- corporal punishment;corporal torture

[corporal torture] 施加于罪犯或犯过者的肉体的惩罚,包括死刑、鞭笞和监禁
古来相传孝女甚多,如女婧、 缇萦之类,一使 景公废伤槐之刑,一使 文帝除肉刑之令,皆能委曲用心,脱父于难。--《镜花缘》
The death penalty and corporal punishment constituted the main body of the state of Qin .
And5 the practices of shooting deserters and of inflicting corporal punishment , both of which smack of putschism .
The abolition of the death penalty also has the same problem about legislation technique .
The most punishments in this age were life punishments and corporal punishments , and freedom punishment was few .
Secondly , the change of exile punishment is closely linked by another important punishment , namely corporal punishment .
After the Wen Jing reform , the knout replaced the corporal punishment , and penal servitude changed from dateless to terminable .
The chapter I supposed to dig resource of public surveillance from traditional penalty of China followed the track of penalty of freedom .
Corporal punishment must be abolished in trying criminals ; the stress must be on the weight of evidence and confessions should not be taken on trust .
The corporal punishment abolishes difficult and the foreign country after the Chinese history abolishes the death penalty to look repeatedly , will abolish the death penalty to be more difficult .
This document recorded the flesh punishments flesh in the early period of Han Dynasty and solved the problem of change from cutting right toe to the death penalty in the period of Han Wen emperor .
The penalty system has switched from the death penalty and corporal punishment as the center to the sentence of imprisonment as the center , even into an era in which the non-custodial sentence is the center .
Combining to the total development history of penalty , the development of penalty can roughly be summed up for three stages : death penalty , corporal punishment era , freedom punishment era and free punishment era .
The character of OECT is extorting confessions from criminal suspects or defendants by corporal punishment or disguised corporal punishment . The most punishments in this age were life punishments and corporal punishments , and freedom punishment was few .
Inquisition by torture , is one extremely bad interrogation method used by some judicial star members , who treat the criminal suspected persons or the accused with corporal punishment or that in disguised form to obtain their declarations .
Some Confucians of Song Dynasty , like Zhang Zai , Cheng Yi , Zhu Xi , they required to abolish corporal punishment . But the demand was regarded as a typical case of killing people with idealist and criticized sharply .
Here it means that the tipstaff , in the process of executing the law , adopt methods as corporal punishment , corporal punishment in disguised form or spiritual torture to interrogate the interrogees so as to compel them to confess to committing crimes .
The Black Death was one of the important factors which had caused the serfdom and the manor system declining in medieval England . After the Wen Jing reform , the knout replaced the corporal punishment , and penal servitude changed from dateless to terminable .
Detention , is given corporal punishment and the death penalty as the main penalty system ; while prisoners in penal servitude prison are " served for Day , arrested in the night . " The penal system , evolved from the original torture for thousands of years .