
jīng yàn
  • experience;lesson;draft;go through
经验 [jīng yàn]
  • (1) [experience]∶从多次实践中得到的知识或技能

  • 经验丰富

  • (2) [draft]∶人亲身经历

  • 对那里的严寒,他是有经验的

经验[jīng yàn]
  1. 重要的是经验——年龄是次要的。

    Experience is what matters ─ age is of secondary importance .

  2. 她坦然承认她毫无经验。

    She cheerfully admitted that she had no experience at all .

  3. 她意识到自己的年轻和缺乏经验正受人利用。

    She realized that her youth and inexperience were being exploited .

  4. 她由于经验较为丰富而得到了那份工作。

    She got the job by virtue of her greater experience .

  5. 就这项工作而言,经验比纸面上的资格重要。

    Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications .

  6. 薪金将依资历和经验而定。

    The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience .

  7. 她选了两个没有经验的演员饰演主角。

    She chose two untried actors for the leading roles .

  8. 所有活动都在经验丰富的导师指导下进行。

    Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor .

  9. 从事这项工程使他获得了宝贵的经验。

    He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project .

  10. 她有十年的经验,能派上用场。

    She has ten years ' useful experience behind her .

  11. 这项计划给年轻人提供了获得工作经验的机会。

    The programme affords young people the chance to gain work experience .

  12. 据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。

    In my experience , very few people really understand the problem .

  13. 担任这项工作,经验比文凭更重要。

    In this job , experience counts for more than paper qualifications .

  14. 但愿我的经验不足不会使我吃亏。

    I hope my lack of experience won 't be to my disadvantage .

  15. 她缺乏经验,需要有人指导。

    She was inexperienced and needed a guiding hand .

  16. 学生应有兽医工作的经验。

    Students should have prior experience of veterinary practice .

  17. 他养动物很有经验。

    He 's very experienced in looking after animals .

  18. 她绝不是个毫无经验的教师。

    She is by no means an inexperienced teacher .

  19. 他的经验使他完全胜任这项工作。

    His experience fitted him perfectly for the job .

  20. 我已从痛苦的经验中得到了教训,不要相信他的话。

    I 've learnt from bitter experience not to trust what he says .

  21. 她很年轻,然而干这份工作已有经验,这是很难得的。

    She brings to the job a rare combination of youth and experience .

  22. 工资视乎年龄和经验而定。

    Salary is a function of age and experience .

  23. 她凭以往的经验知道安是不会轻易放弃的。

    She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily .

  24. 他失误的原因是年轻没有经验。

    His mistake was due to youth and inexperience .

  25. 新任经理为这项工作带来了丰富的经验。

    The new manager brings a great wealth of experience to the job .

  26. 这一工作无需相关的经验。

    No previous experience is necessary for this job .

  27. 她缺少做这份工作所必需的经验。

    She lacks the requisite experience for the job .

  28. 这个特色是为帮助没有经验的用户而设计的。

    This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users .

  29. 凭以往的经验看,他们会迟到的。

    If past experience is anything to go by , they 'll be late .

  30. 她缺乏经验对她不利。

    Her lack of experience told against her .