
  • 网络Economic friction;Economy Friction
  1. 随着中国加入WTO,中外经济摩擦进一步扩大,其原因主要是中国经济实力的增强和中外在一些具体的经济制度上的差异。

    After China 's accession to the WTO , the economic conflictions of China and foreign countries have increased further . The causes of the conflictions are the improvement of China 's economic power and the system differences of China and foreign countries .

  2. 美日经济摩擦及其在亚洲的争夺

    U.s. - japanese economic friction and their contention in Asia

  3. 日美经济摩擦的小宫理论及其启示日本电子信息产业概览

    Komiya Theory in Japan-US Economic Conflicts and the Inspiration to Be Drawn

  4. 日美经济摩擦及其前景

    U.s. - japanese economic frictions and their prospects

  5. 大国兴起与国际经济摩擦&兼论中美贸易摩擦

    The Rising of Big Powers and the International Economic Frictions : On Sino-American Trade Frictions

  6. 中国进入了国际经济摩擦的高潮期,这将影响中国对外经贸的长期稳定与发展。与此同时,欧盟在其东扩之后,超越了美国和日本,成为我国第一大贸易伙伴。

    And the increasing economic frictions will influence the long-term and steady development of China 's economy .

  7. 入世以来的中外经济摩擦:现状、原因与对策

    China 's Economic Conflictions with Foreign Countries after Its Accession to the WTO : Reality , Cause and Countermeasures

  8. 随着经济摩擦变得更加可控,双方的注意力可以而且应该转向全局性的战略问题。

    And with economic friction becoming just a bit more manageable , attention can and should move to broader strategic issues .

  9. 为了对付经济摩擦,中国需要设立相关的处理贸易摩擦的机构,并进一步进行经济体制改革。

    To settle the economic conflictions , China should arrange the organization that settles the trade conflictions , and reform further the economic system .

  10. 传统的定险方式人工参与较多,过程繁琐,数据库老化,导致整个赔偿周期长,与受保人员的经济摩擦不断。

    Traditional fixed insurance involved in more manual and tedious process , database aging , resulting in a long cycle of the entire compensation .

  11. 美国众议院听证会召开之际,各种政治活动正大肆宣扬美中两国的经济摩擦,让寻求在11月大选中连任的议员们有机会在安全和经济问题上更多地博取选民支持。

    The congressional hearing comes as economic tensions with China have spilled onto various political campaigns , giving legislators seeking re-election in November an opportunity to burnish their security and economic credentials .

  12. 尼克松政府被迫归还冲绳以及美日经济贸易摩擦体现出约翰逊政府对日本政策的影响。

    The Nixson administration had to returned Okinawa and the US-Japan economic and trade frictions showed impact of Johnson administration policy toward japan .

  13. 与此同时,两国的经济贸易摩擦和纠纷也越来越频繁,贸易摩擦涉及的商品范围越来越广泛。

    Meanwhile , the bilateral economic and trade frictions and disputes are more and more frequent , and more and more extensive range of merchandise involve in the trade friction .

  14. 论经济全球化下贸易摩擦的新发展

    On the New Development of Trade Dispute under the Background of Economic Globalization

  15. 鉴于这场危机所彻底暴露的各国经济分歧和政治摩擦,这一点现在还可能实现么?

    Given the economic divergences and political frictions revealed so starkly by this crisis , is that now possible ?

  16. 鉴于贸易失衡引发了主要经济体之间的摩擦,在当前这个比以往任何时候都更需要合作的时候,我们采用的计算方法可能会大大加剧地缘政治紧张关系。

    With trade imbalance causing friction between leading economies , the measures we use can gravely exacerbate geopolitical tensions at a time when co-operation is more vital than ever .

  17. 随着因特网的迅猛发展,一种新型的经济模式&非摩擦经济应运而生,并对市场竞争策略产生巨大影响。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , a new mode of economy__ non-friction economy has sprung up and is exerting a great influence on the market competition strategy .

  18. 中美两国就达成双边投资协定的谈判自2008年启动以来一直裹足不前,当时是布什政府的最后一年,这两个全球经济大国的贸易摩擦加剧。

    Talks between China and the US over a potential bit have been on ice since they were launched in 2008 the final year of the George W. Bush administration , as trade tensions between the two global economic powers rose .

  19. 中国经济崛起过程中的中欧经济摩擦研究

    Research on Economic Frictions between China and EU in the Process of China 's Economic Rising

  20. 随着经济全球化的加深,国家间的经济贸易摩擦进入白热化阶段。

    International trade frictions are becoming more and more white - hot with the development of economic globalization .

  21. 我国正处于经济转型的关键时期,日趋频繁的经济摩擦、社会冲突、自然灾害、传染性疾病等突发事件屡屡影响我国经济的发展和社会的稳定。

    At the crucial stage of economic restructuring , the economic development and social stability of China is being significantly affected by various emergent incidents , such as economic frictions , social contradictions , natural disasters and epidemic outbreak .

  22. 当前东西部经济差距过度扩大,抑制了西部业已起势的工业化势头,不仅使西部优势难以发挥,而且引起反弹效应,造成地区间尖锐的经济矛盾与摩擦。

    The enlarging gap of economic development between East-West has been deterring the industrial momentum of the west already started , causing " collided effect ", acute economic contradictions and frictions among the regions .