- Capital reduction;reduce capital;decrease of capital

The company 's decisions to reduce capital , merge with another company , establish a separate company , disband , and apply for bankruptcy ;
Share repurchase is a common capital operating method in the western capital market , which is a way to reduce capital and adjust the equity structure of listed corporations through buying back its own stock .
BP argues its slight cut in investment does not really represent a reduction , thanks to deflation .
The Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is a measure of surplus value created on an investment , namely the difference in amount after the NOPAT ( net operating profit after taxes ) subtract cost of capital .
Comparative Law on the Reduction of Company Capital
It proposes to increase the allocation to hedge funds by taking money away from UK shares .
I suggest reducing the capital , otherwise the company 's financial situation is going to deteriorate .
Tentative Discussion about the Influence of Capital Reduction 's Diversity on the Principle of the Protection of Creditors ' Interests
Intensified cycles of investment and disinvestment in the modern metropolis have altered urban landscapes as new urban forms have emerged .
It is necessary to discuss the way to develop the system of capital reduction as China will amend the company law .
In order to pursue the maximization of the corporate interests , the company may occur the reducing capital and increasing capital .
Reduction of company capital means that the company reduces the registered capital by legal proceedings when there are statute conditions of reducing the capital .
Share repurchase refers to a company buying back its own shares that were issued to the public before and writing off them or holding them as treasury stock .
And the article discusses the benefits conflict between shareholders and creditors , and analyzes the protection of the capital reduction upon the benefits of the shareholders and creditors .
Gains and losses on disposal of properties , machinery and equipment are recognized in the income statement Based on the net disposal proceeds less the carrying amount of the assets .
Secondly , the paper shows the characteristics of the system furthermore by doing the comparison about the concept between the system and share transfer , reduction of capital , Stock Repurchase and so on .
The first part of the thesis elaborates the extension and connotation of the corporations ' capital reduction , the pondering over benefits conflict related to capital reduction and the necessity of the capital reduction .
The writer thinks , it is necessity to study the rules about reducing capital in many countries , particularly about protecting the related benefits in shareholders with creditors , so as to perfect our country 's " company law " .
Now , in the economic life , there is a dispute because of reducing capital of corporation , its main reason lies in the fact that the related law system is not perfect inside our country 's " company law " .
On the concept of the capital reduction , this article starting from the three major capital systems , the concept of capital reduction must be interpreted in different models of capital systems which are legal capital system , authorized capital system and compromise capital system .
According to its aim of economic , the reduction of capital can be classified to the substantial capital reduction and the formal capital reduction . This article is based on this classification , studying and discussing the different capital reductions which take place on different occasions .