
  • equity contribution
  1. 全文共分六章:第一章,关于出资形式的多元化与股权出资的适格性。

    Chapter 1 discusses about the diversity of capital contribution and the admissibility of equity contribution .

  2. 基于此,本文对股权出资所涉及的有关法律问题,进行了比较全面系统的阐述。

    Based on this , in this paper , conducted a more comprehensive discussion on the legal issues equity contribution involved .

  3. 实践中股权出资引发的法律纠纷也多于此有关。

    Practices of equity capital legal dispute are more than this .

  4. 接下来,对股权出资做了基础分析。

    Further , there is basic analysis of share contribution .

  5. 股权出资法律问题研究

    The Research on the Legal Issues in Contribution of Shareholding

  6. 股权出资问题研究

    A Study on Shareholders ' Equity as Capital Contribution to Other Companies

  7. 股权出资之法律问题探析

    A Probe of Legal Issues Concerning Stock-Rights Contribution

  8. 将股权出资分为出资前的适格分析、出资中的规范和出资后的法律救济三个阶段。

    Share contribution can be separated into three stages of analysis , norm and law .

  9. 本文分别从主体要求、客体要求和程序要求三方面对股权出资制度的构建提出立法的建议。

    It will propose some legislative suggestion from the point of subject , object and procedure .

  10. 第一章:本章是股权出资制度的理论基础部分。

    The first chapter : It is the part of basic theories in stock-ownership investment system .

  11. 如果股东以股权出资,对优先权股东所提条件与被投资公司承诺是否属于同等条件应做具体比较分析。

    Whether the qualifications offered by shareholders with pre-emption right are equal to the investment companies relies on the specific case .

  12. 但股权出资具有股权价值不稳定性及较大的风险性等问题,因此股权出资不同于其他的现物出资。

    However , due to the instability of value and great risk , the stock equity differ from other investment form .

  13. 在公司信用观念从资本信用向资产信用转变的前提下,股东出资形式呈现出多元化的趋势,股权出资具备法律上的适格性,具有理论和现实的重大意义。

    On the basic of the corporation credit transform from capital credit to assets credit , Equity contribution presents a trend of diversification .

  14. 实践证明,以股权出资可降低公司设立成本,更能激发投资者设立公司的积极性,是公司竞争和发展的需要。

    Practice has proved that equity contribution can reduce the establishment costs of company . Stimulating the enthusiasm of investors and enhancing competitiveness .

  15. 第五部分,股权出资瑕疵及救济。如果以未出资或出资不足的股权履行出资时,股权出资行为并不当然无效,应给予该出资股东以救济机会。

    The equity contribution which is non-performed or partly-performed is not of course invalid , and the shareholders can take measures to relief .

  16. 其中主要侧重对股权出资按不同标准进行分类分析,以厘清其与其他公司行为的区别,这为后面正确适用监管准备了条件。

    Compare the share contribution with other company behaviors by classifying the different standard of share contribution , which prepares for the proper supervision later .

  17. 第二,在提出可转让性是股权出资客体的基本条件的基础上,对流通受到限制的股权、存在权利负担的股权出资加以肯定,但是要对这些种类的股权出资加以严格的条件限制。

    Secondly , as transferability is the basic condition of equity contribution object , the liquidity-restricted and power-burdened equity contribution should be confirmed under stern provisions .

  18. 股权出资作为一种现代公司出资的重要手段,近几年越来越受到我国理论界和实务界的关注。

    Equity investment as an important means of modern corporation , in recent years , more and more get the attention of theory and law practice .

  19. 但需在股份评估及股权出资的公示制度等方面作出法律规制,以增加其可操作性。

    But need to make the legal structure in such aspects as the system of share evaluation and public notice , in order to increase its manipulative ness .

  20. 在此基础上,本文对股权出资的具体制度的构建提出立法设想,并对股权出资实践中的几个重要问题进行探讨。

    On that basis , author will bring forward a legal suggestion of the concrete system and discuss some important problems which appear during the contribution of shareholding .

  21. 但是,股权出资作为一种较新的出资形式,很多人对此还比较陌生,具体操作中还存在许多的问题。

    However , equity capital contributions as a relatively new form of capital contribution , also is quite a lot of people are strange , still exist many problems in the concrete operation .

  22. 文章主要从健全股权出资评估制度、建立股权出资信息披露制度、严格股权出资人的义务与责任以及完善对相互持股规制方面进行了闸述。

    Discussed mainly on following aspects ; improving assessment system , Setting up the disclosure system of equity contributions , strengthen equity investors ' obligations and responsibilities and improving the regulation of cross-shareholding .

  23. 本文首先探讨了股权出资的评估制度和验资制度,接着探讨了股权出资制度中的公司资本充实问题、公司经营信息的披露问题和公司的关联交易问题。

    At first , it analyses the evaluating and capital inspection system . Then , it discusses the adequacy of capital , disclosure of managing information of the company and the associated exchange of company .

  24. 伴随着《股权出资登记管理办法》和《公司法解释(三)》相关法律的出台,填补了我国法律在股权出资方面上的空白。

    Measures for the administration of the registration of equity investment and company law interpretation ( 3 ) the relevant legal system , fill in the blank of law in the aspect of equity investment in our country .

  25. 要论证股权出资的监管,一个必要工作就是梳理股权出资的国内外立法情况,这一方面有助于我们了解国内外最新立法动态,另一方面也为股权出资监管提供了立法参考。

    To discuss the supervision of share contribution , one necessary work will be to make clear the legislative situations at home or abroad , which will help us to know the new tendency and offer us a reference .

  26. 以股份有限公司的股权出资的,必须考虑对发起人和高级管理人员持有股份的特别限制。投资人以金融股权、国有股权等特殊股权出资必须遵循相关法律对于特殊股权转让规定。

    The special restrictions must be given to the sponsors and senior managers of Co. , Ltd. Investment with special funding such as the financial stake and the state-owned equity must follow the relevant legal provisions for the special share transfer .

  27. 允许股权出资,势必冲击原公司法中的资本三原则,导致公司处于不确定状态,不利于交易安全。

    If the investment of share rights was allowed , certainly it would have great impacts on the three principles of registered capital system in the Company Act and caused uncertainty of company capital so as not safe for the market order .

  28. 该部分首先界定股权出资的概念及本质,分析了股权出资的特点;接着,简要分析了股权的财产权性质,认为股权这一特性为其用作出资提供了合理性。

    First of all , to define the concept of equity investment and the nature and analysis the characteristics of equity contribution ; Then , making a brief analysis of the property nature of equity , this feature provides rationality to equity contribution .

  29. 当前,我国正处在社会大转型的重要时期,经济纠纷频发、多发,股权出资制度作为商事法的一个重要问题,研究和建立完善的股权出资制度具有十分重要的意义。

    At present , our country is in an important period of social big transformation , frequent economic disputes , multiple , equity investment system as an important problem in commercial law , research and build system of perfect equity contribution is of great significance .

  30. 在把握各阶段特殊性基础上,将监管细化,根据股权出资不同情形,分为禁止出资、限制出资、允许出资情况,并从主体、标的和对象等角度进行了系统论证。

    On the basis of the particularities of each stage , the supervision can be carried out in several steps such as forbidding , limiting and permitting contribution according to the different forms of share contribution , which can be argued systematically in the respect of subject and object .