
  • 网络US Missile Defense System;NMD
  1. 美国导弹防御系统的演化发展与关键技术

    The Evolvement and Key Technologies of American Missile Defense System

  2. 美国导弹防御系统之我见

    My Views about the Missile Defence System of USA

  3. 美国导弹防御系统有一个长期的发展过程。

    The development of Missile Defence System of USA has gone through a long period .

  4. 分析了美国导弹防御系统的未来的防御手段,主要是新型的定向能武器和动能武器。

    The defense means of AMDS in future are introduced , mainly including directed energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons .

  5. 介绍了美国导弹防御系统的性能及其特点,论述了美国导弹防御系统的发展动向。

    The technique performance and properties of America Missile Defense system ( AMDS ) are discussed , its development trend is analyzed .

  6. 摘要多目标拦截是弹道导弹防御的重大难题,也是目前美国导弹防御系统所遇到的最大的技术难点。

    Multitarget interception is a big difficult problem in ballistic missile defense , and is also the most arduous technology of the missile defense system of us .

  7. 他表示美国导弹防御系统的最近披露可能已经被中国黑客们攻破,他强调网络犯罪发展已经日渐成熟。

    says the foiled heist , and recent revelations that U.S. missile defense systems may have been breached by Chinese hackers , underscore the growing sophistication of cyber criminals .

  8. 但是,去年限韩令——这是由于韩国决定引入一款美国导弹防御系统来防范其敌对的北方邻国而招致的——为歌手和精明的投资人提供了一个机遇。

    But last year 's ban on Korean music - triggered by Seoul 's decision to host a US missile shield as a defence against its hostile northern neighbour - opened up an opportunity for singers and savvy investors alike .

  9. 韩国首尔——韩国于周三宣布,将把一种先进的美国导弹防御系统部署在南方的一个农业郡,引发了当地数千居民的抗议。部署该系统的计划此前已经惹怒了中国和朝鲜。

    SEOUL , South Korea - South Korea announced on Wednesday that a rural southern county would be the site of an advanced American missile defense battery , the planned deployment of which has angered China and North Korea - and , now , thousands of local residents , who demonstrated against the plan .

  10. GBR(地基雷达)是美国国家导弹防御系统(NMD)的关键设备,在这个系统中具有核心的地位。

    The Ground Based Radar ( GBR ) is the key equipment and plays an important role in the National Missile Defense ( NMD ) system .

  11. 中国多次表示反对美国的导弹防御系统计划。想劝说中国放弃对nmd坚定的反对立场是很困难的。

    China has repeatedly expressed its opposition to the United States ' plan for missile defense . Talking China out of its trenchant opposition to NMD is going to be tough .

  12. 俄罗斯却批评美国的导弹防御系统。

    Russia is criticizing US plans for a missile defense system .

  13. 美国的导弹防御系统是否会对俄罗斯造成任何威胁仍然处于争论之中。

    Whether the U.S.system would pose any threat to Russia remains in dispute .

  14. 美国国家导弹防御系统与俄罗斯的应对措施

    American NMD System and Russian Measures Against NMD

  15. 美国弹道导弹防御系统

    Summary of U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense System

  16. 美国战区导弹防御系统及其发展

    American TMD System and Its Development

  17. 美国弹道导弹防御系统的红外系统与技术的发展

    Status quo and trend of infrared system and technologies for America ′ s ballistic missile defense system

  18. 那次和这次一样,赖斯和盖茨的会谈议程是讨论美国的导弹防御系统计划。

    Their agenda then , as now , was a discussion of America 's missile-defense system plans .

  19. 美国国家导弹防御系统的实质是谋求单方面的军事和安全优势。

    The plan by the United States to develop a national missile defence system seeks unilateral military superiority and security advantages .

  20. 他拒绝接受美国有关导弹防御系统只针对朝鲜和伊朗等国、不针对俄罗斯的说法。

    He rejected US assertions that the system was aimed at countries such as North Korea and Iran , not at Russia .

  21. 她说美国的导弹防御系统并不是针对俄罗斯,同时美国军队做好了保卫国家的准备。

    She says America 's missile defense has never been about Russia and the U.S. military is prepared to defend the nation .

  22. 中国担心的是,美国的导弹防御系统会导致太空更多地用于军事目的,并引起军备竞赛。

    China 's concern was that the American missile defence system would lead to increasing use of space for military purposes and fuel an arms race .

  23. 莫斯科认为这种导弹防御是针对俄罗斯而来的;美国表示导弹防御系统是要防御来自恐怖集团或伊朗之类政权的攻击。

    Moscow sees missile defense as being aimed at Russia ; the U.S.says the system is meant to guard against attacks by terrorist networks or regimes such as Iran .

  24. 奥巴马总统宣布,将放弃在波兰和捷克共和国设立美国远程导弹防御系统的计划,取而代之的是一个多层次的区域系统,以对抗伊朗目前拥有的中程导弹。

    S.long-range missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic , in favor of a layered regional system aimed at countering the medium range missiles Iran currently has .

  25. 文章简要介绍了美国国家导弹防御系统、战区导弹防御系统,着重介绍这两种系统中使用到的红外技术。

    In the paper the USA national missile defense system and theater missile defense system were introduced briefly . Infrared technique on missile defense of America were emphatically described .

  26. 综述了美国弹道导弹防御系统中红外系统与技术的发展现状与趋势。

    In this paper , a review of the current status and future trend of infrared systems and technologies for America ′ s ballistic missile defense system is presented .

  27. 参议院武装力量委员会主席卡尔·列文星期一表示,他认为美国的导弹防御系统应当放弃欧洲部分,转而采用一种不会引起俄罗斯对抗的新方式。

    The Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee , Carl Levin , indicated Monday he believes the European part of the missile defense system should be dropped in favor of a new approach that would not antagonize Moscow .

  28. 简述了NMD的发展演变,在分析了美国的国家导弹防御系统构成的基础上,针对其使用的拦截手段,重点分析了弹道导弹突破NMD的7种可能措施。

    The development process of NMD is introduced , and the constitutes and the holding up measure of NMD are analyzed . The seven measures of ballistic missile breaking through NMD are analyzed .

  29. 在介绍美国的国家导弹防御系统(NMD)的基础上,针对其使用的拦截手段,重点分析了弹道导弹可采取的突防措施。

    It also introduces the National Missile Defence System of American and lays an emphasis on analyzing the penetration measures which ballistic missile may adopt in view of the means of interception used by NMD .

  30. 我们反对美国的战区导弹防御系统和国家导弹防御系统。

    We are against the systems of the TMD and NMD .