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xiū sè
  • shy;bashful;embarrassed
羞涩 [xiū sè]
  • [shy;bashful] 心里害羞而举动拘束不自然

羞涩[xiū sè]
  1. 孩子们起初很羞涩,但很快就放开了。

    The children were shy at first , but soon lost their inhibitions .

  2. 乙:“开什么玩笑。我可是十足的‘网络羞涩族’!”

    B : " You kidding me ? I am way too web shy for any of that ! "

  3. 当人们追问她的私生活时,她羞涩地笑了笑。

    She smiles coyly when pressed about her private life .

  4. 他的解释中带有一丝学生的羞涩。

    There was a hint of schoolboy shyness in his explanation

  5. 在谈到钱时,德比利毫无英国式的羞涩。

    Debilly had no Anglo-Saxon shyness about discussing money .

  6. 然而,他画过的所有女人中没有一个是羞涩腼腆的。

    None of the women he paints , however , could be described as shrinking violets .

  7. 他们独立自主,囊中羞涩,并且能够忍受各种不便。

    They are independent , impecunious and able to tolerate all degrees of discomfort .

  8. 她囊中羞涩,拿不出多少跟大家分享,

    She didn 't have much to share materially

  9. 我约见这个17岁的羞涩孩子,以便对Start提供的机会有更深入的看法。

    I had come to meet the shy-looking 17-year-old for a deeper glimpse into the opportunities offered by Start .

  10. accelerating:加速initial:最初的我们通过了最初的考试阶段她克服了开始时的羞涩之后,就变得非常友善。

    We are through the initial testing period . After she 'd overcome her initial shyness , she became very friendly .

  11. 艾滋病家庭青少年中,有36.9%在其家庭成员感染HIV后与别人交往时心理总是有些胆怯,6.5%的人觉得无脸见人,很是羞涩。

    There were 6.9 % adolescents felt timid in personal communication after their parents being infected HIV , and 6.5 % were bashful .

  12. 苏瑞穿着粉红色,当她的朋友好像要在他的iPhone上记下她电话号码时,她羞涩地咯咯笑着。

    Suri , dressed in pink , giggled shyly as her friend appeared to take down her number in his iPhone .

  13. 在致第四任妻子玛丽·威尔士(MaryWelsh)的战时信件中,这位作家显得可亲可爱得多,这些信少有的羞涩,展示出他的自我。

    A more endearing writer is the one who reveals himself in a series of uncharacteristically shy wartime letters to Mary Welsh , who would become his fourth wife .

  14. 你要强迫自己去战胜羞涩和自我怀疑GoldieHawn说:我总是怀疑自己。

    You gotta push through shyness and self-doubt . Goldie Hawn says , I always had self-doubts .

  15. 格林和DSG都表示,影响其盈利的因素主要是消费者囊中羞涩,而非企业存在特定问题。

    Both Sir Philip and DSG said it was mainly the cash-strapped consumer rather than company-specific problems that were taking their toll on profits .

  16. SofiaVergara拥有好莱坞最令人羡慕的身材,她也毫不羞涩于展现自己的好身材。

    Sofia Vergara has one of the most envied bodies in Hollywood , and she 's not afraid of showing it off .

  17. 通常在公众面前很羞涩的安吉丽娜朱莉日前在一次《ELLE》杂志的专访中十分罕见地谈到了她的婚姻,她的六个孩子和她二十多岁时的日子。

    The usually publicity shy Angelina Jolie has opened up about marriage , her six children , and her twenties in a rare interview with ELLE magazine .

  18. 然而,囊中羞涩的现象却出现在了融资市场上。

    Yet pockets of deep stress have emerged in funding markets .

  19. 她们透过漂亮的睫毛故作羞涩地看着我们。

    They were looking at us coyly through their elegant lashes .

  20. 羞涩是她羞涩,不是我羞涩,在我们中间拉上了银色的帷幕。

    Shyness-her shyness , not mine-drew a silver veil between us .

  21. 他带着一种优越感和羞涩掺合在一起的奇怪神情笑了起来。

    He laughed with his odd mixture of superiority and shyness .

  22. 囊中羞涩的客户将得到各地分支机构的免费退休计划建议。

    Poorer clients receive free retirement advice at their local branch .

  23. 分享著初相遇时羞涩的甜蜜,再见时不舍的泪花

    Shy sweetness of meeting , the same distressful tears of farewell

  24. 鉴于他极度羞涩,这种方式很适合他。

    This worked out very well for him given his extreme shyness .

  25. 另一边则是富裕世界里囊中羞涩的政府。

    On the other stand the cash-strapped governments of the rich world .

  26. 他应该直截了当,不要太羞涩。

    He should be more direct and not so shy .

  27. 大多数羞涩的准新娘都喜欢谈婚礼的。

    Most blushing brides to be love to talk about the wedding .

  28. 这一次,一贯羞涩的沃兹尼亚克变成了刺儿头。

    This time it was the normally shy Wozniak who became prickly .

  29. 他羞涩不安起来,这么多双眼睛在看着他。

    He lost himself ; so many eyes were turned towards him .

  30. 这个女孩克服了羞涩,大声读起课文来。

    The girl broke through her shyness and read the text aloud .