首页 / 词典 / good

  • Education;raise;rear;give birth to;bring up
  • 生养:~龄。节~。生儿~女。

  • 养活:~婴。哺~。培~。抚~。养~。

  • 按照一定的目的长期地教导和训练:德~。智~。体~。美~。教书~人。


(生育) give birth to:

  • 节育

    birth control;

  • 生儿育女

    give birth to children; have children


(养活; 培育) rear; raise; bring up:

  • 育婴

    nurse a baby


(教育) educate:

  • 德 [智] 育

    moral [intellectual] education

  1. 盐碱地水稻育壮秧配套技术

    Kit Techniques of Seedling Raise of Rice on Saline-alkali Soil

  2. 双效种衣剂对水稻旱育秧苗的影响

    Influence of Double Effect Embedding Medium on Dry Raise Seedling of Rice

  3. 大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。

    Most young women feel a biological need to procreate .

  4. 养儿育女没有得到社会的充分重视。

    Parenting is not fully valued by society .

  5. 刚孵育出来的小鸡就会走、会啄食。

    Newly hatched chicks can walk and peck .

  6. 之所以发生这一转变,是因为自2000年以来,政府实施了针对资助家庭条件困难儿童的的政策,同时还由于有很多贫穷的年轻人现在会留在学校参加A-level考试或决定上大学进修,所以他们会从教育资金中获益更久。

    The change is a consequence of policy since the early 2000s targeting money at disadvantaged children , and also because many poorer youngsters2 are now staying on for A-levels and university and so benefiting longer from education funding .

  7. 那些坏脾气的老人们喋喋不休于父母生儿育女之责任的妨碍性效应。

    The old curmudgeon was talking about the smothering effects of parental duty on creative lives .

  8. 我生活在极普通的工人家庭。我的父母很早就开始生儿育女。我感觉他们最大的能力无非就是找到一份工厂的工作,并随着家庭成员的增加而努力维持收支平衡。

    My parents started having kids very young , and I felt they were never able to achieve more than getting a factory job , and trying to make ends meet as their family grew .

  9. 卡尔加里动物园表示,他们的工作人员与圣地亚哥动物园以及阳光海岸护育基地合作安排每周新鲜竹子的运送,但寻找合适的竹子品种费时又费钱。

    The zoo said staff worked with the San Diego Zoo and Suncoast Nursery to arrange weekly shipments of fresh bamboo , but the process of finding the right bamboo has been expensive and time-consuming .

  10. 塑料大棚盘育稻秧的适宜土类及土壤pH值效应

    Suitable soils for TRAY-RAISING of rice seedlings in plastic greenhouses and soil pH effect

  11. 两个广亲和品种的杂交后代(轮回422×02428),育性明显提高,F2结实率低于60%的单株很少,F3群体育性已基本正常。

    The fertility in F_3s was higher than that in F_2 plants .

  12. 2不同药物浓度和孵育时间下药物的转运量有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    There were statistically significant differences in intracellular agent contents between different agent concentrations and between different co-incubating time ( P0.01 ) .

  13. 与油菜细胞质雄性不育相关的DNA位点和育性恢复基因的研究进展

    Progresses of Study on the DNA Locus Related to Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and Restorer Gene for Fertility in Rapeseed

  14. 温育条件对ELISA定性测定HBsAg结果的影响

    Effects of incubation conditions on results of HBsAg detected by ELISA

  15. GA3和乙烯利处理对杏花败育的影响

    Effects of GA_3 and Ethylene on Abortion of Apricot Flower

  16. EM发酵饲料饲喂育肥猪的效果

    Effect of EM Fermentation Feed on Finishing of Fattening Pig

  17. 2,温度高低不是影响不同温敏型F1育性变化的唯一因子,短日普遍降低各类型F1的受精率;

    Temperature was not the only factor to affect the F1 FR , and the short day effect were more important ;

  18. 水稻叶蝉抗性基因回交转育和CAPS标记辅助选择

    Green Rice Leafhopper Resistance Gene Transferring Through Backcrossing and CAPS Marker Assisted Selection

  19. 野败型育性恢复基因在AA基因组野生稻中的分布与遗传

    Distribution and Inheritance of the Fertility Restorer Genes for WA-CMS in Wild Rice with AA Genome

  20. 方法:体外分离、培养大鼠肝星状细胞,甘草酸与HSC共同孵育。

    Methods : The mice HSC were isolated and cultured in vitro .

  21. 在pH低于5或高于9的条件下37℃孵育3h后,卵黄抗体失去全部活性。

    If pH was lower than 5 or higher than 9 , it lost the whole activity in above condition .

  22. 以核DNA为模板时得到6个片段中,有2个来自可育材料,4个来自雄性不育材料,说明雄性不育和可育材料在核DNA上存在差异;

    Among these 6 fragments which were produced when the nucleus DAN were used as template , there are 4 occurred in male sterile line and 2 in fertile line .

  23. 小麦T型CMS恢复基因的遗传分析及育性相关基因的克隆与功能研究

    Genetic Analysis of T-type CMS Restore Gene and Cloning and Functional Identity of Fertility-Relative Genes in Wheat

  24. 结果表明,R间断诱导雌性败育,延迟现蕾和开花;

    The results showed that female sterile was induced and flower budding and flowering were deferred by R-breaking while these effects were reversed by FR-breaking and female became fertile .

  25. K、V型小麦雄性不育恢复系轮回选择的研究Ⅰ.轮选群体的育性分离及性状表现

    Study on Recurrent Selection for Breeding Restorer of K 、 V-Cytoplasm Male Sterility in Wheat ⅰ . Performance of the Fertility and Its Characters in Recurrent Selection Population

  26. hβ-CGRP预孵育对H2O2致心肌细胞内游离钙离子浓度增加的影响

    Effects of Pre-incubation with h β - CGRP on Elevation of Intracellular Free Calcium Concentration Activated by H_ ( 2 ) O_ ( 2 ) in Myocardial Cells

  27. 通过几年研究,发现了A3胞质雄性不育系小花不败育;

    It was found that the floret of A 3 cytoplasmic male sterility line was not abortion .

  28. 粳稻光(温)敏核质互作不育系(SA)的育性和可恢复性研究

    Studies on Fertility and Restorability of Photo ( Thermo ) - sensitive Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines ( SA ) in Japonica Rice

  29. 将从正常SD大鼠脾细胞悬液中分离的T细胞(CTL),与转染重组基因的乳腺癌细胞按不同比例共育后,进行细胞杀伤实验。

    T lymphocytes isolated from spleen cells of SD rats were cultured with transfected rat mammary cancer cells in different ratio .

  30. 第3次与胚的败育造成CTK、GAs和IAA的全面下降有关;

    The third occurred in the initial stage of embryo abortion with the obvious decrease of IAA , GAs , and CTK .