
  • 网络Economic engineering
  1. 东北地区热泵热水系统的热经济工程模糊分析

    Study on fuzzy analysis on heat economic engineering of heat pump hot water system in northern of China

  2. 税收经济工程最终使税法变得更加复杂、庞杂、难以为常人理解。

    Economic engineering through taxation eventually causes tax laws to become increasing complex and unwieldy as well as incomprehensible to the common man .

  3. 低山地区林果生态经济工程建设的研究

    Study on the construction of ecological and economical engineering for fruit and forest in lower hills

  4. 热经济工程模糊分析

    Fuzzy analysis of thermal-economic engineering

  5. 然而,森林生态效益补偿制度的构建是一个艰巨的系统工程,不仅是一项经济工程,而且是一项法律工程。

    However , the forest ecological compensation system is a systemic project , not only an economic project , but is a legal project .

  6. 闽西发展红色旅游具有独特的资源优势、区位优势、交通优势和政策优势,是一项重要政治工程、文化工程和经济工程。

    Developing Red Tour in the west of Fujian province , which has its special resources , niche , transportation and policy advantage is important political , cultural and economic project .

  7. 发展生态产业,开展生态环境的保护和建设,必须大力实施生态畜牧业、生态农业、生态林业、生态能源、生态旅游、生态药业等生态经济工程。

    In order to protect and construct the ecological environment , we must carry into execution of ecological stockbreeding , agriculture , forestry , energy , touring , and medicine industry .

  8. 为了完成解决三农问题这一复杂的社会经济工程,需要政府、社会等方方面面通力合作,整合资源共同努力。

    In order to completely solve the " three rural " issue of the complex socio-economic projects , the government , all aspects of society work together to work together to consolidate resources .

  9. DC规划是非凸规划的重要组成部分之一,在科学、经济和工程中被广泛的应用。

    In the field of nonconvex programming , DC programming plays an important part because of its theoretical aspects as well as its wide range of applications in science , economy and engineering .

  10. 因此,MPEC问题的研究在经济、工程设计、对策决策等许多领域中都起着重要的作用,这就使得对该问题的研究愈加有意义。

    Consequently , the research of MPEC plays a very important role in many fields , such as economy , engineering design , game , decision-making and so on .

  11. 本文主要研究求解不动点问题的有效算法,Brouwer不动点定理是一个非常著名的基本定理,它是许多领域中的重要工具,如数学规划、经济、工程和管理等。

    This paper studies the problem solving and effective fixed point algorithm , Brouwer fixed point theorem is a very well-known fundamental theorem , which is an important tool in many areas , such as mathematical programming , economics , engineering and management .

  12. 在获得经济和工程学位后创建了azimut的维泰利表示,他希望在未来5年,对于azimut而言,中国将成为和俄罗斯同样成功的销售市场。

    Mr Vitelli who set up azimut after an academic background in economics and engineering says he hopes China will become a similarly successful salesground to Russia for azimut over the next five years .

  13. 论多维人工生态农业经济系统工程的效益

    On the comprehensive benefit of multiform man-made ecology agriculture system project

  14. 学习经济和工程的学生超过它的10倍还多。

    More than ten times as many studied business or engineering .

  15. 市场经济下工程造价的计价基础

    The calculation basis of construction cost under the market economy

  16. 生态经济林业工程是近期发展起来的新型林业工程模式。

    Eco-economic Forestry Engineering is a newly developed model for forestry engineering .

  17. 而隔震技术是一种简便、经济的工程抗震手段。

    The seismic isolation design is a convenient and economical aseismic design method .

  18. 地区电网变压器经济运行工程化研究

    The Applied Research on the Economical Operation of Transformers in the Area Power Network

  19. 林业局总体设计是一项复杂的社会经济系统工程。

    The overall design of a forestry bureau is a complex socio-economic system engineering .

  20. 经济控制工程领域的若干研究成果

    Some results of research on economy control engineering

  21. 国民经济动员工程化探讨

    A study of Engineering National Economic Mobilization

  22. 时间序列的预测在经济和工程领域具有十分重要的意义。

    The prediction of time series is very important in the economic and engineering fields .

  23. 推广循环经济示范工程;

    Generalizing cycle economy demonstration project ;

  24. 当前我国管理科学与社会经济系统工程领域的热点和焦点

    Some Hot Spots and Focal Points in Current Field of Management Science and Socio-Economic Systems Engineering

  25. 西部大开发是一项长期的、宏大的、复杂的社会经济系统工程,需要做出正确的战略选择。

    The western development is a long , grand and complex systematical project in social economy .

  26. 市场经济与工程项目管理

    Market Economy and Project Management

  27. 中国工程咨询业怎样走出去国民经济动员工程化探讨

    How to Adapt to the World in National Engineering Consultation A STUDY OF ENGINEERING NATIONAL ECONOMIC MOBILIZATION

  28. 长期以来,该区人类经济、工程活动的强度和广度严格受到了区内地形地貌条件的控制,多沿河川地带展布。

    The economic and engineering activity in this area is mainly along the rivers and restricted by topography .

  29. 玉米经济系统工程三论

    On Corn Economy System

  30. 不确定性普遍存在于经济、工程、环境、社会科学和商业管理等领域的许多重要问题中。

    Uncertainties are pervasive in many complicated problems in engineering , economics , environment , medical science and social science .