暴力和胁迫经常是联系在一起的,而且,在很多情况下特别是在暴力胁迫的场合,两者是很难区分的。

    The violence and the coercion is frequently relates in together as the crime method , moreover , the difference between is hard to distinguish in many situations especially in the violence coercion situation .

  9. 十年以上有期徒刑当属重罪,如果仅仅因为暴力或者暴力胁迫行为发生在户内就一律认定入户抢劫,判处十年以上有期徒刑,显然量刑畸重。

    If only because that violence or threat of violence occurs indoors , the behavior is regarded as robbery of housebreaking and the criminal is sentenced to more than ten years imprisonment , the sentence is too severe .

  10. 在大陆法系国家,虽然没有赋予被胁迫行为独立的法律地位,而将其纳入紧急避险,并参照紧急避险的相关规定免除处罚或者减轻处罚。

    In civil law countries , although there was coercion given independent legal status , but their integration into necessity , and with reference to the relevant provisions of the emergency hedge exempted from punishment or mitigated punishment .

  11. 关于被胁迫行为的构成要件主要从胁迫的内容、胁迫的来源、胁迫内容的指向、胁迫的时间、胁迫的程度及适用限制等方面进行论述。

    By coercion on the composition of the main elements of the content from the stress , the source of stress , stress point to the content , stress time , stress level and restrictions that apply to other aspects discussed .

  12. 第三步,将不能免责的被胁迫行为,规定为法定的量刑情节。即被迫行为超过必要限度造成不应有的损害的,应当负刑事责任,但应当减轻或者免除处罚。

    Last but not least , criminal responsibility shall be borne if an act committed under duress to avert danger exceeds the limits of necessity and causes undue harm ; however , a mitigated punishment or exemption from punishment shall be given .

  13. 故意诱使、教唆、胁迫行为人醉酒驾车或明知行为人醉酒而提供车辆者可成为该罪的共同犯罪主体。该罪主观方面应限定为间接故意。

    Those who seduce , instigate or force one to drive under alcohol intoxication or those who offer vehicles to the driver whom they know is drunk will probably be the common subject of the crime ; This criminal subjective aspect should be indirect intention .

  14. 另外,有学者认为外国的被胁迫行为可以被纳入我国的紧急避险理论中,他们认为行为人实施的被胁迫行为是一种避免自身受到伤害的避险行为,应按照紧急避险的相关规则处理。

    In addition , scholars believe that the foreign conduct should be coerced into our emergency hedge theory , they believe the perpetrator was the implementation of coercion as a hedge to avoid acts of self-harm should be in accordance with the relevant rules of emergency actions treatment .

  15. 受他人胁迫有违法行为的;

    He has been coerced by another to commit the illegal act ;

  16. 利益共同体的胁迫与共谋行为:论金融监管腐败的一般特征与部门特征

    Unwilling Bribery and Collusion within an Interest Community : The General and Sectoral Characteristics of Financial Regulation Corruption

  17. 依据植物对干旱胁迫的反应行为,把植物的耐旱机理分为3个基本类型:(1)逃避干旱;

    According to ways of responsing on drought stress , three primary types of drought tolerance in plants have been identified : ( 1 ) drought escape ;

  18. 行为人以抢劫故意而当场实施除暴力、胁迫以外的行为,使得被害人不知反抗,以抢劫罪定罪处罚。

    The perpetrator intentionally implemented in addition to violence , robbery , coercion beyond acts , making the victim do not know against , convicted and punished for robbery .

  19. 三是避免基金当事人之间的“共谋”,即建立相应的利益&风险机制。利益共同体的胁迫与共谋行为:论金融监管腐败的一般特征与部门特征

    Moreover , a warning system known as vulnerability mechanism should be established so as to prevent the potential conspiracy of the partners concerned . Unwilling Bribery and Collusion within an Interest Community : The General and Sectoral Characteristics of Financial Regulation Corruption

  20. 论期待可能性理论根据我国法律关于紧急避险的有关规定,紧急避险被认为是对社会有益的正当行为,如果被胁迫下的行为符合紧急避险的条件,那么理应被视为正当行为。

    On the Theory of Anticipated Possibility in Criminal Law However , in the theory of the criminal crime of China the necessity is regarded as something beneficial and justifiable to the society that he is to told to do . The anticipated possibility .

  21. 在生物行为调节过程中,环境胁迫阈对生物行为变化可能具有决定性作用。

    In the adjustment process of the biological behavior , environmental stress threshold is probable the decisive role of biological behavior changes .

  22. 胁迫罪探析&兼论刑法中胁迫行为犯罪一般化

    Studying and Analysing the Crime of Coercion & Also on the Generalization of Coercing Actions in the Criminal Law

  23. 大陆法系国家有关紧急避险法律制度中,胁迫一直是一个被关注的问题,虽然不同国家对紧急避险的法律性质有不同的理解与认识,但都不否认胁迫下的行为可能构成紧急避险。

    The duress to be charged as a necessity is beyond the question in the theory of the continental law legal family while every nation 's legal system has its own characteristics to the necessity .