
ròu chánɡ
  • sausage
  1. 加肉肠,一起烧,偶尔翻炒几下,烧3分钟,直到肉肠变成棕色。

    Add sausage and cook , stirring occasionally , for3minutes or until browned .

  2. 鼠标移动瞄准点击攻击对手,打掉的猪会变成肉肠!

    Click on the mouse movement aimed at attacking the opponent and destroyed the pig will become sausage !

  3. 意式肉肠同样来源于意大利,但它与博洛尼亚熏肠几乎没有什么相似之处。

    Mortadella is actually from Italy but only slightly resembles bologna .

  4. 这些包括香肠、培根、萨拉米肉肠以及火腿。

    Processed meat includes everything from sausages and bacon to salami and ham .

  5. 意式肉肠质量上乘,百分百选用上好猪肉。

    Mortadella is of much higher quality and uses only the finest pork meat .

  6. 喜欢肉肠或政策的人,不应去看它们制作的过程。

    Those who like sausages or political policy should not watch it being made .

  7. 其它的操作方法没有变化,也可以用小羊里脊肉代替肉肠。

    And this recipe works equally well if you replace the sausages with smell lamb loin chops .

  8. 那是一种比萨饼,里面含有辣肉肠、牛肉、猪肉、洋葱、青椒和蘑菇。

    It is a pizza with pepperoni , beef , pork , onion , green pepper and mushroom .

  9. (那好吧!你要那一种披萨,义大利肉肠、乳酪还是磨菇?)

    OK , then . What kind of pizza do you prefer , pepper-oni , cheese or mushroom ?

  10. 我看你也卖卤肉和肉肠。肉商:是的,也有这方面生意。

    I see that you sell marinated and stuffed meats , too . Butcher : Yes , we do .

  11. 不,除非是素肉肠,什么?

    Uh , no. Not unless it 's a tofu dog with meatless chili . I 'm sorry . What ?

  12. 一般认为,博洛尼亚熏肠的名字来源于意大利的博洛尼亚市,但这种香肠所使用的肉质和意式肉肠(又译摩泰台拉香肠)最为相似。

    Bologna is supposedly named after the city in Italy , but the meat it is most similar to is mortadella .

  13. 本文研究淀粉、鸡肉、猪肉和鱿鱼对新型鱿鱼肉肠品质的影响。

    This paper investigated the effect of starch , chicken , pork and squid on gel strength and characters of fish sausages .

  14. 本文通过分析我国近年来肉制品尤其是熟肉制品的发展现状,对未来熟肉制品和肉肠类制品的发展趋势进行了预测。

    Through analyzing the development of meat products and cooked meat products in our country , the development trend of them is forecasted .

  15. 她们只带上一根肉肠签子,以便记住她们远行是为了甚么;签子也算作她们漂亮的手杖。

    Every one took a sausage skewer as a traveller 's staff , and to remind them of the object of their journey .

  16. 你们哪个扮肉肠哪个扮面�

    Now which one of you is going to be the wiener , and which one is going to be the bun ? What ?

  17. 意式肉肠可单独食用,也可作为开胃菜的一部分,配以奶酪,面包或者切成片的青椒和番茄等食用;

    It 's often eaten by itself or as part of an appetizer platter with cheese , bread , or sliced peppers and tomatoes .

  18. 欧洲健康机构相信,最大的危险来自汉堡包、肉肠以及仍与骨相连的肉,如T-骨牛排。

    European health agencies believe the greatest dangers come from burgers , sausages and meat still attached to the bone , such as T-bone steak .

  19. 建立了肉肠中莱克多巴胺残留量固相萃取-液相色谱-串联质谱分析方法。

    A method was developed and validated for determining the residual ractopamine in sausage using solid phase extraction ( SPE ) with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry .

  20. 在帕尔马火腿的故乡,代表意大利火腿、意式肉肠和意大利风干牛肉生产商的行业协会表示担忧,认为此事“可能产生经济影响,从而造成人们失业”。

    In the home of Parma ham , the trade body representing producers of Italian prosciutto , mortadella and bresaola fretted about the " possible economic impact , which could lead to job losses . "

  21. 广泛应用于素食、果冻、冰淇淋、饮料、肉肠制品添加剂、清肠减肥类保健食品和印染、石油、日用化工等领域。

    It mostly used in vegetable diet , jelly , ice-cream , soft drink , increasing dosage of meat products , fine down series healthy foods and printing dye , petroleum , daily chemical industry and so on .

  22. 他们都要集会在厨房里,那三只远游的耗子排成一行单独在一边;为那没有露面的第四只耗子插了一根肉肠签子,签子上绑着黑纱。

    They were to assemble in the kitchen , and the three travelled mice were to stand in a row before them , while a sausage skewer , covered with crape , was to be stuck up instead of the missing mouse .

  23. 了我们那里,於是我的老祖母拖来了一份手稿。她读不了它,可是她听人念过,里面说:”若是你是个诗人,你便可以用肉肠签子烧汤了,

    Then my old grandmother sought out a manuscript which , however , she could not read , but had heard it read , and in it was written , ' Those who are poets can make soup of sausage skewers . ' She then asked me if I was a poet .