
  • 网络Management;master of management;MSMS;msc management
  1. 随着无需工作经验的一年制管理学硕士(MastersofManagement)项目的增加,学生和学校都会选择那些不会拖累职业发展,不会大幅降低薪资,以及不用两年后再去人才市场赌一把的课程。

    Instead , as with the increase in one-year , pre-experience Masters of Management programmes , students and schools are opting for curriculums that do not involve slowing down career momentum , wreaking havoc on potential earnings and taking a gamble on the job market two years down the line .

  2. 瑞士圣加仑大学(UniversityofStGallen)继续占据管理学硕士榜单首位。

    The University of St Gallen in Switzerland retains its number one spot in the Masters in Management ranking .

  3. MBA的英文全称为masterofbusinessadministration,是一种应用型管理学硕士学位。

    MBA is the abbreviation of " master of business administration ", and it is one kind of the degrees of M. Administration .

  4. 有迹象表明,工商管理学硕士(MBA)在线教育最终可能成为最受欢迎的选择。

    There are signs that the online Master of Business Administration ( MBA ) could become the most popular option eventually .

  5. 由西班牙IQS商学院、台湾辅仁大学(FuJenCatholicUniversity)和旧金山大学(UniversityofSanFrancisco)三家合办的管理学硕士项目排名升幅最大。

    The joint programme delivered by IQS of Spain , Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and the University of San Francisco saw the biggest rise .

  6. 这一排名评估的是管理学硕士课程。该课程与工商管理硕士(MBA)课程的区别在于,其大多数学生是在取得本科学位后直接升入就读的。

    The ranking assesses Masters in Management degrees , which differ from MBA programmes in that most students join the courses directly after their undergraduate degree .

  7. 同时它还是GMAT,即工商管理学硕士入学考试的命题机构。

    Meanwhile , the AES still designs the testing of GMAT , the Graduate Management Admission Test .

  8. 它也代表了斯隆商学院的一条发展道路:其工商管理学硕士(MBA)项目规模相对较小,约有350名学生,使自己在日益拥挤的商科教育行业内与众不同。

    It also represents a way for Sloan , with its relatively small MBA programme of approximately 350 students , to differentiate itself in the ever more crowded business education industry .

  9. 管理学硕士学位(MiM)曾经是欧洲各商学院心照不宣的秘密,如今正成为21世纪商学教育的明星。

    The masters in management degree , once the best-kept secret of European business schools , is becoming the star of 21st-century business education .

  10. DCU是继都柏林大学学院(UCD)迈克尔?斯墨菲特商业研究生院(MichaelSmurfitGraduateSchoolofBusiness)之后上榜的第二个爱尔兰商学院,此前它在2016年进入管理学硕士榜单。

    DCU Business School was the second Irish school , after UCD Smurfit , to feature in this ranking after it entered the Masters in Management ranking in 2016 .

  11. 上榜的95所学校是根据它们在2017年MBA、高管MBA(EMBA)、管理学硕士(MiM)以及两个高管教育课程中的表现排名的。

    The table of 95 schools is based on their performances in the 2017 rankings for MBAs , Executive MBAs , Masters in Management and the two tables for executive education .

  12. 它在管理学硕士榜单上的排名从第35位升至第21位,在EMBA榜单上再度排在第56位。

    It has improved its position in the Masters in Management ranking , rising from 35 to 21 , and returns to the EMBA ranking in 56th place .

  13. 帕鲁•杜贝(ParulDubey)是在印度攻读电子工程学学位时,看到了伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)为近期毕业的大学生提供管理学硕士(MastersinManagement,简称MiM)项目的计划。

    It was when Parul Dubey was studying for her electrical engineering degree in India that she read about London Business School 's plans to launch a masters in management ( MiM ) degree for recent graduates .

  14. 在中国,emba就相当于美国的mba、法国的管理学硕士、或印度的管理学研究生(pgp),是最受经理人和高管们欢迎的文凭。

    The EMBA is to China what the MBA is to the US , the masters in management is to France and the PGP is to India the most popular Diploma for managers and executives .

  15. 在2017年FT对全球95个管理学硕士项目的排行中,虽然瑞士圣加仑大学(UniversityofStGallen)继续蝉联冠军,但法国和英国商学院分别以24个和18个项目入围成为中坚力量。

    While Switzerland 's University of St Gallen retains the top spot , French and British business schools , with 24 and 18 programmes respectively , are the backbone of the 2017 FT ranking of 95 programmes around the world .

  16. 例如,Kedge商学院院长托马斯弗勒利谢(ThomasFroehlicher)解释称,该学院与北京中国人民大学合作开办一个3年课程,毕业生将获得人大本科学位以及Kedge管理学硕士学位。

    Kedge Business School , for example , has worked with Renmin University in Beijing to develop a three-year programme after which graduates receive a bachelors degree from Renmin and a MiM from Kedge , explains Thomas Froehlicher , dean of Kedge .

  17. 伦敦政治经济学院(lse)择传统硕士学位与mba之精华,将其合二为一,针对工作经验很少或根本没有工作经验的学员,推出一种为期21个月的管理学硕士课程。

    The London School of economics is combining what it believes is the best of the traditional masters degree with the best of an MBA by launching a 21-month masters in management programme for those with little or no work experience .

  18. 伦敦商学院(LBS)的利拉格拉(LeilaGuerra)说,随着越来越多的毕业生在企业中得到晋升,他们将开始招聘与自己背景相似的毕业生,“管理学硕士将招聘其他管理学硕士。”

    As more and more graduates move up the corporate hierarchy , they will begin to recruit graduates in their own image , says Leila Guerra at LBS. " MiMs recruit other MiMs . "

  19. 当他们这样做的时候,管理学硕士的品牌将变得更加稳固,她说,“对我来说,成功的时刻是当我在外面说‘我有MiM’时,人们会像了解MBA一样了解它是怎么回事。”

    As they do so , the MiM brand will become more established , she says . " For me , the successful moment will be when I can go out and say , ' I have an MiM , " and people will understand it the same way they do the MBA . "

  20. 杰克:你终于取得工商管理学硕士学位,恭喜恭喜!

    Jake : so you finally got your mba . congratulations !

  21. 大概三年,直到我获得工商管理学硕士学位。

    About three years until I 've obtained the MBA degree .

  22. 我已经进修成为一个工程师,获得了一个工商管理学硕士学位。

    I had studied to be an engineer and earned an M.B.A.

  23. 我的老板以前是个海军,在哈佛读过工商管理学硕士。

    My boss was a former Marine with an MBA from Harvard .

  24. 她拥有迈阿密大学的工商管理学硕士学位。

    She holds an MBA from the University of Miami .

  25. 1983年,她获得西北大学管理学硕士学位。

    In1983 she received a master 's degree in management from Northwestern University .

  26. 是大家都幻想我在岛上成为了工商管理学硕士

    Everyone fantasizing that I got my MBA while I was on the island ?

  27. 南特高等商业学院管理学硕士学位是法国一流的研究生管理学课程之一。

    The Audencia Master in Management is one of France 's flagship graduate management courses .

  28. 最近毕业的管理学硕士中,约有49%完成了海外交流。

    About 49 per cent of recent masters in management graduates completed such an exchange .

  29. 对1998~2007年行政管理学硕士学位论文的实证分析

    An Empirical Review of Master 's Theses on Public Administration in China , 1998 ~ 2007

  30. 米勒表示,他们中有许多人拥有管理学硕士学位,这是“一个非常好的学位”。

    Many of these have masters in management degrees " a fantastic degree , " she says .