
  1. 但是目前我国保险营业税制影响寿险业的发展。

    But the current business tax system affects the development of life insurance .

  2. 二元税制影响城乡居民收入差距的理论与实证

    Theory and Empirical Analysis of Binary Tax System 's Impact on Urban-rural Income Gap

  3. 而对于那些发达国家而言,离岸金融中心已经不再是只为那些最有钱的人提供庇护的地方了。公司不受其地域及税制影响,利用离岸金融中心避税还有其他四种方法。

    In developed countries OFCs are no longer the exclusive preserve of the very rich . There are four other main ways in which companies can use OFCs to avoid tax , regardless of where they are based and what tax regime they fall under .

  4. 一九五三年的修正税制及其影响民国初年税制改革思想述评

    The 1953 Revision of the Tax System and Its Effects On the thoughts of reforming the tax system in the early years of the Republic of China

  5. 论述了电子商务对我国现行税制的影响:动摇了税制要素,影响了中性原则,降低了效率违背了公平原则。

    How E business effects China tax system is discussed as following : shake factor of tax system , distort neutral principle , lower revenue , disobey equitable principle .

  6. 本文通过分析电子商务对我国现行税制的影响,提出了我国电子商务税收的应对措施。

    This text passes analytical electronic commerce 's influence to the our country current tax system , putting forward our country electronic commerce revenue from tax to reply measure .

  7. 现行税制对物价影响不大,具有优化产业结构、增加有效供给的作用;

    Abstract The existing tax systems have the effects of majorizing industrial structure , promoting effective supply and it does not influence the price of commodities .

  8. 分析经济因素对税制结构的影响,具体分为:经济规模及结构对宏观税负在经常收入中集中程度的影响;

    Analysing the influence of economic factors on the structure of tax system should consider tbe following : the influence of economic range and structure on macro-tax burden ;

  9. 究其原因,既有历史因素的影响,也有现行税制本身的影响,但是总体来说主要原因只有一个&大量的个人所得税税款的流失。

    The reason is both historical factors , but also the impact of the existing tax system itself , but overall there is only one main reason-a large personal income tax loss .

  10. 商品劳务税制运行通过影响和改变微观主体行为,促进商品劳务要素的区域间流动,以此带动第三产业的经济发展。

    The operation of goods and service tax system promotes the interregional flow of goods and service elements by influencing and changing micro-body behaviors and thereby drives the economic development of the tertiary industry .

  11. 第七部分介绍网络营销对我国经济发展、法制、税制和Internet的影响。

    The seventh section introduces the effect of network marketing on our national economic development , legal institutions , taxation and internet .

  12. 新旧企业所得税制对电信企业影响的对比研究

    The Comparative Studies of Effects of Old and New Enterprise Income Tax Systems on Telecom Company

  13. 商品劳务税收与第三产业经济相互关系的形成与发展,对第三产业商品劳务税制设计具有重要影响。

    The formation and development of the interrelation of goods and service tax with the tertiary industry economy has an important influence on the tertiary industry design of goods and service tax system .

  14. 然后,文章重点分析了电子商务对现行税制及税法的影响。

    Then summarized the characteristic of the electronic commerce compared to the traditional commerce and the present situation of electronic commerce in china . Then , article analyses emphatically the influence of electronic commerce to current taxation and tax law .

  15. 银行业是国民经济的重要组成部分,而银行税制是否科学直接影响到银行业的经营成果,银行业的税制改革将影响到整个国民经济的发展。

    The bank is the important component of the national economy , and the bank tax system scientific or not influences the management performance of the banking directly . The tax system reform of the banking will influence the development of the whole national economy .

  16. 银行业税制一直是学术界讨论的热点,但研究中国银行业税制影响的大多文献中所运用的研究方法多以定性研究为主。

    Tax system of the bank has always been a hot topic in academic circles , however , the study of Chinese tax system of the bank so far mainly uses qualitative research methods .

  17. 在税制模式选择方面,提出了不仅要考虑经济发展水平和税收征管水平,还要考虑历史及文化因素对税制模式的影响。

    On the aspect of the mode choice of tax system , we propose that government should consider not only the economic development level and the tax collection and management level , but also the historical and cultural influence on tax system .

  18. 虽然自1994年分税制改革以来,我国银行业的税制经过了多次调整,但随着银行业对外开放步伐的加快,现行税制的诸多负面影响开始显现。

    Though since the tax system reform in 1994 , the tax system of the banking ever underwent numerous adjustment , with the quickening of the step opening to the outside world of the banking , a great deal of negative effects of the current tax system begin to appear .