
ɡuǎn lǐ fèi yonɡ
  • overhead;administration expenses;administrative expenses
  1. B:管理费用是指要分摊到产品中的营运费用/经常性开支。

    B : Overhead costs are the indirect costs to be shared by a product .

  2. 我们的销售收入正好抵上货物的成本,但不够支付管理费用。

    Our sale revenue covers the cost of stock but not the overhead .

  3. 公众对这种治安管理费用的不满情绪与日俱增。

    There is growing public disquiet about the cost of such policing .

  4. 管理费用被控制在区区460英镑。

    Administration costs were kept down to just £ 460 .

  5. 学院系统和其他国家部门的管理费用数据将成为“商业理由”的一部分,而在官员们商议外包方案细节时,州政府会使用该理由。

    Data on management expenses at the college system and in other state departments will be part of a " business justification " the state will use as officials deliberate the specifics of an outsourcing plan .

  6. 1.administrativeexpenses行政管理费用秘书的工资及诸项办公支出用行政管理费用表示。

    The secretary 's salary and expenses incurred in the office are shown as administrative expenses .

  7. 移动IPv6分层管理费用的分析与自适应优化

    Analysis of Hierarchical Management Cost of Mobile IPv6 and Adaptive Optimization

  8. 这位奥马哈圣贤(SageofOmaha)不用收取管理费用,就已经比所有人都挣到了更多的钱。

    The Sage of Omaha has made more money than anyone else without charging management fees .

  9. NAS整合不仅能优化存储空间的利用,简化数据备份等操作,而且能降低管理费用。

    NAS convergence not only optimizes the utilization of storage space and simplifies such operation as data backup , but also reduces management costs .

  10. 在传统核算方法下,测算了院级、CT室总成本和项目成本,其中对管理费用等的分摊主要采用目前多数医院采用的分摊标准。

    In the traditional method of accounting , the measurement of the hospital level , CT room and the total cost of the project costs , management fees assessed mainly used in hospitals for most of the current standard of assessment .

  11. 通过实施RBI,可以达到合理配置资源,优化管道维修管理费用,保证管道完整性的目的。

    Implementing RBI can achieve allocation of resource of inspection , and optimize the expenditure of maintaining and managing pipeline to ensure the integrity of the pipeline .

  12. ClareLockport密切参与了该项目的制定过程。她说,给社区提供分批赠款保证了不使用管理费用高昂的“中间人”来管理项目。

    Clare Lockhart , who was closely involved in setting up the program , says giving the communities block grants ensures there 's no " middle men " with expensive overheads administering the projects .

  13. 使用Win2000终端服务和基于Windows的终端WBT构造教学培训环境可以降低建网成本和管理费用。

    To create teaching and training environment by using windows 2000 terminal service and windows-based terminal , we can lower the cost of network-building and management under application mode of windows 2000 terminal service .

  14. 与传统的租借DDN和FR等专用线路相比,在Internet或者其他的公用网之上建立安全的虚拟拨号网络(VPDN),可以为企业节省大量的通信费用和管理费用。

    Compared with the conven-tional dedicated lines such as leasing DDN and FR , establishing secure Vir-tual Private Dialing Network ( VPDN ) over Internet or other public networks can save a lot of communications fees and management costs for the enter-prises .

  15. ANCORDENSE ̄(TM)温压工艺通过1次压制-烧结就可生产形状复杂的高密度、高强度粉末冶金零件,从而减低生产管理费用,生产成本可降低25%。

    ANCORDENSE  ̄( TM ) warm compaction significantly reduces production overheads by facilitating P / M production of complex high density and high strength parts with single compaction processing . It maybe 25 % lower Production costs .

  16. 一些机构投资者寻求通过设定分层收费结构来降低管理费用,安永的美国对冲基金业务负责人唐麦克尼尔(DonMcNeal)说。

    Some institutional investors are looking to get management fees lowered by pushing for a tiered fee structure , said Don McNeal , head of the consultant 's US hedge fund practice .

  17. 那种加压中心系统管理费用较少。

    The pressurised central systems are considered less expensive to operate .

  18. 管理费用率与公司治理结构相关。

    The rate of overhead expenses is correlated with governance structure .

  19. 托管费用包括业务费用和直接管理费用。

    The trust money includes the operational expenses and direct management expenses .

  20. 去除你的项目管理费用,依赖经验。

    A.Eliminate you project management costs and rely on experience .

  21. 水利工程管理费用预算体系研究

    Study on Cost Estimate System of Water Resources Projects Management

  22. 浅谈企业管理费用的有效控制

    Discussions about the Effective Control of Management Expenses of Enterprises

  23. 我国汽车折旧、利息及管理费用预测模型研究

    Developing Models for Vehicle Depreciation & Interest Costs Estimation

  24. 外国债券发行的管理费用比欧洲债券市场低。

    Expenses in connection with a bond issue than has the Euro-bond market .

  25. 内河运输成本中管理费用分配办法之管见&兼论湘航现行管理费用分配办法的利弊

    My opinion on the distribution of management expenses in inner river transportation cost

  26. 它的让位不能单独用高额的管理费用和征集费用来解释。

    Its demise cannot be explained by high administrative and collection costs alone .

  27. 管理费用一定要保持在最低限度。

    Operational costs must be kept to a minimum .

  28. 账户管理费用包括管理和保值增殖您手中股份的费用。

    The Account Fee covers the operating and maintenance costs of your Holding .

  29. 但因高额的基建费用和运行管理费用,限制了其应用推广。

    However , high infrastructure costs and operational management costs limit its application .

  30. 人们往往把管理费用与组织协调费用两个概念混同使用。

    People are often confused by the concepts of management cost and co-ordination cost .