
  1. 高职美术设计专业CAD课程的深度组织

    The Form and Construction of CAD Subject in Art Design Profession

  2. 浅析高职美术设计专业的包装教学

    On Packaging Teaching of Higher Vocational Fine Arts Designing Specialty

  3. 目前正在加大力度对美术设计专业教育进行改革。

    The professional education of the art design is under intensive reform .

  4. 论电脑美术设计专业教学

    A Discussion on Professional Teaching of Computer Art Design

  5. 高职工艺美术设计专业的教改实践与研究

    Teaching practice and research : reform on art design specialty of fine arts departments in technical institutes

  6. 硬笔写生的色彩借鉴与表现&浅谈美术设计专业的速写教学

    Color Using and Expressing in Hard-point Pen Sketching & Brief Talk On Sketch-teaching Of Artistic Design Speciality

  7. 关于职业技术学院工艺美术设计专业色彩基础课教学的几点思考

    Some thoughts on the teaching of colors , a basic course of the speciality of industrial art

  8. 游戏的空间与空间的游戏&对舞台美术设计专业教学的思考

    Space of Game and Game of Space & Consideration of Education of the Major of Stage Design

  9. 职业院校的美术设计专业在教学工作中遇到了很多难题。

    There are many difficult problems for fine arts design specialized in the vocational colleges and universities in the teaching work .

  10. 动画系现开设动画设计、镜头设计、卡通漫画、三维动画等四个专业方向及一个动画美术设计专业班。

    Animation Department sets up the directions of Animation Design , Cartoon , 3D Animation , and other four speciality direction and an animation art design class .

  11. 电脑美术设计专业是一门新兴的专业,在追求教学效益最大化的过程中,教学方法的探讨尤为重要。

    The specialty of computer-aided art design is newly born , and so in the process of pursuing the greatest effectiveness from teaching exploration of teaching method becomes very important .

  12. 目前,较为传统的教学方法已经阻碍了电脑美术设计专业教学的良性发展,不利于学生综合素质和职业能力的培养。

    At present the traditional teaching method blocks to some extent the proper development of this specialty and does not benefit the cultivation of overall qualities and professional qualities of students .

  13. 本文分析了国内美院工艺美术设计专业色彩基础课教学中存在的问题,指出了职院工艺美术设计专业学生所应掌握的完整的色彩专业基础知识,提出了具体的教学方案及实施办法。

    The students of industrial art design major should have comprehensive professional knowledge of color and receive intensive and thorough training in the practical use of colors according to the teaching program .

  14. 而近些年来,由于美工太多,职位太少,已经有美术设计专业的毕业生在以低薪或不计报酬的方式来供职了,而这只是为了获得一些工作经验而已。

    In recent years , with so many graphic designers hunting so few jobs , graphic design graduates have been known to offer their services for little or no pay , just to get some work experience .

  15. 高职美术设计专业的基础训练,要在培养学生造型能力、表现能力的同时,更应重视激励学生的创新意识。创新是设计的生命。

    The basic training of higher vocational art design major is not only to train students sculpting or performance ability , but also to pay more attention to stimulate their innovative consciousness which is soul and needs of design .

  16. 论述了高职工业美术设计类专业素描基础教学的课程设置原则和教学内容基本框架。

    This paper expounds the principles of course setting and the basic structure of teaching content on sketch teaching of industrial art design in technical institute of higher learning .

  17. 考察到以往关于电影海报的研究多从设计角度展开论述,尤其是各所大学美术与设计专业的相关文章不少。

    Previous studies on the movie poster above , commence from the design point of view , especially a lot of professional articles of the University of Art and Design .

  18. 艺术简历孙路1978-1982年就学于中央戏剧学院舞台美术系,设计专业。

    Sun Lu1978-1982 Studied in the Central Academy of Drama .

  19. 清华大学美术学院首饰设计专业学生作品选

    Students ' Works of Jewelry Design from The Academy of Arts & Design , Tsinghua University

  20. 南京艺术学院工艺美术系装潢设计专业师生作品选登

    Selected works throm Decoration Design Section of Industrial Art Department of the Art College of Nanjing

  21. 而今,这个就读于四川美术学院艺术设计专业的22岁男孩儿,梦想成真了!

    Now , the 22-year-old art design major at Sichuan Fine Art Institute has achieved his dream .

  22. 美术院校环境艺术设计专业教学改革思考

    Thought about Course Reform of Environmental Design in Colleges of Fine Arts

  23. 环境艺术的通境之路中国美术学院环境艺术设计专业教育访谈录

    A Way to Environmental Art An Interview with the Education of Environmental Design

  24. 美术、服装设计相关专业大专以上学历,一年以上女装设计类工作经验;

    Art , fashion design related professional college education , and more than a year couture kind of work experience ;

  25. 先后毕业于西安美术学院职校、西安美术学院视觉传达设计专业。

    Graduated from vocational school of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts , Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in Visual Communication Design .