- 名dynamic ratios

Limit control system of expanding double-cross is a new control method , it changes control mode from former static state to dynamic one in controlling limit rate air to fuel .
Dynamic Round Robin ( Called Dynamic Ratio on the BIG-IP ): is similar to Weighted Round Robin , however , weights are based on continuous monitoring of the servers and are therefore continually changing .
Predictive Method of Nonlinear Time Series Based on Dynamic Error Correction Using BP Neural Network
Method : Based on dynamic error correction BP artificial neural network with Hyperbolic Tangent function as activation function and the number of hidden node six .
In each of the traditional model , error correction model , CCC model , the adopted model of their own merits , using the latest econometric research to reconstruct a more reasonable model for evaluating the dynamic hedge ratio DCC model .
Defects by analyzing the existing literature , and with their new futures markets , this paper considers reasonable to build dynamic hedge ratio calculation model is essential .
In industrial processes , there exist time delays in different degrees . It is difficult to control a process with time delay . The larger the percent of time delay in the whole dynamic process , the more difficult to control it .
In this paper , we will use the modified model which is based on dynamic hedge ratio model .