
  • 网络Starry
  1. 第一个标题是“群星璀璨的天空”,还配有梵高(vangogh)画的《星空》。

    The first heading is " starry starry heights " and comes with a picture of the stars by Van Gogh .

  2. 拼命回想十五年前在青岛海边夜空下群星璀璨的情景,忽而又有了想再一次去那里的冲动,只是不知道那里的星空是否依旧。

    Desperately remember fifteen years ago in Qingdao , the beach under the starry night sky scene , suddenly , there has been the impulse to want to go there once , just do not know the Star is still there .

  3. 群星璀璨的西部白酒企业&谈西部大开发、加入WTO对白酒市场的影响

    The Influence of the Western Developmet and the Entry of the WTO to White Spirit Market

  4. 昨天的杭州,文化星空群星璀璨。

    Yesterday many a brilliant star of culture shone over Hangzhou ;

  5. 仿佛群星璀璨,沿银河闪霎晶莹;

    Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the Milky way ,

  6. 在群星璀璨的美国营销界一位女性格外耀眼。

    In the pantheon of American marketing successes , one woman stands out .

  7. 当代美国黑人文坛群星璀璨,托妮·莫里森是其中最闪耀的一位。

    Toni Morrison is one of the most brilliant writers on the literary stage in contemporary America .

  8. 群星璀璨戛纳夜盛事狂欢电影节游艇擦洗一新,红地毯铺开迎八方来客,海边公路上的巨幅电影海报争相辉映。

    The yachts are scrubbed , the red carpet is unraveled and giant movie posters vie for attention on the seafront .

  9. 在群星璀璨的唐代诗坛,白居易是继李白、杜甫之后又一伟大的诗人。

    Bai Juyi , after Li Bai and Du Fu , was another great poet in shinning poetry stage of the Tang Dynasty .

  10. 白居易是中唐时期一位才情丰富、众体兼擅的多产的诗人。在群星璀璨的唐代诗坛,白居易是仅次于李白、杜甫的伟大诗人。

    Stars shining in the poetry of the Tang Dynasty , Bai is second only to Li Bai , Du Fu , the great poet .

  11. 以创造性劳动构建中国古代文学大厦的历代作家群体,尤以唐宋两朝群星璀璨,异彩纷呈。

    Groups of writers in all ages have made great contributions to Chinese ancient literature with their creative work , especially the famous and numerous writers in Tang and Song Dynasties .

  12. 他们疯了一晚就为了“求好运”但我八点半就睡了反正这是个群星璀璨的夏天

    And they were all up all night to get lucky . I went to bed on eight thirty . so .. and I also ... it was a star-studded summer .

  13. 随着竞争的规范有序,一个沟通与交流的良性格局终将形成,一个真正群星璀璨、众声喧哗的电视时代终将到来。

    With the standardized and orderly competition , a healthy exchange of communication and will eventually form a pattern , a real shining stars , the public clamor of the television era of the sound coming eventually .

  14. 无数根蜡烛停在半空中,照着四张围满了人的长桌子,照得那些金色的盘子和高脚杯闪闪发光。天花板上群星璀璨,这天花板是被施了魔法的,永远能反映出外面的天空。

    Innumerable candles were hovering in midair over four long , crowded tables , making the golden plates and goblets sparkle . Overhead , the bewitched ceiling , which always mirrored the sky outside , sparkled with stars .

  15. 仿佛群星璀璨,沿银河闪霎晶莹;一湾碧波边缘,绵延,望不尽;只见万千无穷,随风偃仰舞兴浓。

    Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the Milky way , They stretch 'd in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay : Ten thousand saw I at a glance , Tossing their heads in sprightly dance .

  16. 我看见群星,夜空中璀璨的水晶之光。

    I see stars , brilliant crystal in the night .