
  • 网络ads;american depositary shares
  1. 土豆目前已经发售了600万美国存托股票。

    Tudou has sold six million American depositary shares so far .

  2. 中国石油的美国存托股票估值与H股接近。

    The valuation of PetroChina 's American depositary shares is close to the Hong Kong shares .

  3. 此外如果需求真的很高,人人可以略微调高IPO的美国存托股票单价,而这种情况通常发生在最受追捧的IPO身上。

    And , if demand is really high , it can ratchet up the price per ads of the IPO , which often happens with the most sought-after offerings .

  4. 该公司美国存托股票在纳斯达克上市交易,公司市值3.63亿美元。

    American depositary shares of the company , which has a market capitalization of $ 363 million , were up 5.2 % midday Monday on the Nasdaq Stock Market .

  5. 前述了解内情人士中有一位表示,一家掌管30亿美元资产的对冲基金甚至订购了价值数十亿美元的美国存托股票。

    One hedge fund with about $ 3 billion in assets under management even put in an order for several billion dollars ' worth of American depositary shares , one of these people said .

  6. 这一新颁布的司法解释的实施可能对我们平台的流量产生重大不利影响,不利于用户生成内容的创造,这反过来可能影响到我们的经营表现,并最终影响我们的美国存托股票的交易价格。

    The implementation of this newly promulgated judicial interpretation may have a significant and adverse effect on the traffic of our platform and discourage the creation of user generated content , which in turn may impact the results of our operations and ultimately the trading price of our ADSs .

  7. 保险资金可以投资的品种包括银行存款、商业票据、银行票据、大额可转让存单、债券、货币市场基金、债券型基金、股票、全球存托凭证、美国存托凭证、股票型基金等。

    Insurance funds , under the draft , may invest in varieties including bank deposit , commercial notes , bank paper , large-value convertible deposit receipts , bonds , money market funds , bond-based funds , shares , global depository receipts , American Depository Receipts and stock-based funds .