- malicious collusion;malicious conspiracy

Malicious collusion between bidders makes the auction invalid .
Any bidder involved in malicious collusion shall pay expenses for auctioning the ship and compensate losses incurred .
The Laws and Regulations of Malicious Collaboration in Litigation Mediation
Discussion on Perfecting Criminal Law about Collusion of Auction Research on Collusive Contract
Malicious collusive contract is a sort of original creative morbid contract in China .
We use the most severe words denied malicious acted in collusion with the effectiveness of the contract .
Those that performed through malicious collusion are detrimental to the interest of the state , a collective or a third party ;
The provisions of malicious collusion take its source at civil law of the former Soviet Union , but also associate with simulation .
Malicious acted in collusion with the interests of third parties contract involving legislation to protect the interests of the state and protect personal interests .
Malicious collusive contract is the contract illegally concluded by both parties with the purpose of damaging the interests the country , the collectivity and the third party .
The wrong subject of the interest and visit agreement , both parties collude maliciously to damage the interests of the state , and public interests are infringed obviously .
" Malicious collusion " is a term unique to the civil legislation of China , which is first regulated in the " general provisions of the civil law " .
Hoping to through the harsh legal , effectively awing and fighting against the malicious auction behavior , regulating the market economy order , protecting state-owned and collective assets from erosion .
From the different contract offer and acceptance stage begins , we combine with the case of the plaintiff and the defendant malicious collusion problem the plaintiffs lawsuit status , problems .
Manifestations of the non-benign equilibrium are mainly malicious collusion game equilibrium , passive resistance game equilibrium , and passive adaptation game equilibrium , and they exist in all areas of society .
Abandon the legislative ways in malicious , False expression on the subjective factor no longer stressed intentionally , Refine the validity of a contract In the third person refined malicious damage benefit provisions .
For example , the two parties have malicious collusion , false prosecution , or use the rule of self-admission to defraud the court and obtain the determined adjudication in order to avoid the real debt .
Based on the scholars ' new-examination of the classification standards of the malicious collusive contract , the author proposes that the validity of the malicious collusive contract is divided into absolute invalid and relative invalid .
No doubt , this legislation to punish the way a malicious acted in collusion with the parties to the contract , make the illegal profits cannot come true , maintain the normal order of social exchange , social and public interests .
Where the parties colluded in bad faith , thereby harming the interests of the state , the collective or a third person , any property acquired as a result shall be turned over to the state or be returned to the collective or the third person .
When lawfully auctioned , real estate will produce positive effects such as transferring the ownership of real estate . When the auction becomes null and void due to such reasons as malicious collaboration of bidders , real estate will produce negative effects such as auction over again .