
xiū chǐ xīn
  • sense of shame
  1. 无羞耻心、无罪恶感。

    Have no sense of shame , guilt , etc.

  2. 罪恶是人民的羞辱。无羞耻心、无罪恶感

    Sin is a reproach to any people . have no sense of shame , guilt , etc

  3. 他缺乏羞耻心。

    He is void of shame .

  4. 因为昨晚过后,羞耻心对我来说就是浮云

    because after last night , I am impenetrable to shame .

  5. 在中国的社会,羞耻心在道义上具有一种压倒一切的约束力。

    In Chinese society shame operates as the principal sanction .

  6. 他是个毫无羞耻心的人。

    He is a man who has no shame .

  7. 年轻人又怎能将礼仪和羞耻心抛到脑后呢?

    How can youngsters cast aside etiquette and shame ?

  8. 我的羞耻心确实指责着我,但爱比一切都强大。

    My shame indeed rebukes me , but love is stronger than all .

  9. 那时候就没有点羞耻心吗?

    Was there no shame at that time ?

  10. 麦克斯,你有没有羞耻心啊

    Max , have you no shame ?

  11. 问题是他没有羞耻心。

    The problem is his shamelessness .

  12. 伊丽莎白想把她们笑话一番,可是羞耻心打消了她一切的情趣。

    Elizabeth tried to be diverted by them ; but all sense of pleasure was lost in shame .

  13. 我对软件匠艺运动不太确定,它类似于对极限实践的重新包装,其中增加了一些羞耻心的内容。

    Not sure about SC , it tends to be a rebranding of XP practices with some shame attached .

  14. 古人对罪犯羞耻心的培养是从积极的教育和消极的教训两个维度并举的。

    In ancient times , to cultivate the sense of shame of the criminal is through positive and negative ways .

  15. 从耻辱刑到羞耻心&漫谈在监狱矫正中唤起服刑人的羞耻之心

    From " Humiliating Torture " to " Sense of Shame " & A Ramble on Arousing the Sense of Shame of Criminal in Jail Correct

  16. 人类关于隐私的意识和观念是在人脱离动物界而成为人的时候,从人类的羞耻心而萌发。

    The consciousness and conception on the personal secrets of human stemmed from the sense of shame of human when human separated himself or herself from the animal circle to be human .

  17. 从心理学角度看,荣誉心是一个人由于自己言行合理合宜而产生的,羞耻心是一个人由于自己言行的过失而产生的。

    In the view of psychology , reasonable and suitable statements and actions result in the sense of honor , while mistakes in ones statements and actions result in the sense of disgrace .

  18. 此外,它主要利用人们了的羞耻心,作为鞭策胖子改善自身健康状况的手段。

    Because the exhibit was believed by child obesity experts to flaunt negative stereotypes about being overweight , demonize fat kids and promote bullying and to use shame as the primary motivational tool to teach overweight kids that they need to change their ways to improve their health .

  19. 他毫无羞耻之心,然而而且从不觉得内疚。

    He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty .

  20. 如果此人还有一点点羞耻之心的话,他就会立即辞职。

    If he had an ounce of shame , he would immediately step down .

  21. 他们没有羞耻之心吗?

    Don 't they feel ashamed of themselves ?

  22. 英国史学家大卫·史塔基:哦,他一点都没有羞耻之心,一点都没有。

    DAVID STARKEY , BRITISH HISTORIAN : Oh , he had no shame . He had no shame .