- 网络brooding;Brooding period

Behavior of African Ostrich ( Struthio camelus ) in Brooding Period
An experiment of the increase and decrease of maternal behaviour of the hen during brooding period
Normally a nest had 3-5 eggs , and the incubation period was 21 days . After being fledged for 41 days , the young birds flight off the nest on the 42nd day and the rate of survival upon flying away was 62 5 % .
A study on the effect using controlled lightening on broiler chicks
The Results of Epidemic Prevention in Different Periods of Wild Fowls Brooding
A primary study on computer expert for breeding management of young chicken
Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Growth Performance of Wild Anas Platyrhynchos
Living percentage curve of brood time and its utilization
Effect of Dietary Crude Protein and Energy Concentrations on Growth Performance in Gaoyou Ducklings
The size of territory doesn 't vary in the period of incubation and feeding nestling .
The effects of environment and nutrient on the commercial cockerels of star-cross 579 in starting period
Observation of Daurian Redstart 's Brooding
19.00 % of protein level met growth requirement of ducklings from the view of feed remuneration .
The attendance behaviors included three periods : warming nestling period , defending nestling period and brooding period around nest .
The Research on Premix Feedstuff and the Test of Feeding in the Brooding Stage of Turkey Determination of mixing homogeneity for formula feed
African ostrich has longer brood time , during the brood time , the growth and development is slow , the gastrointestinal disease is serious .
Oberve growth and development of france white roasting geese , analysis adaptation of introduced geese in our feeding standard and environment , so that we can accumulate .
To study the lethal equivalent of New Langshan Chicken , we collected the data of hatch rate at first check time , death rate in hatching time , and mortality after hatching .
In the observations of two birds brooded artificially in 1987 and 1988 each , the young birds grew rapidly and daily feed intakes were 350g to 2 000g ( 60 to 50 days ) .
These results offer a gist to reveal the behavioral regularity of the African Ostrich and make plans for their feeding and management , improving the survival rate of the African domestic Ostriches in brooding period .
The hatching period almost lasted 30 days , and breeding period 43-45 days in nest and 50 days outsides or so . The breeding cycle is 150 days at least from choosing nest site to young independence .
The aim was to study the effect of dietary different metabolizable energy , crude protein , calcium and phosphorus levels on growth performance and relative parameters , also to determinate appropriate levels of the four nutrients in green goose .
Whether artificial incubation was successful largely depends on raising management , including temperature , moisture , forage nutrient composition and disease prevention and cure , etc.