
  1. 新疆维吾尔族群众宗教心态分析

    An Analysis of the Religious Mentality of the Xinjiang Uygur People

  2. 少数民族地区群众体育需求分析

    Analysis on Sports Demands of the Masses in the National Areas

  3. 对汶川8级地震后群众咨询信息的分析及探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Counseling Calls after Wenchuan M_S8.0 Earthquake

  4. 湖北省群众体育消费特点分析

    The Analysis on Characteristic of Sports Consumption in Hubei Province

  5. 宜昌市2004年食品卫生群众投诉举报资料分析

    Analysis on Complaint and Report about Food Hygiene Problems in Yichang in 2004

  6. 从群众满意度的角度分析兴边富民行动实施的效果具有重大的理论意义和现实指导意义。

    The angle of masses satisfaction degree analyses the implementation effect of enriching the borderer activity , which has the important theoretical and realistic significance .

  7. 第三章主要是从干部教育内容和方法上分析延安时期党的思想政治工作推进了马克思主义大众化。第四章从群众思想政治教育分析延安时期思想政治工作推进马克思主义的大众化。

    Chapter three is mainly analysis from the cadres of the content of education and methods , Chapter four is mainly analysis the ideological and political work of people .

  8. 第二部分从伦理学的角度,立足于社会关系全局,从社会、警察、群众三个方面分析引起警民关系不和谐的伦理原因。

    The second part , from the perspective of Ethnics , based on the social relations on the whole , analyzes the ethnics causes of the disharmonious relations between police and the people from the aspects of police , the people , society and the government .

  9. 参与式林业的关键是实现群众参与,需要分析森林与社区和群众生产及生活的联系,重视社区和群众在森林管理中的作用。

    The key of participatory forestry is how to realize people ′ s participation in forestry management which require analysis on the relationship between forestry and community and people ′ s daily life and production activities , aware of the importance of community and people in forestry management .