
  • 网络vascular headache;Migraine
  1. 结论TCD检测对飞行员血管性头痛的分类、诊断及治疗具有重要的参考价值。

    Conclusion The TCD exam has important reference value to classify and diagnose and treat the vascular headache patients in pilots .

  2. 方法:采用SL行双侧星状神经节照射治疗血管性头痛30例,照射前、后进行TCD检测颅内11条主要动脉,观察其变化,对比分析。

    Methods : 30 cases of vascular headache were treated by bilateral stellate ganglion irradiation with SL and 11 intracranial major arteries were detected with TCD before and after irradiation .

  3. 血管性头痛患者脑血管TCD改变

    Changes of TCD Findings of Cerebral Arteries in Blood Vessel Headache

  4. 内皮素及TCD测定在儿童血管性头痛中的应用价值

    Clinical value of blood endothelin and TCD in the diagnosis of vascular genesis headache in children

  5. 结果:TCD检测结果发现血管性头痛治疗前血流速度明显增快,与治疗后比较有显著差异(P<0.01);

    Results : The results of TCD detection found that blood flows were significantly faster and varied greatly before the treatment than those after ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 方法对138例飞行员血管性头痛患者分为发作期组(41例)和间歇期组(97例)做TCD检测,分析其结果。

    Methods To use TCD to examine 138 pilots vascular headache patients divided into attack period group ( 41 cases ) and interval period group ( 97 cases ) with analysing results .

  7. 结果:儿童血管性头痛患儿发作期颅内外动脉最高平均血流速度(MFV)低于正常对照组;

    Results The mean flow velocity ( MFV ) of intracranial vessel in patients with vascular migraine attack was significantly lower than that in the control .

  8. 飞行员血管性头痛并发脑梗塞一例

    A case of pilots with vascular headache complicated by cerebral infarction

  9. 血管性头痛的脑干听诱发电位的改变

    The Changes of Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential in Vascular Headache Patients

  10. 偏头痛型血管性头痛遗传学和免疫功能研究

    A research in the heredity and immunity of migraine type vascular headaches

  11. 儿童血管性头痛的经颅多普勒检测分析

    The Analysis of Detecting in Children Vascular Headache by TCD

  12. 川芎茶调散加减治疗血管性头痛55例

    Treating 55 Cases of Vascular Headache in Chuanxiong Chatiao San

  13. 经颅超声多普勒对儿童血管性头痛发作期的诊断价值

    The Clinical Value of TCD in Diagnosis of Vasculer Migraine in Children

  14. 低功率激光治疗血管性头痛24例

    24 Cases of Vascular Headache Treated by Radiation of Low Power He-Ne Laser

  15. 针刺治疗血管性头痛的临床研究

    The clinical study on vascular headache treated with acupuncture

  16. 血管性头痛与脑动脉血流变化

    Vascular Headache and Changes of Cerebral Arterial Blood Flow

  17. 电子冷针热针对血管性头痛患者脑血流图的影响

    Effect of Electronic Cold and Hot Acupuncture on Rheoencephalogram in Patients of Vascular Headache

  18. 多普勒脑超声应用于血管性头痛(附76例临床分析)

    Application of three-dimensional transcranial Doppler to diagnosing vascular headache ( analysis of 76 cases )

  19. 偏头痛俗称偏头风,西医称“血管性头痛”。

    Migraine common says to slant head wind , western medicine says " hemal sex has a headache " .

  20. 循经取穴针刺治疗血管性头痛126例疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of 126 Cases of Vascular Headache Treated by Acupuncture with Selecting Acupoint along Channels

  21. 结论:该制剂是治疗儿童血管性头痛的有效药物。

    Conclusion : The agent is a effective medicine , can be used for treatment of vascular headache in children .

  22. 目的:研究高压氧治疗血管性头痛的近期疗效与远期疗效。

    Objective : To study the recent and forward curative effect of hyperbaric oxygenation in the treatment of vascular headache .

  23. 治疗组的中医证侯积分和脑血流速度均比对照组积分和脑血流速度改善明显(P<0.05)。提示芎葛汤治疗血管性头痛疗效确切。

    The scores and cerebral blood velocity were improved more significantly in treatment group than in control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 经颅多普勒观察尼莫地平治疗血管性头痛脑血流变化研究

    The study on the changes of cerebral flows detected by transcranial Doppler ( tcd ) during the treatment with nimodipine with vascular headache

  25. 大鼠三叉神经节离体培养可用于血管性头痛发病机制和药物治疗的靶点研究

    Organ culture of rat trigeminal ganglion is an ideal in vitro model for pathogenesis study and therapeutic target exploration of primary vascular headache

  26. 目的:偏头痛是一种反复发作的血管性头痛,呈一侧或两侧疼痛,常伴恶心和呕吐。

    Objective : Migraine is a recurrent vascular headache , pain in one or both sides , and often accompanied by nausea and vomiting .

  27. 方法:94例血管性头痛患儿随机分为两组,对照组46人采用对症治疗;

    Method : 94 patients with vascular headache were divided into two groups randomly . The controlled group of 46 children was given symptomatic treatment ;

  28. 目的:观察颅痛安颗粒对血管性头痛的疗效及其对血液流变学指标的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effects of Lutong An grain on hemorheologic parameters and to investigate the clinic effect on Vascular Headache ( Migraine ) .

  29. 目的:观测复方芎芷散对瘀血阻络型血管性头痛临床治疗效果。

    Objective : Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of Compound Mixture of ChuanXiong and BaiZhi 's treatment results on vascular headache of blood stagnation type .

  30. 结果误诊为血管性头痛22例,神经性头痛14例,偏头痛8例。椎&基底动脉供血不足4例。

    Results The disease was misdiagnosed as vascular headache in 22 , as neural headache in 14 , as migraine in 8 , and as shortage of vertebral and basilar artery blood flow in 4 paitents .