
  • 网络selling and administrative expense budget;administrative expense budget;the operationg budget;Sales & Administrative Expense Budget
  1. 水利工程管理费用预算体系研究

    Study on Cost Estimate System of Water Resources Projects Management

  2. 它还包含一个详细的清单,涉及人事、设备和管理费用的全部预算项目。

    It contains a detailed list of all budget headings for personnel , equipment and running expenses .

  3. 然后从内部讲师管理、培训费用预算、培训考核管理三方面进行培训制度体系的构建。

    Then , the training regulation system is established in consideration of three parts-interior instructors ' management , training expense budget and training assessment management .

  4. 再就营销组织结构、营销人力资源管理、营销费用预算、方案实施步骤、营销绩效评价和控制进行了概述;

    The author gave an overview of marketing organization structure , marketing HR management , the marketing budget , and the evaluation and control of marketing achievement .

  5. 在完成这两个预算的编制后,再进行诸如材料、直接人工、制造成本、销售和管理费用、现金等预算的编制工作。

    Follow them are the individual budgets for such things as materials , direct labor , overhead costs , selling and administrative expenses , and then cash budgets .

  6. 第2章预算管理相关的基本理论,介绍了对于预算管理以及费用预算管理的理论,费用预算的编制方法和特点等。

    The second chapter is introducing the basic theory of budget and expense budget management .

  7. 在研究水利工程管理单位经费的预算和控制思路后,构建新的水利工程管理费用预算体系。

    After researching hydraulic project administrative funds budget and control plan , Constructs the new hydraulic project overhead charge budget system .

  8. 全面预算是企业内部管理控制的一种主要方法,是集业务预算、投资预算、资金预算、利润预算、工资性支出预算以及管理费用预算等为一体的综合性预算方法。

    The comprehensive budget management system is a major method of control is an operational budget , investment budget , capital budget , the budget profits , wages and the cost of budget and management budget for the integrated approach of the budget .