
jīnɡ jì zhì cái
  • economic sanctions
  1. 经济制裁业已取消。

    The economic sanctions have been lifted .

  2. 美国计划加大现有经济制裁的力度。

    The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place

  3. 他们一旦撤出其2/3的军队,经济制裁就会被取消。

    Economic sanctions will be lifted once two-thirds of their forces have pulled out

  4. 我们打算实施经济制裁。

    We intend to apply economic sanctions .

  5. 美国和欧盟(EU)应该保持同步,继续对俄罗斯进行经济制裁直至明斯克协议得到完全实施。

    The US and EU should remain in lockstep and maintain economic sanctions on Moscow until the Minsk agreement is fully implemented .

  6. 要说服俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin),抵制2018年世界杯足球赛(WorldCup)会不会比越来越长的经济制裁清单更有效?

    Could boycotting the 2018 World Cup prove more effective at persuading Russian president Vladimir Putin than an increasingly long list of economic sanctions ?

  7. 报告指出,早在1995年,当时的美国总统比尔•克林顿(billclinton)宣布对伊朗实施经济制裁后不久,渣打的法律总顾问就采纳了一整套逃避监管的方案。

    As early as 1995 , soon after President Bill Clinton announced economic sanctions against Iran , the bank 's general counsel allegedly embraced a framework for regulatory evasion .

  8. 尽管外界担心,乌克兰冲突正进入一个危险的新阶段,但分歧越来越严重的欧盟(EU)外长周四未能就针对俄罗斯的进一步经济制裁发出具体威胁。

    Increasingly divided EU ministers failed to issue a specific threat of further economic sanctions against Russia on Thursday , despite fears that the conflict in Ukraine was entering a dangerous new phase .

  9. 报告指出,早在1995年,当时的美国总统比尔•克林顿(BillClinton)宣布对伊朗实施经济制裁后不久,渣打的法律总顾问就“采纳了一整套逃避监管的方案”。

    As early as 1995 , soon after President Bill Clinton announced economic sanctions against Iran , the bank 's general counsel allegedly " embraced a framework for regulatory evasion . "

  10. 美国曾在12月支持联合国安理会的决议,同意对伊朗实施制裁,但现在美国正试图说服欧盟(eu)超越联合国决议,对伊朗实施额外的经济制裁。

    It championed a UN Security Council resolution in December that imposed sanctions on Tehran , but is now seeking to persuade the European Union to go further than the UN mandate and introduce additional financial sanctions .

  11. 西方国家周一着手进行一项艰巨任务说服联合国安理会(unitednationssecuritycouncil)其它成员国相信,对伊朗进行第三轮适度经济制裁,将达到先前措施未能实现的目的:迫使伊朗彻底坦白其核计划。

    Western states on Monday begin the uphill task of persuading fellow members of the United Nations Security Council that a third round of modest economic sanctions would force Iran to come clean about its nuclear ambitions where earlier measures had failed .

  12. 美国助理总检察官约翰卡林(JohnCarlin)表示,斯伦贝谢曾经从美国与伊朗和苏丹开展业务往来,并曾采取措施掩饰这些商业交易,从而故意违反了美国对这些国家的经济制裁规定。

    John Carlin , a US assistant attorney-general , said Schlumberger had conducted business from the US with Iran and Sudan , and took steps to disguise those business dealings , thereby wilfully violating the US economic sanctions against those regimes .

  13. 解决。”法国国防部长HerveMorin赞同盖茨的意见。他说,很明显,伊朗的核政策没有任何改变,所以,应该开始探讨新的经济制裁。

    nnels . " French Defense Minister Herve Morin agreed . He said it is clear nothing has changed in Iranian nuclear policy , and so it is time to begin talking about new economic sanctions .

  14. 二战后美国对外经济制裁

    United States Economic Sanctions Since the end of World War ⅱ

  15. 参议院就解除对越南的经济制裁进行投票。

    The Senate voted to lift the economic embargo on vietnam .

  16. 经济制裁的政治经济目的及其评价

    The Purpose of the Political Economy in Economic Sanctions and Its Evaluation

  17. 经济制裁不能阻碍那个国家的发展。

    The economic sanctions could not prevent the development of that country .

  18. 美国打算对某些国家实行经济制裁。

    The United States intends to apply economic sanctions against some countries .

  19. 但他说,更严格的经济制裁不太可能成功。

    But he said tougher economic sanctions are not likely to work .

  20. 严厉的经济制裁把伊朗逼到了谈判桌上。

    Tough economic sanctions drove Iran to the bargaining table .

  21. 联合国对这个国家实行了经济制裁。

    The UN has clamped economic sanctions on the country .

  22. 联合国安理会可能会实施经济制裁。

    The UN security council may impose economic sanctions .

  23. 奥巴马说,经济制裁迫使伊朗重新考虑其核武器的野心。

    Obama says economic sanctions have pressured Iran to reconsider its nuclear ambitions .

  24. 它支持了联合国强迫实施经济制裁的决定。

    It supported a UN resolution imposing economic sanctions .

  25. 安迪:美国对麦克奎蓝实施了外交和经济制裁。

    Andy : The U.S. has placed diplomatic and economic sanctions on McQuillanland .

  26. 最初的协议应该以暂停浓缩活动换取暂停经济制裁。

    The initial deal should trade suspension of enrichment for suspension of sanctions .

  27. 国际经济制裁的效率与外部性分析&兼析冷战后美国对外经济制裁的发展

    Effectiveness of International Economic Sanctions and Their Externalities

  28. 经济制裁只会使局势恶化。

    Economic sanctions would only worsen the situation .

  29. 他说,目前还没有指定出明确的选择,包括以北朝鲜商业利益为目标的经济制裁。

    He says no specific options have been ruled in or out , including financial

  30. 更为严厉的经济制裁可能会进一步剥夺朝鲜本来就很稀少的硬通货。

    Tighter financial sanctions could further deprive North Korea of already scarce hard currency .