- non-monetary contribution

The company sets up the investment system by currency investment and non - currency investment .
At the same time , to strengthen the supervision of currency way , protect the company and its creditors ' interests , safeguard the safety trading .
This regulation , reflected in our company capital system changes and development , also reflects the transformation of the non-monetary properties of capital legislation idea of currency . From the legal capital system to the authorized capital system transformation .
Existing company law for debt-funded without clear wording of provisions , but under the existing provisions of the company law : for non-monetary funds as long as the money can be used for the valuation and transfer of property as a form of investment .
Related documents such as the agreement on non-monetary property contribution .
Secondly , partner at capital contribution shall be a minimum value , for both labor and capital contribution of non-monetary to certain constraints .
If the capital contributions are made in non-monetary properties , the appropriate transfer procedures for the property rights therein shall be followed according to law .
Where controlling shareholders invest non-cash assets into a listed company , ownership transfer procedures shall be completed and explicit boundaries for such assets shall be clarified .