
  • 网络population pharmacokinetics;pPk
  1. 群体药代动力学及其在新药研究中的应用

    Population pharmacokinetics and its application in new drug development

  2. 头孢克肟在中国健康男性志愿者的群体药代动力学研究

    Population pharmacokinetics of cefixime in Chinese healthy male subjects

  3. 加替沙星对老年COPD患者茶碱群体药代动力学的影响

    The effect of Gatifloxacin on population pharmacokinetics of Theophylline in the elderly COPD patients

  4. 用NONMEM法估算肾移植患者术后口服普乐可复的群体药代动力学特征

    Population pharmacokinetic modeling of orally administered tacrolimus from routine drug monitoring data after renal transplantation by NONMEM method

  5. 目的考察肾移植患者口服普乐可复(FK506)胶囊常规监测群体药代动力学特征,为临床调整个体化给药方案提供依据。

    Objective To evaluate the population pharmacokinetic character of orally tacrolimus ( FK506 ) from routine drug monitoring data after renal transplantation and to provide the evidence of the schedule of individual dosage .

  6. 方法:群体药代动力学模型以及药代动力学(PK)-药效动力学(PD)模型的基本概念、建立步骤、应用特点以及国内外发展现状。

    METHODS : To analyze basic concepts of population pharmacokinetic model and pharmacokinetic ( PK ) - pharmacodynamic ( PD ) model , set up the procedure and study applicational characters and development status at home and abroad .

  7. 靶控输注异丙酚的脑摄取研究国人靶控输注异丙酚的群体药代动力学

    The Research of Propofol Brain Uptake during the Target Controlled Infusion

  8. 群体药代动力学/群体药效动力学原理及研究方法

    The principles and approaches of population pharmacokinetics and population pharmacodynamics

  9. 羟基喜树碱注射液在肿瘤患者体内的群体药代动力学

    Population Pharmacokinetics of Hydroxycamptothecine Injection in Cancer Patients

  10. 群体药代动力学及其儿科应用

    Population pharmacokinetics and it 's usage in pediatrics

  11. 目的:介绍群体药代动力学模型在抗生素调整剂量上的应用。

    OBJECTIVE : To introduce the application of population pharmacokinetic model to dose-adjustment of antibiotics .

  12. 丙戊酸在癫痫患儿中的群体药代动力学研究22例肝移植患者他克莫司的群体药代动力学

    Population Phamacokinetics of Sodium Valproate in Epileptic Children Population Pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus in Twenty Two Chinese Recipients of Liver Transplantation

  13. 从中药新药研究对证动物模型的思考群体药代动力学及其在新药研究中的应用

    Think of The Animal Model on Traditional Chinese Medical Syndrome Depend on The Chinese Herbal New Drug Development Population pharmacokinetics and its application in new drug development

  14. 22例肝移植患者他克莫司的群体药代动力学创造者与大学生群体创造性思维品质的比较

    Population Pharmacokinetics of Tacrolimus in Twenty Two Chinese Recipients of Liver Transplantation A Comparative Study on the Creative Thinking Quality of the Elites and University Students in Social Sciences and Art