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xiū cán
  • be ashamed
羞惭 [xiū cán]
  • [be ashamed] 感到羞耻和惭愧

羞惭[xiū cán]
  1. 承认自己的错误有什么可羞惭的呢?

    What is there to be ashamed of confessing one 's errors ?

  2. 那时,月亮要脸红,太阳要羞惭,因为万军的上主要在熙雍山上,要在耶路撒冷为王,在他的长老面前要备受颂扬。

    And the moon shall blush , and the sun shall be ashamed , when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Sion , and in Jerusalem , and shall be glorified in the sight of his ancients .

  3. 这番话稍稍减少了我的羞惭。

    This declaration a little relieved my abashment .

  4. 她自己感到羞惭。

    She 's ashamed of herself .

  5. 你不寒而栗,羞惭满面。

    You freeze in horrors and burn with shame .

  6. 因为我可怜的作品使我羞惭,

    For I am shamed by that which I bring forth ,

  7. 我得承认因自己的行为而感到羞惭。

    I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct .

  8. 随时为自己的懒散而羞惭。

    Be always asham 'd to catch thy self idle .

  9. 你的羞惭难冰释我彻骨的忧愁,

    Nor can thy shame give physic to my grief ;

  10. 他说他并不为他的所作所为而感到羞惭。

    He said that he felt no shame for what he had done .

  11. 使羞惭,使不安;使窘迫。

    To make ashamed or uneasy ; disconcert .

  12. 萨莉窘困羞惭地重新回进餐厅。

    Sally came back shamefacedly into the diningroom .

  13. 她轻蔑的一瞥使他感到羞惭。

    She withered him with a scornful look .

  14. 回家的人们瞟着我微笑,使我满心羞惭。

    Men going home glance at me and smile and fill me with shame .

  15. 讲真话魔鬼也羞惭。

    Speak truth and shame the devil .

  16. 她为父亲而羞惭。

    She blushed for her father .

  17. 他忽然发觉自己在想像着一个奇迹:接受一又像这样的手的抚摸,不禁羞惭得满脸通红。

    He caught himself imagining the wonder of a caress from such a hand , and flushed guiltily .

  18. 胜过每一只婉转的云雀,听了她的歌声,夜莺也会羞惭的从花园中飞走。

    None of your twittering larks , of a banished nightingale from my garden before they interrupt her song .

  19. “宝玉见房中三五个女孩儿,见他进来,都低了头,羞惭惭的.”

    " He saw four or five girls inside , who lowered their heads and blushed at his entry . "

  20. 无论她是否想得到那种花容月貌,都已被塑造成自我不满,自我羞惭的人。

    She is made to feel dissatisfied with and ashamed of herself , whether she tries to achieve the look or not .

  21. 除去可敬的阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔先生还能是谁!他已经冻得半死,正满面羞惭地站在海丝特·白兰曾经示众的地方!

    Whom , but the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale , half frozen to death , overwhelmed with shame , and standing where Hester Prynne had stood !

  22. 黛西上楼去洗脸我很羞惭地想起了我的毛巾,叮惜为时太晚了盖茨比和我在草坪上等候。

    Daisy went up-stairs to wash her face too late I thought with humiliation of my towels while Gatsby and I waited on the lawn .

  23. 但是撇开外表因素不说,事实上这些其貌不扬的小生灵,大多拥有着令其他动物,甚至人类羞惭的“超能力”。

    But despite their weird appearances , many insects possess incredible abilities that will put other animals , and even us humans , to shame .

  24. 认罪的意思并不只是我羞惭的承认我的罪,更是我把这一个罪交给神,相信祂能为我除去。

    Confession means not only that I confess my sin with shame , but that I hand it over to God , trusting Him to take it away .

  25. 大地悲哀衰残,黎巴嫩羞惭枯干;沙仑好像荒原,巴珊和迦密的树木凋零。

    The earth mourneth and languisheth : lebanon is ashamed and hewn down : sharon is like a wilderness ; and Bashan and Carmel shake off their fruits .

  26. 若我会写一封无情的信,说出一句无情的话,思索一个无情的思想而不觉得羞惭与伤痛,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。

    If I can an unkind letter , speak an unkind word , think an unkind thought without grief and shame , then I know nothing of Calvary love .

  27. 但是他们都要因这于他们毫无裨益的民族而受到羞惭,因为这民族为他们不但毫无帮助,毫无益处,反而是一种羞耻和污辱。

    They were all confounded at a people that could not profit them : they were no help , nor to any profit , but to confusion and to reproach .

  28. 金格尔嫁祸于人,给人带来生死之变,血光之灾,他却若无其事,毫不羞惭。

    Golden Ghale shifts blame to somebody else , brings changing of the life and death to the human , disaster of the blood light , he calmly , is actually unashamed .

  29. 你的盟誓全都背弃,你的名声狼藉不堪:听到你的名字被人提起,我会替你感到羞惭。他们在我面前说你,有如丧钟把两耳震撼;

    Thy vows are all broken And light is thy fame : I hear thy name spoken And share in its shame . They name thee before me A knell to mine ear ;