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  1. 别站得离火那么近——你的外衣都快烤焦了!

    Don 't stand so near the fire ─ your coat is scorching !

  2. 她站得离火太近,有危险。

    She was standing dangerously close to the fire .

  3. 力学性能和阻燃性能测试表明,3%TPU的加入,使材料的拉伸和冲击性能分别提高了9.8%和16.6%,离火自熄时间由45s降低到25s;

    The results of mechanical properties and fire retardancy tests showed with the addition of 3 % TPU to the blend , the tensile strength and impact strength of the blend increased by 9.8 % and 16.6 % respectively ; the extinguish time shortened from 45 s to 25 s.

  4. 你最好让孩子离火远一点。

    You 'd better keep the child away from the fire .

  5. 如果我离火太近,还会流汗的。

    But if sit too close to the fire , I sweat .

  6. 离火拌入芝士后待凉。

    Stir in the cheese , set aside and let it cool .

  7. 罗切斯特先生让我离火近些。

    Mr Rochester called me closer to the fire .

  8. 别站得离火太近,要不你的衣服会被烤焦的。

    Don 't stand too near the fire or your clothes will scorch .

  9. 那只猫离火太近,尾巴让火给烧焦了。

    The cat had her tail singed through sitting too near the fire .

  10. 他飞得离火环太近他被烧伤了

    He fly too close to the sun ... and he got burned .

  11. 飞蛾不会离火而去。

    The moth can 't fly from a fire .

  12. 琼已忘记了她的疲惫。她将拖鞋放到离火近的地方。

    and Jo forgot how tired she was and held the slippers closer to the fire .

  13. 茶喝完后,阿黛拉和费尔法斯太太玩着,罗切斯特先生叫我离火近些。

    After tea , he called me closer to the fire , while played with Mrs Fairfax .

  14. Weshouldfire.我们要让小孩离火远些。警察疏导群众离开着火的大楼。

    keep children away from The police are trying to keep everybody away from the burning building .

  15. 离火后加入葡萄干、坚果仁,用盐和胡椒调味。

    Remove from heat , stir in raisins and the nuts , and season with salt and pepper .

  16. 锅离火,把在可可粉放入平底锅里慢慢搅动,直至混合。

    Remove the pan from the heat , and whisk in the cocoa powder until the mixture is smooth .

  17. 准备装饰,在中等大小的锅里(用微波炉也可以)让淡奶油慢慢热到开起来,离火。

    To prepare glaze , in medium saucepan bring whipping cream just to a boil ; remove from heat .

  18. 他说:常识告诉你,如果人们被烧伤,有一段时间就会离火远点儿。

    Common sense will tell you that when people get burned , they shy away from the fire for a while .

  19. 通过测定硅橡胶试片的离火熄灭时间及燃烧速率来判定热硫化硅橡胶的阻燃性。

    The fire retardation of high temperature vulcanized silicone rubbers could be determined by measuring the combustion time and combustion rate of silicone rubber samples .

  20. 他一心只想找到老鼠,而没注意到丢了一些衣服离火太近。

    He was so caught up with trying to find the mouse that he did not notice he had thrown some clothes too close to the fire .

  21. 事实上,他们对讨论太感兴趣了,竟然没有注意到有一把椅子离火太近,开始烧了起来。

    In fact , they were so interested in their discussion that they didn 't notice that a chair was standing too close to the fire and started to burn .

  22. 一片火焰从木柴中跃起,她朝炉火弯了弯身,把瘦削的双手伸得离火很近,一团淡淡的光晕闪烁在她那椭圆的指甲周围。

    A flame darted from the logs and she bent over the fire , stretching her thin hands so close to it that a faint halo shone about the oval nails .

  23. 燃烧过程中有发泡膨胀现象,样品离火后迅速炭化自熄,无熔融、滴落现象,发烟量小,是一类较好的膨胀型阻燃剂。

    The samples foam and expand during the combustion process , and they carbonize and extinguish right after being deviated from fire , without melting and dropping and with low smoking .

  24. 测试结果表明,聚氨酯泡沫保温层具有重量轻、强度高、吸水率低、保温效果好、离火自熄等特点;

    It is showed in the test result that polyurethane foam heat-insulation layer has advantages such as weight light , strength high , absorbing water rate low and high heat - insulation effect and so on .

  25. 埃德温娜回过头来吃她的早餐&油味轻淡的煎鸡蛋和英国式烤松饼。烧热煎饼用橄油煎香羊柳外皮至有颜色到三成熟,离火斜切片,保持温热。

    Edwina returned her attention to breakfast-lightly scrambled eggs and toasted English muffins . Sear lamb loin in a hot pan with a little olive oil until medium rare . Remove and slice into diagonal pieces . Keep warm .

  26. 在火前锋附近(靠近消防队员)或者离火前锋很远(但靠近居民)的地方,当苯、甲苯、烯烃等有机化合物的浓度超过各健康安全组织规定的极限值,就可能对健康产生影响。

    VOCs such as benzene , toluene , alkenes might have health impacts if their concentrations , near the fire-front ( fire fighters case ) or in long distances from the fire-front ( civilians case ), exceed the permissible exposure limits defined by various health safety organizations .

  27. 各试验板内的热电偶在火灾下的实测结果表明,温度由迎火面至背火面逐渐递减,由迎火面至背火面的温度变化梯度随离迎火面距离的增大而减小。

    Test results measured by thermocouples in slabs indicate that temperature decreases gradually from the surface to the opposite side , and thermal gradient decreases with the increase of distance from the surface .

  28. 不知怎么一来,哈利发现自己的鼻子离那个龙火按钮只有一寸。

    Somehow , Harry found his nose an inch from the dragon-fire button .