
shānɡ yè xí ɡuàn
  • commercialism;trade usage;commercial customs
  1. 其治理机制的形成和演化受政治、经济和商业习惯深刻的影响。

    The formation and evolvement of its governance mechanism are deeply influenced by Italian politics , economy and commercial customs .

  2. 它实施商业习惯法。

    It administered the customary law merchant .

  3. 它是由国际组织制定的商业习惯性做法和标准构成的。

    It is constituted by the customary business practices and standards formulated by international organizations .

  4. 如果你打算招待外国客户,一定要掌握他们的商业习惯。

    If you 're entertaining foreigners , be sure you have a good idea of their business practices !

  5. 二是以法律制度、国际惯例和商业习惯为主导的制度信用;

    Second is system credit with the law system , international practice and commercial convention as leading position .

  6. 各国的法律制度,商业习惯,企业结构等等,往往领先于理论而先有突破性发展。

    The legal institution , commercial conventions and enterprise structure in many countries firstly affect a breakthrough , instead of concerning theories .

  7. 在封建社会中,随着商品经济的发展,赊买卖逐渐成为商业习惯,在宋代最为盛行。

    In feudal society , with the development of commodity economy , credit trading has become business practices are most prevalent in the Song Dynasty .

  8. 在某些特定的企业中,清单和流行的商业习惯、主要的管理实践及规划的艺术化非常吻合。

    In their particular enterprise , the checklists fit well with the prevailing business culture , general management practices , and state-of-the-art for program management .

  9. 信用证是银行根据进口商的请求,开给受益人(出口商)的一种保证承担支付货款责任的书面凭证,它是商业习惯的产物而不是法律的创制物。

    Letter of credit is a written document from bank to the beneficiary ( exporter ) to guarantee the responsibility of paying for the imported goods under the request of the importer .

  10. 首先阐述了船舶优先权最早源于古希腊时代的地中海沿岸各国,是一种海上商业习惯作法,船舶优先权的出现和古代欧洲的冒险贷款制度有关。

    Firstly , maritime liens roots from the Mediterranean coastal countries in ancient Greece and it is a maritime commercial practices . The emergence of maritime liens relates to ancient European adventure loan system .

  11. 菲亚拉表示,对外人来说,在华沙做生意尤其困难。她建议第一次来华沙的人找当地合作伙伴帮助其适应那里的语言和商业习惯。

    For outsiders , Warsaw can be especially difficult for business , said Fiala , who recommends first-timers to the city get a local partner to help adapt to the language and business practices .

  12. 十年前在该地区的金融危机中,许多家族企业倒闭,这暴露了许多不良商业习惯——比如缺少透明度,家族成员之间暗地进行金融交易。

    The collapse of some Asian family-run conglomerates during the region 's financial crisis 10 years ago exposed some bad business practices - such as lack of transparency and shady financial transactions between family members .

  13. 所以在解决中国电子商务技术障碍的时候,这些标准和产品都相继暴露出不符合中国企业商业习惯和管理特点等方面的问题,缺乏灵活性、可用性及可伸缩性。

    Been used to solve our country 's electronic commerce technical problem , we find these standards and products can not match the business habits and management characteristics of nowadays Chinese enterprises causing lack of flexibility , practicality and elasticity .

  14. 商法最初表现为商业惯例和习惯。

    At first , the commercial law exists as the business practice or the custom .

  15. 拥有适用于商业领域的习惯法或者其他独立的法律传统并不足以让一个国家实现繁荣,要是这个国家缺乏一位意志坚定、全力以赴的领导人的话&看看印度和尼日利亚就明白了。

    Having a common law or other independent legal tradition that can be applied to business is not enough to make a state prosperous without determined and focused leadership & look at India or Nigeria .

  16. 但是从短期来看,利率市场化也将会改变商业银行已习惯了的利率决定机制和变动规律,从而对商业银行的外部环境和内部经营管理模式产生深层次的影响乃至冲击,值得引起充分的重视。

    In the short term , the marketization of interest rate will change the habit that the commercial Banks have already accustomed to the the interest rate decision mechanism of the external environment and internal management of commercial bank management mode , and produced profound influence and impact .

  17. Buvinic说,妇女遭遇的障碍因国家而异,这些障碍有可能是文化方面的,法律方面的,或者是根深蒂固的商业惯例或风俗习惯造成的结果。

    The barriers women encounter vary from country to country and may be cultural , legal , or the result of ingrained business practices or customs .

  18. 以自嘲方式来阐释商业智慧的这种习惯正在源源不断地展现出来。

    This habit of passing on business wisdom with dollops of self-deprecating humour is now in full flow .

  19. 要学习英语,因为它是世界商业用语。要习惯和外国人舒适地相处,也要习惯在国外的生活。

    Learn English because it is the global business language , and find comfort with foreigners and in foreign countries .

  20. 每个公司有自己明确定义的商业目标,虽在统一的集团内,但是遵循各自本地的商业习惯和法律法规。

    Each of these companies has its own clearly defined business objectives within the consolidated group and is organized according to local business practices and legal requirements .