
  1. 所以在离一次秘密袭击还有两天的时候。

    So with two days away from a covert raid .

  2. 而Sarah在19岁时就生了孩子,已经离过两次婚。她坚信没有别的女人能受得了Keith。

    Yet Sarah-who had a child at19 and has two marriages behind her-is confident that few women could put up with him .

  3. 层状Li(1+x)V3O8价格低廉,理论比容量高,是最有前途的锂离了二次电池正极材料之一。

    Layered Li_ ( 1 + x ) V_3O_8 is one of the most promising cathode materials in lithium-ion rechargeable batteries because of its low cost and high theoretical capacity .

  4. 在她离了三次婚以后,她开始认为婚姻不是好东西。

    After three divorces she started to believe the marriage was jinxed .

  5. 这位出名的女演员已离了三次婚了。

    This famous actress has been divorced from three husbands .

  6. 那位美貌的妇人已离过两次婚了。

    The beautiful woman has been divorced from two husbands .

  7. 她真的只有七年级但她看着像是已离过两次婚的

    She was in the 7th grade , but she 'd already been divorced twice

  8. 这个做演讲的女人其实在婚姻中是很失败的,她先后离了三次婚。

    the speaker was actually a total loser in marriage . She has divorced for three times .

  9. 无论是数据被写还是离最近一次检查点已经过去分钟,都会引发检查点操作。

    The checkpoint will occur if either data has been written or minutes have passed since the last checkpoint .

  10. 到了大房子,奥巴马和他的祖母就走进了房间,因为他们离他们第一次见面已经十四年了。

    Reaching the main house , Obama and his grandmother disappeared inside for their first visit in nearly fourteen years .

  11. 哦,她离过四次婚,女传闻她和她的经纪人有染。

    Well , she 's been divorced four times and right now she 's having an affair with her manager .

  12. 人们常常用有魅力一词来形容他,但很少有人把这位身体健康、古铜色皮肤、曾离过两次婚的亿万富翁,视为知己。

    He is frequently described as charming , yet few see the fit , tanned , twice-divorced billionaire as an emotional confidant .

  13. 让财富蒸发的一个常见方式是离婚杰克逊离了两次婚,而且都是在他职业生涯的鼎盛时期过后。

    One common way to evaporate wealth is divorce , and Jackson had two , both after the apex of his career .

  14. 离她第一次兑现从谷歌收到的60英镑支票以来,只有短短几年。

    It is only a few years since she cashed her first cheque – for & # 163 ; 60 – from Google .

  15. 在剧中,贺军翔扮演一位富家公子,曾经离过一次婚,在不知情的状况下,还有了一个8岁的孩子。

    In the drama , Mike Ho acted as a rich man who divorced once , and unknowingly had an eight year old son .

  16. 最后一次做这个梦,我几乎都忘了这码事儿了,离上一次的梦时间太久了。

    ' The last time I had the dream , I 'd almost forgotten , it had been so long since the last one .

  17. 离过一次婚的女性比持续在婚姻状态中的女性患心脏病的几率高出24%。

    Women who divorced once were 24 % more likely to have had a heart attack in the study than women who were continuously married .

  18. 另外一点是离上一次地球表面和地球的内部作为一个整体而合作,隔得时间太久啦。

    Another point to be made is that it has been way too long since the peoples of Inner and surface Earth cooperated as one .

  19. 接着老萨科奇将话题转向了儿子,他说:“我离过几次婚,我的孩子和我一样。”

    In an apparent jibe at his son , he added : " I have had several divorces just as my children also have had several divorces . "

  20. 然而,一个特别的因素将有利于形成新的枪支法案:没有哪一次重大枪击案离下一次国会选举如此之久。

    One unusual factor , though , is working in favour of fresh gun laws : never has there been a mass killing this far from the next congressional election .

  21. 我从未想过我会有孩子,我从未想过我会陷入爱情,我从未想过我能够遇到正确的人,离过两次婚的朱莉女士说。

    I never thought Id have children , I never thought Id be in love , I never thought Id meet the right person , Ms Jolie , who has been divorced twice , said .

  22. 美国2004年的普查数据(最新)显示,40%有婚姻经历的婴儿潮一代曾至少离过一次婚;而在所有有婚姻经历的人士中,这个比例只有大约30%。

    Almost 40 % of boomers who have been married have gone through at least one divorce , according to 2004 Census data , the most recent available , while only about 30 % of all people who have been married have been divorced .

  23. 瓦莱丽离过两次婚,生育了三个孩子,曾表示不愿被禁锢于“第一夫人这个次要角色”。她在评论中重点关注埃莉诺的独立。埃莉诺拒绝安静地生活在美国战时总统富兰克林•罗斯福的阴影下。

    Trierweiler , a twice-divorced mother of three who has said she doesn 't want to be boxed into the role of " second fiddle , first lady " - focused on the independence of a woman who refused to live silently in the shadow of US wartime President Franklin Roosevelt .

  24. 亚波长光刻离轴照明和次分辨率辅助图形技术

    Off-Axis Illumination and Sub-Resolution Assistance Feature Technology for Sub-Wavelength Lithography

  25. 离他们下一次休假只有两周时间。

    They 've only got two weeks left until their next one .

  26. 离你上一次的手术太近了。

    It 's too soon after your last surgeries .

  27. 离我下一次发薪水还有两周的时间而我口袋里一分钱都没有。

    My next paycheck was two weeks away and I didn 't have anything in my pocket .

  28. 目前在美国罕见的疾病在其他地方还是常见,而且这些疾病离我们只有一次飞行的距离那么远。

    Diseases now rare in the United States are still common elsewhere , and they are just a plane ride away .

  29. 此刻离我最后一次穿贴身短裤已经有一段时间了,所以当她递给我那么小的短裤时,我想,“决不。”

    Now , it 's been a while since the last time I wore hot-pants , so when she handed me the little scrap of shorts , I thought ," No way . "