
sī rén shǐ yònɡ
  • private use;personal use
  1. 这些东西是做何用这些是我私人使用的东西。

    What are these These are for my personal use .

  2. 该公司发言人劳伦斯o格雷森表示,莫伊尼罕已向公司偿还了私人使用公司商务机的费用。

    Spokesperson Lawrence Grayson said that Moynihan reimburses the company for personal use of the aircraft .

  3. 宅邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地。

    Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord .

  4. 你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗是的,我带了两瓶酒。这个相机是我私人使用的。

    Do you have any liquor or cigarettes Yes , I have two bottles of whisky .

  5. 那么,买受人应提供自己作为爱好者购买那台电脑是用于私人使用的证据。

    Buyer then offers evidence that he bought the computer for his personal use as a hobbyist .

  6. 为私人使用而复制作品在传统版权法中是合理使用制度的经典模式。

    Copyright law works in the tradition of fair use is a classic pattern in copying for personal use .

  7. 格雷森解释称,美国证劵交易委员会对私人使用公司商务机的看法,比国税局更加广泛。

    Grayson explained that the SEC has a broader view of personal usage than , say , the IRS .

  8. 非商业目的和用于实验用途的私人使用除外。

    Certain exceptions to the protection are the private use of the patent without commercial purposes and for experimental use .

  9. 通用电气发言人表示,伊梅尔特确实可以选择向公司赔偿私人使用公司商务机的费用。

    According to a spokesperson from GE , Immelt does have the option to reimburse the company for personal travel .

  10. 本网址所提供的地图资讯只供私人使用,而不拟供使用者用作行事的依据。

    The information provided on this web site is for private use only and is not intended to be relied on .

  11. 默认情况下,斑点,使所有公共胶粘的,但你可以改变这给私人使用浮动工具栏。

    By default , Fleck makes all stickies public , but you can change that to private using the floating toolbar .

  12. 在此之前,一、二层空间可供出租,而三层空间则供业主私人使用。

    Before , the1st and2nd floor was for rental , and the third floor was for an owner of the building .

  13. 我看到在逻辑上推到尽,这合约是准许私人使用资产但没有私人所有权。

    I saw that in the ( logical ) limit , this would amount to a contract granting the private use of resources without private title .

  14. 世界各国的立法者为平衡著作权人和使用者的利益,对传统的为私人使用而复制作品的制度都作出了适当的修正。

    The Mission of Writer user facilities To balance the interests of the writer and the user , the legislature amended the traditional clause on personal duplicating .

  15. 而且这些礼物大多数都不供他们私人使用,而是他们代表国家接受的,被送到国家档案馆保存。

    The majority of gifts are not accepted for their personal use , but rather on behalf of the United States and sent to the National Archives .

  16. 您还可以使用此中心来根据您的安全性标准共享只限于少数几个人私人使用的文件,或共享可供所有人使用的文件。

    You can also use the center to share files restricted to the selected few for private use or available to all depending on your security criteria .

  17. 对于此类内容法律上严禁私人使用或超出法律规定范围,不经许可进行复制、转载、发放等。

    To duplicate , reprint or distribute these contents without the permission of the rightful claimant beyond the private usage or other legal usage is strictly forbidden by law .

  18. 「本法案在法国引起高度争议,因为它会对自由软体造成相当的阻碍,亦会对把有版权的物料作私人使用的复制造成限制」。

    The law was highly controversial within France for it could significantly hamper free software , and also may significantly restrict the right to make copies of copyrighted works for private use .

  19. 独资企业或合伙企业的业主提款账户的借方余额反映在某一会计期间内,由于业主提取现金或其他资产以供私人使用而导致的业主权益减少。

    The debit balance in the account of withdrawals for a sole proprietorship or a partnership reflects the decrease in the owner 's equity during the accounting period from the withdrawal of cash or other assets for personal use .

  20. 它的私人使用在包括美国在内的大多数国家被法律所接受。国家药物滥用研究所估测大约四分之一的人会尝试海洛进而成为瘾君子,更有可能死于过量注射。

    It 's legal for private use in most countries , including the U.S. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that about a quarter of those who try heroin once become addicts and become more likely to die from an overdose .

  21. 她的工资当中有20万美元是私人飞机使用费。

    Her paycheck included $ 200,000 for personal aircraft use .

  22. 在培训欠缺经验的同事时,私人会使用这些指导材料。

    These are applied by individuals when coaching less-experienced colleagues on projects .

  23. 但是,要说服私人公司使用特别提款权作为国际贸易和商品价格,需要几年的时间。

    But it could take years to persuade private companies to use SDRs for international trade and commodity pricing ;

  24. 就像我们在第二章所看到的那样,宪法财产条款赋予国会调节私人土地使用的权力并不清楚。

    As we saw in Chapter 2 , congressional power under the property clause to regulate the use of private lands is not altogether clear .

  25. 语言政策要解决的各种问题中,相当一部分可以表述为语言权利问题,这些问题涉及国家机关内部语言使用、公共服务、立法、司法、教育、私人语言使用、移民和归化等。

    Among the problems language policy tries to resolve , many can be phrased as problems of language rights . They involve interior language use of state organs , public services , legislation , justice , education , private language use , immigrant and naturalization .

  26. 我只会在私人邮件中使用这个。

    I would only use this in a personal email .

  27. lotsoflove我只会在私人邮件中使用这个。

    Lots of love I would only use this in a personal email .

  28. 每天,全世界大约有8亿人使用Windows操作系统,其中至少有一半人是在家或在私人生活中使用。

    Every day around the world 800m people use the Windows operating system – at least half of them at home or in their personal lives .

  29. 美林(merrilllynch)大幅削减了其高级董事总经理对私人飞机的使用,强迫他们必须获得投资银行部全球主管的直接批准,并须证明没有其它可选择的交通方式。

    Merrill Lynch has dramatically cut the use of private jets by its senior managing directors by forcing them to seek direct clearance from the global head of investment banking and to demonstrate there is no alternative method of transport .

  30. 尚雯婕会亲自挑选最中意的三套私人珍藏并使用。

    Chang Wen-Jie will personally selected choice to the three private collections and use .