
  • 网络Tax Expenditure;tax expense
  1. 然而,他未能提出一项他要取消的税收支出。

    However , he fails to spell out a single tax expenditure he would eliminate .

  2. 他们应当承认,所有导致财政收入减少的税收支出和特殊减免税措施都必须放到桌面上重新讨论。

    They should acknowledge that every tax expenditure or special break has to be on the table .

  3. 税收支出是由于税收优惠待遇而放弃的收入

    Tax expenditures are the revenues forgone due to preferential tax treatment .

  4. 是的,如果美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)计划上调企业所得税或资本利得税,或是削减那些惠及大型企业的税收支出的话。

    Yes , if President Barack Obama plans to raise corporate or capital gains taxes , or perhaps cut those tax expenditures that benefit large businesses .

  5. 倘若消除税收支出,将减少大笔赤字。

    Eliminate tax expenditures , and a big chunk of the deficit would vanish .

  6. 众所周知,税收支出是企业成本的重要组成部分。

    It is well known , the tax charge is the private costs important component .

  7. 美国还应采取广泛方式,包括削减税收支出和津贴。

    The approach also should be broad , including reductions in tax expenditures and entitlements .

  8. 在1990年,税收支出大约占据了4.6%的国内生产总值,如今,这一比率骤升至6%。

    At around 6 % of GDP , they are up sharply from 4.6 % in 1990 .

  9. 尽管税收支出总计足够支付这些削减,这些总量是具有欺骗性的。

    Although in aggregate there are enough tax expenditures available to cover those cuts , the totals are deceptive .

  10. 然而,进一步审视税收支出表明,达到这两个目标并不容易。

    A closer examination of tax expenditures , however , suggests that achieving those two goals will be difficult .

  11. 罗姆尼可相对容易地使底层40%的人免受由于税收支出减少而收入减少之苦。

    Mr Romney can spare the bottom 40 % any loss of income from reduced tax expenditures relatively easily .

  12. 财务管理的对象是现金的循环和周转,而税收支出正是企业现金流出的构成部分。

    The object of financial management is the circulation and turnover of cash flow , while tax disburse is just cash outflow .

  13. 公司所得税合并会使得众多上市公司税收支出大幅减少,这将会促使公司盈利增长。

    The corporate income tax unification could translate into substantial tax reductions for many listed companies which in turn would boost corporate earnings growth .

  14. 纳税人的权利不仅体现在纳税过程中,而且在税收支出中纳税人享有的权利也应该是广泛的,应该得到法律的完整的保护。

    Not only taxpayer 's right manifests in the tax payment process , moreover the right that the taxpayer enjoys in the tax charge also should be widespread , should obtain the legal integrity protection .

  15. 全球上市公司的往绩收益(以美元计价)目前已恢复至危机前的水平,而资本支出、薪资支出和税收支出则没有,这让企业陷入被动。

    Trailing earnings ( in US dollars ) of the global quoted corporates are now back to pre-crash levels , while capital expenditure , employment and tax receipts are not , leaving corporates on the defensive .

  16. 税收支出作为我国石油企业成本的重要组成部分,对其进行有效筹划有助于降低企业成本,促进企业战略的实施,增强企业的市场竞争力。

    Burden of taxation is an important component of the cost in Chinese petroleum enterprises . Effective tax planning contributes to reduce of business cost , implementation of business strategy , and enhancement of market competitiveness .

  17. 本文从纳税筹划的基本原理出发,较系统地阐述了企业纳税筹划与政府税收支出管理的关系、税负转嫁理沦、节税理论和纳税筹划实践。

    According to the basic principle of tax planning , the text systematically demonstrates the relation between enterprise 's tax planning and the management of the government 's expending , the theory of tax transferring and the theory of tax saving .

  18. 在简述循环经济和税收支出理论的基础上,分析税收支出对推进循环经济的作用,提出刺激循环性生产技术研发,循环性产品生产、消费、回收利用等方面的税收支出措施。

    Based on the theory of circulatory economy and tax expenditure , the paper analyzes the effect of tax expenditure on improving circulatory economy , puts forward many measures including stimulating circulatory productive technology invention , products ' production , consumption , recovery and use etc.

  19. 再者,罗姆尼已经将一些税收支出排除在外,不太可能消减诸如研究补贴税收支出,还有比如残疾工人并不为他们享有的一些社会保障福利缴税。

    For another , Mr Romney has already ruled out touching some tax expenditures , such as the research credit , and others are highly unlikely to be eliminated , such as the fact that disabled workers don 't pay tax on some of their social security benefit .

  20. 一位资深决策者最近对我说,你可以不用想政府的税收与支出或者是英国央行(bankofEngland)的独立。

    You can forget tax and spend or Bank of England independence , a senior policymaker commented to me recently .

  21. 该委员会呼吁进行意义深远的税收和支出改革,旨在到2035年前将公共债务占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例降至40%。

    The panel called for a far-reaching mixture of tax and spending reform , aiming to reduce public debt to 40 per cent of gross domestic product by 2035 .

  22. 在维吉尼亚州和北卡罗来纳州共同亮相时,罗姆尼和瑞安宣布了他们的计划:大幅削减税收和支出,限制政府在老年人医保(Medicare)方面的支出,从而提供了两种愿景的选择。

    In their opening joint appearance in Virginia and North Carolina , Mr Romney and Mr Ryan presented their plan to sharply cut taxes and spending , and cap costs on government outlays on elderly people 's healthcare ( Medicare ) as a choice between two visions .

  23. 税收和支出都受周期性效应的影响。

    Both tax and spending are subject to cyclical effects .

  24. 军人退休金一律都从联邦税收中支出。

    All military pensions are funded by federal revenue .

  25. 就税收和支出而言,我的反应就是:但愿如此。

    So far as taxes and spending go , my reaction is : if only .

  26. 与税收和支出数目同等重要的是对继续实施结构性改革的重视。

    As important as the tax and spending numbers is the emphasis on continuing structural reforms .

  27. 在竞选活动中,共和党人一直强调经济问题,尤其是减少税收和支出。

    Republicans are emphasizing economic issues in their campaign platform , especially tax and spending cuts .

  28. 进行债务上限谈判的议员们正在研究税收和支出的“目标和触发因素”。

    The debt-ceiling negotiators are looking at " targets and triggers " for taxes and spending .

  29. 其次,他切不可混淆长期结构性增长措施与短期“税收和支出”方案。

    Second , he must not confuse long-term structural growth measures with a short-term tax and spend programme .

  30. 上述计划都将否定各国政府自行制定税收和支出政策的能力。

    Any of these programmes would deny governments the ability to set their own tax and spending policies .