
yù líng
  • childbearing age
育龄 [yù líng]
  • [child-bearing age] 适合生育的年龄

  • 育龄妇女

育龄[yù líng]
  1. 与育龄妇女人数相比,老年人口的比例正在增加。

    The proportion of older people , compared with women who are of childbearing age , is increasing .

  2. 育龄期妇女非典型阑尾炎的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of atypical appendicitis in childbearing age women

  3. 螺旋CT低剂量扫描在育龄男女骨盆病变中的应用研究

    Clinical application of low-dose spiral CT screening in pelvis diseases of male / femal at child-bearing age

  4. 方法:回顾性分析5例育龄期妇女绝育后包块型宫外孕的盆腔CT图像。

    Method Retrospect study of CT imaging of5 cases tumor of extrauterine pregnancy of woman of bearing age .

  5. 经过比较显示,育龄期组的有排卵率明显好于更年期组(P<0.01)。

    It shows that the ovulating rate of the child-bearing period is obviously better than the climacteric period group ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 景洪地区育龄妇女TORCH感染检测结果分析

    Analysis on TORCH Infection of Women in Childbearing Age in Jinghong

  7. 育龄妇女TORCH感染的诊断指标及其临床意义

    The diagnostic markers of TORCH infection and their clinical value

  8. 平顶山市不同育龄妇女STD相关知识知晓率调查

    Survey of health knowledge concerning STD in women of child-bearing age in Pingdingshan City

  9. 脊髓损伤(SCI)通常会对育龄男性造成一定的影响。

    Spinal cord injury ( SCI ) commonly affects males in their reproductive years .

  10. 已婚育龄妇女对RTI各种知识的平均回答正确率为45.40%。

    The correct answer rate of RTI knowledge was 45.40 % .

  11. 子宫内膜异位症(EMs)是妇科的常见病、多发病,约有10%15%的育龄妇女罹患此病。

    Endometriosis ( EMs ) is a common gynecological disorder , with an incidence of 10-15 % in reproductive aged women .

  12. 目的:科学评价6种宫内节育器(IUD)的安全性和有效性,为指导育龄群众节育避孕措施的知情选择提供科学依据。

    Objective : To evaluate safety and effect of six types of intrauterine devices ( IUD ) .

  13. 对预防和治疗HCMV感染,特别是防治孕妇和育龄夫妇HCMV感染,预防神经残疾儿的出生具有重要意义。

    It is significant for preventing and curing HCMV infection , especially couple of gravida and reproductive life .

  14. 多因素Logistic回归分析发现既往曾患滴虫性阴道炎、经期性生活及不洁水洗澡为已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染的主要危险因素。

    The Binary Logistic regression analysis showed that the main risk factors of RTI included the history of trichomonal vaginitis , bathing with polluted water and intercourse during menstrual period .

  15. 目的:研究强直性脊柱炎(ankylosingspondylitis,AS)是否有父母育龄及胎次效应。

    Objective : To study the influence of maternal age at delivery and birth order on ankylosing spondylitis ( AS ) .

  16. 在临床试验部分,采用双盲法对1000例育龄妇女血清进行巨细胞病毒IgG抗体和风疹病毒IgG抗体的检测,最终评价本研究建立的检测方法在临床实践中的有效性。

    In the part of clinical assay , serum of 1000 women of childbearing age were detected by the HCMV and RV specific IgG antibodies in double-blind method .

  17. 应用DCP-AES法对济南市101例健康孕妇及25例育龄健康孕妇血清中9种元素进行了测定。

    Nine essential trace elements in serum of 101 healthy pregnant women and 25 healthy non-pregnant women of child-bearing age were determined .

  18. 方法应用ELISA方法检测了186例自发性流产患者血清中ATAb,并以56例正常育龄妇女作为对照。

    Methods The ATAb was detected by ELISA in 186 recurrent spontaneous aborting women and 56 normal fertile women .

  19. 在美国SLE病人总数已经超过二十五万,90%发生于育龄期妇女,严重影响人类健康。

    In the United States , the number of patients with SLE exceeds 250,000 . The 90 percent of SLE patients are women of childbearing age .

  20. 方法:对某医院妇科门诊接受计划生育服务的育龄妇女非选择性地进行BV筛检。

    Methods : An unselected screening for BV was conducted among women at childbearing age in two hospitals in Chengde city .

  21. SLE以青年女性多见,育龄妇女占病人的90%~95%,但也见于儿童和老人。

    Young female patients are common and the ones at reproductive age are 90 % ~ 95 % , children and the elderly can also be involved .

  22. 结果不孕症和闭经患者PRL极显著高于健康育龄妇女(P<0.01);

    Results The levels of PRL were significantly different between patients with sterility and menoschesis and health women ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 目前认为,PCOS是育龄女性内分泌疾病中最常见的一种,患病率为5%-20%。

    Currently considered , PCOS is the most common endocrine diseases of women in childbearing age , prevalence rate of 5 % - 20 % .

  24. 山东省农村已婚育龄妇女RTI干预与病原体筛查方法研究

    A Study on the Intervention for RTI of Rural Fertile Married Women in Shandong Province and a Method of Multiplex-PCR Test for RTI Pathogens

  25. 背景:妊娠滋养细胞疾病(GestationalTrophoblastDisease,GTD)是一组严重危害育龄妇女健康的妇科疾病,我国是此类疾病的高发国度之一。

    Background Gestational Trophoblast Disease ( GTD ) is actually a group of several diseases that is harmful to woman 's health , it is high incidence in our country .

  26. [目的]调查深圳市汉族普通育龄妇女多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患病率及临床特征。

    [ Objective ] To explore the prevalence and characters of the polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ) in general population of Han ethnic in Shenzhen city .

  27. 目的:随着IUD的发展与完善提高了育龄妇女对其的接受性,拓宽了IUD应用范围。

    Objective : With the development and consummation of IUD , the acceptance of the child-bearing period women was risen and the application range was broaden .

  28. 目的:通过对育龄妇女进行KAP调查,评价已开展的出生缺陷社区干预效果,探讨适合社区推广的预防出生缺陷综合干预模式和干预手段。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of the existing community health promotion project on preventing birth defects , and find an effective community intervention .

  29. 通过对非线性方程组的迭代法引入Aitken加速技术,设计了一种非线性方程组的迭代解法的加速方法;方法:对已婚育龄妇女发放宣传资料;

    By using accelerating Aitken method in iterative method of nonlinear equations , a new modified method is given .

  30. 方法:选择无保护同房或避孕失败后72h内要求紧急避孕的健康育龄妇女200例。

    Methods : 200 healthy women with history of unprotect intercourse or contraception failure were recruited . All attended the study within 72 hours after intercourse .