
  • 网络stock analysis
  1. 小波神经网络在股票技术分析中的应用

    The Analysis Application of Wavelet and Neural Network in Stock Technology

  2. 最后一步就是要逐一个别股票技术分析模式,可以导致爆炸性举动。

    The final step is to examine each stock for certain technical analysis patterns that can lead to explosive moves .

  3. 遗传算法在股票投资技术分析中的应用

    The Application of Genetic Algorithms in Computerization of Stock Investment Analysis Technology

  4. 中国股票市场技术分析非线性预测能力的实证检验

    An Empirical Test on the Non-linear Predictability of Technical Analysis on China Stock Market

  5. 基于模式识别技术的股票市场技术分析研究

    Technical Analysis Based on Pattern Recognition

  6. 介绍了股票市场技术分析中常规的技术交易规则,并在此基础上提出了基于数据挖掘的股票市场价格行为技术交易规则概念。

    Based on the introducing stock market traditional technical trade rule , we propose stock market price behavior technical trade rule on data mining .

  7. 本文首先分析了股票投资技术分析的特点,然后阐述了遗传算法及基于遗传算法的分类器系统的基本理论。

    This paper analyzes the characteristic of stock investment analysis technology at first , then the basic theories of genetic algorithms ( GAs ) and classifier system which bases on GAs put forth .

  8. 小波分析方法、非线性混沌理论及支持向量机理论凭借其自身理论的优越,在非线性时间序列分析中的迅速崛起,为我们对股票进行技术分析提供了新的方法。

    Wavelet analysis method 、 nonlinear chaos theory and support vector machine theory rapidly grow up among nonlinear time-series analysis by right of excellent theory to offer a new way of stock technical analysis .

  9. 以决策树方法挖掘的多尺度技术交易规则为例,结合股票市场技术分析的投资实践经验,揭示了多尺度技术指标组合形成的技术交易规则对股票市场趋势价格行为的预测机理。

    As the example of decision tree methods , combined with the experience of technical analysis investment , we interpret the mechanism of stock market multi-scale technical index trade rule with fuzzy rough set .

  10. 现有许多种关于股票投资的技术分析方法,如移动平均线,PE值,相对强弱指数等等。

    There are many technical analysis methods for investment on stock market , such as Moving Average , PE value , RSI etc.

  11. 股票市场中技术分析有效性的实证研究

    Validity of technical analysis in the stock market : a practical case

  12. 本文从这个观点出发,为股票价格的技术分析提供了理论依据。

    From this point , we provide the theoretic basis for technical analysis of stock price .

  13. 有些人认为,基础分析较适合用于选择股票,而技术分析则适用于决定买入的时机和价格。

    Some believe that fundamental analysis is good for picking the right stock while technical analysis is appropriate to decide the right price or time to buy .

  14. 有些人认为,基础分析较合适用于选择股票,而技术分析则合用于决定买入的机会以及价格。

    Some believe that fundamental analysis is good for picking the right stock whellole technical analysis is appropriate to decide the right price or time to buy .

  15. 尽管价量关系早已广泛运用于股票投资的技术分析中,但价量关系是否适用于我国股市却缺乏一定的理论支持。

    Although the price-volume relation has already been used in the technique analysis extensively , the theoretical support was not strong enough for its appliance to our country .

  16. 而在股票市场的技术分析中,股价的走势取决于股市供求关系的变动,而后者在很大程度上可以通过股价(指数或个股价格)与成交量的关联变动反映出来。

    In the stock market technical analysis , stock price movements depend on changes in market supply and demand , which is reflected in large part by price ( index or stock price ) associated with volume changes .

  17. 股票市场行为技术经济分析

    Techno-economic Analysis on Stock Market Behaviour