
lí dǎo
  • Outlying islands;islet off a big island
  1. 香港离岛生态的特征和重要性

    Ecological Characteristics and Significance of Outlying Islands of Hong Kong

  2. 海南将新建两家离岛免税店,促进免税消费。

    Hainan will build two more offshore duty-free shops to promote tax-free spending .

  3. 今天,我们就去这个风景优美的离岛去看一看。

    Today we 're going to have a tour of this scenic island .

  4. 澳门离岛植被生态恢复与重建及其效益

    Vegetation restoration in the two sub - islands of Macao and its benefits

  5. 领土主权以及离岛人民的自决同样涉及其中。

    Issues of territorial sovereignty and self-determination for the Islanders are also in play .

  6. 他已经游历了离岛中的绝大多数岛屿。

    He has already visited most of the islands , and islets of Lidao Island .

  7. 在经历了数年的争论之后,台湾政府已将离岛的赌博合法化。

    After years of wrangling , the Taiwan government has legalised gaming on its offshore islands .

  8. 但此一配额限制并不适用于离岛如金门和澎湖。

    This quota restriction , however , will not apply to outlying islands such as Kinmen and Penghu .

  9. 资料显示,因为水土条件恶劣,离岛的生物多样性并不高。

    Results indicated that outlying islands did not sustain a high biodiversity because of the harshness of the environment .

  10. 在芸芸离岛区泳滩中,银矿湾是我们的最大挑战。

    Perhaps the biggest challenge of all the beaches in the Outlying Islands District was Silver Mine Bay beach .

  11. 其他离岛的发展正继续进行,主要着重改善现有住宅区的居住环境。

    The development of the other islands , continues mainly to improve the living environment of existing residential districts .

  12. 偏僻地区和离岛的出生登记,则由派到各乡事委员会工作的分区登记主任负责。

    In the outlying areas and islands , births are normally registered at rural committee offices by visiting district registrars .

  13. 截止到1945年为止,日本的侵略扩张更是搅起了势头毫不逊色的离岛之争。日本发表声明称;

    Outlying islands are no less contentious , largely thanks to the memories of pre-1945 Japanese aggression that they stir up .

  14. 我找到了斯莱德·威尔逊,他有办法离岛,我们得马上走

    I found Slade Wilson and he has a way off the island , but we have to go right now .

  15. 赖德尔人民对全民公决的支持恶化了非法占领离岛对阿斯佩特利亚的侵犯。

    The Rydalian endorsement of the plebiscite exacerbates the illegal occupation of the Islands in violation of Aspatria 's historic title .

  16. 据悉,赌博在台湾是非法的;但2009年对此作出了修改,允许在离岛上建赌场。

    Gambling is illegal in Taiwan , but an amendment passed in 2009 permits the construction of casino resorts on offshore islands .

  17. 直至最后,他才发现推罗人已将大部分城池迁移至一个离岛。

    Only then did he discover that the people of Tyre had moved most of the city to an island off shore .

  18. 在澳门凼仔岛和路环岛两个离岛的植被成功恢复过程中,土坑法这一技术的应用起到了很好的作用。

    It was very helpful to use the holes digging method in the process of vegetation restoration in the two sub-islands of Ma-cao .

  19. 离岛的生态虽然结构简单,但却为一些受保护和稀有的动、植物提供了仅存的生存环境。

    Although the ecological structures of these islands were relatively simple , they contained some unique habitats housing some protected and rare species .

  20. 中华电力有限公司(中电)则供电给九龙和新界,包括大屿山和多个离岛。

    China Light and Power Company Limited ( CLP ) supplies Kowloon and the New Territories , including Lantau and several outlying islands .

  21. 交通挤塞会对每天使用离岛渡轮服务上下班的乘客构成不便。

    Traffic congestion will affect adversely the free flow of passengers using outlying island ferry services for their daily commute to and from work .

  22. 渡轮是往离岛的主要交通工具,同时也为新界西北部新巿镇提供重要的联系。

    Ferries are essential for travelling to Hong Kong 's outlying islands and provide an important link to the new towns in the north-western New Territories .

  23. 除了与马来半岛的两个连接通道,两个离岛也经公路与新加坡本岛相连。

    Besides the two major land transport links with Peninsular malaysia , two offshore islands are also linked by road to the main island of singapore .

  24. 因此他离开活动场所,开车来到一条船边,这条船将带他离岛上岸,他一直在这座岛上测试他的大炮。

    So he left the arena and drove down to the boat that would take him ashore off the island where he had been testing his artillery .

  25. 有一次,老先生告诉我,这条狗擅长捕杀香港离岛上常见的眼镜蛇。

    The old man once told me that he was very good at catching and killing cobras , which are common on Hong Kong 's outlying islands .

  26. 前项选举票之分发,于山地、离岛地区,得由县选举委员会视实际情况提前办理。

    The preceding distribution of ballots shall be carried out in advanced depends on the actual situation by county Election Commission in the mountains or the off-island areas .

  27. 在分析离岛免税购物制度时通过对国际其他地区的离岛免税购物制度作出梳理,指出其对海南建设国际旅游岛离岛免税购物制度的可借鉴之处。

    Islands tax-free shopping system through other areas of the international Islands tax-free shopping system to make the comb , and learn from that duty-free shopping system for international tourism in Hainan Island , Islands .

  28. 对于应由离岛紧急送往台湾本岛就医之急、重症病人,其往返交通费用,由行政院卫生署补助之。

    For the patients of emergent or serious diseases who urgently need to leave isolated islands for Taiwan for medical treatment , the expenditures on to-and-fro traffic shall be subsidized by the Department of health , executive yuan .

  29. 因该离岛无学校致有必要至台湾本岛或其它离岛受义务教育之学生,其往返之交通费用,由教育部编列预算补助之。

    Where there is no school in an isolated island and thus the students need to go to Taiwan or another isolated island for compulsory education , the Ministry of education shall list funds in the budget to subsidize the expenditures on to-and-fro traffic .