
  • 网络Galaxy Pool;The Milky Way Galaxy
  1. 该机构因为宇宙飞行器失联,也放弃了去年2月发射的一枚耗资巨大的超~高科技卫星来搜寻从黑洞和银河星系团中散发出来的X射线的计划。

    The agency also abandoned a pricey ultra-high-tech satellite launched in February last year to search for X-rays emanating from black holes and galaxy clusters after losing contact with the spacecraft .

  2. 我们在阿西塔银河星系指挥部感谢你们的关心。

    We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention .

  3. 而就如同银河星系一样,原本螺旋状的水母星系从它的气体和尘埃中创造新的恒星。

    A jellyfish galaxy was once a spiral like the Milky Way , spawning new stars from its gas and dust .

  4. 就象夏日焰火盛会的烟火喷发一样,哈勃的这张图象描绘出了精美的丝线,它来自附近地区一个银河星系的星星爆炸。

    Resembling the puffs of smoke and sparks from a summer fireworks display , this Hubble image depicts the delicate filaments debris from a stellar explosion in a neighboring galaxy .

  5. 他接着说:“所有人都能看见银河星系。”只需要走进黑暗的某个地方,但对许多人来说,说起来容易,做起来难。

    He added : ' Anyone can see the Milky Way . You just need to head out somewhere dark , which is easier said than done for many people , and let your eyes adjust for ten minutes .

  6. 银河系星系盘的直径约为1.4万光年。

    The disk boasts a diameter of about 14000 light years .

  7. 河外致密射电源,类星体【无】银河(星系射电)噪音

    Extragalactic compact radio source galactic noise

  8. 银河是螺旋星系;那是如果观看从它在远处会类似螺旋。

    The Milky way is a spiral galaxy ; that is , if viewed from afar it would resemble a spiral .

  9. 这张地图显示,银河系的星系盘远非平面状,而明显是弯曲的,且各处厚度不一,距离星系中心越远处越厚。

    The map showed that the galaxy 's disk , far from flat , is significantly warped and varies in thickness from place to place , with increasing thickness measured further from the galactic center .

  10. SN1987A位于邻近的大麦哲伦星云,一个毗连我们银河系的矮星系。

    SN1987A is sited in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud , a dwarf galaxy adjacent to our own Milky Way Galaxy .

  11. 银河星云是我们星系中的一团团弥散物。

    Galactic nebulas are masses of diffuse material within our galaxy .

  12. 能够在银河系和其他星系发现行星。

    May have made it possible to detects in our own Milky Way and in other galaxies .

  13. 说明:室女座星系团是距离我们银河系最近的星系团。

    Explanation : The Virgo Cluster of Galaxies is the closest cluster of galaxies to our Milky Way Galaxy .

  14. 天文学方面的最新发展使得我们能够在银河系和其他星系发现行星。

    Recent developments in astronomy have made it possible to detect planets in our Milky Way and in other galaxies .

  15. 科学家说,该日冕可能一直延伸到银河系最近的星系麦哲伦云。

    This halo could extend all the way to the Milky Way 's nearest neighboring galaxies , the Magellanic Clouds , scientists said .

  16. 几十亿年前,银河系与其他星系碰撞时,那颗恒星有可能本来就是银河系的一部分。

    It 's possible the star was originally part of the Milky Way when it collided with the other galaxy billions of years ago .

  17. 现今,一项新的研究发现银河系及其卫星星系是不同寻常的组合。但也不是独一无二的。

    Now a new study finds that the Milky Way and its companion galaxies are an unusual combination , but they 're not one of a kind .

  18. 宇宙线是一种高能带电粒子流,来自于宇宙空间,是我们得到的来自银河系和河外星系的唯一物质样品。

    Cosmic rays ( CRs ) are the high energy particles coming from in and beyond Milky Way , which is the only sample for human to study the universe .

  19. 每个都是一个星系,类似我们的银河系或仙女星系。它们看似微小和暗淡是因为它们发出的光经历了上百亿光年才到达这里。

    Each is a galaxy , fully like ours or Andromeda , which looks so small and faint because its light has taken 10 billion light-years to get to us .