
  1. 以美育代宗教论在中国无传统与现实文化基础。

    This statement had no traditional and realistic cultural basis in China .

  2. 以蔡元培美育代宗教为代表的资本主义美育思想。

    Cai Yuanpei 's idea of aesthetic education used as opposing religion ;

  3. 以美育代宗教:中国美学的百年迷途

    The Substitution of Aesthetic Education for Religion : A Hundred Years of Wrong Path in Chinese Aesthetics

  4. 以美育代宗教&蔡元培美育思想新论新编辑手记

    Relying upon Aesthetic Education instead of Religion ── A New Thesis on the Aesthetic Education Thought by Cai Yuanpei

  5. 论蔡元培以美育代宗教说的精神内涵由天之意涵论儒家思想的宗教性

    On Connotation of Cai Yuanpei s Theory of Aesthetic Education Displaces Religion ; The Religious Character of Confucianism Meanings of Tian

  6. 其中,以美育代宗教说是蔡元培美育观的核心与特色,也是贯穿其美育理论的一条红线。

    " Replacing religion with aesthetic education " is the core and distinguishing feature of his aesthetic educational psyche and also a thread organizing his whole theory .

  7. 同时也应望到,蔡元培倡导“以美育代宗教”,并不是只停留在一种纯洁的学术探讨中,而是将它积极付诸于实践的。

    In the meantime ," Substituting Aesthetic Education for Religion " was not only conceptual and remained to academic study , but also put into active implementation .

  8. 本文分三个部分论述:第一部分主要论述以美育代宗教说提出的时代背景与理论来源。

    This study includes three sections : The first section mainly introduces the historical background and theoretical source of the concept of " Substituting Aesthetic Education for Religion " .

  9. 然而,百年后的今天却必须要说:以美育代宗教,20世纪中国美学成也在兹,败也在兹。

    However , after a hundred years , at today , we must say that the success and the failure of the 20th century Chinese aesthetics come from the same root .

  10. 新世纪中国美学必将从跨越以美育代宗教的失误开始,从而实现自身新的发展。

    In this new century , the Chinese aesthetics will be sure to pass over the mistake of the substitution of aesthetic education for religion , and to realize its new development .

  11. 蔡元培认为宗教是人类未开化时代的产物,最初的宗教完全是教育,宗教没有永存的本性,宗教信仰必为哲学主义所替代;第三,蔡元培的以美育代宗教观。

    Cai Yuanpei thought that religion was only a product of uncivilized time ; he believed that the primary religion included education , which had no eternal nature and would finally be replaced by philosophy .

  12. 他在上世纪初提出的以美育代宗教思想,是其美育思想中具有重要理论意义和重大学术影响的命题。

    He put forward the ideology of " Substituting Aesthetic Education for Religion " at the beginning of the last century , which owned significant value in theory and had great influence on the academic field .

  13. 以美育代宗教是蔡元培美学思想的核心,在中国近代美学史上是一个具有原创性与启蒙性的美学命题。

    Relying upon aesthetic education instead of religion is the core of the aesthetic education thought by Cai Yuanpei . In Chinese modern history of aesthetics , it is an aesthetical proposition with original creativeness and enlightenment .

  14. 蔡元培美育思想包括健全人格教育、以美育代宗教、美育与科学并重。

    Cai 's thought includes a sound personality education , aesthetics education taking the place of religion , and laying equal stress on science and .