- 名trade union outlays

A Preliminary Exploration to the Performance of Labor Union 's Fund
Strengthening trade union outlay 's collection and regulating accounting basie operation
On Strengthening Management Work of Trade Unions ' Funds at the Grass-Roots
When bankrupting , enterprise shall make compensation equal to trade union lacking .
The Legal Protection of Trade Union Funds and Assets
Simply on Collecting and Managing Trade Union Funds
Discussing the Reasons and Measures of Fund Insufficiency for Labor Union in Administrative Institution
Payment Order of Trade Union 's Funds
Trade Union Funds Should be Directly Paid by Union Members Instead of Paid by Enterprise
Trade union funds shall be used primarily to educate workers at the grass-roots level and for the union to arrange other activities .
On February 26th federal prosecutors announced what they think is the explanation : the alleged embezzlement of 2 billion pesos ( $ 159m ) of union funds .
; Through the management of the collection and application of the trade union outlay discussion is made on how to exert the trade union and strengthen its cohesion foree .
The fund income and expenditure situation of trade unions at the various levels shall be investigated by equivalent level fund inspection committees and periodic reports shall be made to the members ' general assemblies or representative assemblies and be subject to supervision .
The government departments , institutions allocated by the state shall lay union funds into the total budget and allocate enough funds to trade union organization on time . Analysis on the general characteristics of government routine financing support in health inspection and supervision institutions between 2001 and 2006
All of the various levels of trade unions shall establish fund inspection committees .
Chapter V trade union funds and assets
It is urgent to reform present settlement system of labor disputes by setting up special arbitration committee ;
Article 37 A trade union shall work out its own budget and final accounts , as well as its own fund inspection and supervisory systems in accordance with the principle of independent accounting .
Article 39 No organization or individual may occupy , misappropriate or arbitrarily allocate a trade union 's assets , funds or immovable property allocated by the State for use by the trade union .
There are some new problems on the relationship between the trade unions in newly-built group companies and their subsidiary companies and their funds'relations in the Chinese enterprise reform .
The fund shall be used by the trade union in accordance with the " Managerial Rules for the Trade Union Funds " formulated by the All China Federation of Trade Unions .
To give full play of the supervisory role to internal auditing in trade union organizations would be conducive to the gathering of union fees , effective management , preservation and increase of union assets .
A Sino-foreign joint equity enterprise , Sino-foreign cooperative enterprise or sole foreign investment enterprise establishing a trade union organization shall allocate funds to the said trade union pursuant to relevant State regulations .
Monthly allocations of 2 % of the total wages of all of its employees paid to a trade union as funds by the enterprise or public institution owned by the whole people , collectively owned enterprise or public institution or government organ which established the said trade union organization ;