
  • 网络social benefit;social return
  1. 通过对两种政策的社会收益比较发现:不完全监督将产生更高的社会收益。

    By comparing the equilibrium social benefit of two policies , we found that partial-monitoring will get better results .

  2. 人力资本需要投资来生成。因此它具有经济价值、社会收益递增性和产权上的排他性,等等。

    Human resources need capital in generation , so it owns economic value , social benefit increase and exclusiveness of property right etc.

  3. 教育的收益分为个人收益和社会收益两部分。

    The education gains include the individual gains and the social gains .

  4. 经济管理不当还威胁着社会收益。

    Economic mismanagement meanwhile threatens the social gains .

  5. 教育投资无论从社会收益还是个人收益来说,都是一种收益颇高的投资。

    Educational investment would generate high profits , both for social and individual benefits .

  6. 股权结构、私人收益和社会收益的关系研究&来自中国证券市场的证据

    Equity Structure , Private Interest and Social Interest

  7. 富人的经济成本可以忽略不计,而社会收益将是巨大的。

    The economic cost to the rich would be negligible and the social gains enormous .

  8. 也就是说,人们往往仅仅关注教育的货币化收益功能,而忽视了非货币化收益的功能,重视教育带来的私人收益而忽视了社会收益。

    That is , people only concern the currency benefit from education rather than social effect .

  9. 女性人力资本投资具有较高的个人收益率和社会收益。

    The investment of female human capital has very strong Individual returns ratio and Social return .

  10. 社会收益也与此相似:较少的年轻人通常意味着较低的犯罪率。

    Social gains are likely , too : fewer young people usually means lower rates of crime .

  11. 政府干预旨在减少社会收益和私人收益之间的差距,矫正市场失灵。

    Government interference targets at shortening the distance between social and personal benefits , and correcting market failures .

  12. 经济学研究的目的是社会收益最大化,因此稀缺资源被配置在市场,企业与政府应以此为原则。

    Social capital is the ability of actors to obtain scarce resources through social network and benefit from it .

  13. 侦查的经济收益可以通过量化分析,而侦查的社会收益只能进行定性分析。

    Criminal investigating economic benefits can be quantitive analysis , but its social proceeds only can be qualitative analysis .

  14. 部门收益和成本与社会收益和成本之间存在差异会导致部门行为的扭曲,损害社会利益。

    The difference between the bureau 's cost-revenue and the social cost-revenue would cause the distorting of bureau 's behavior .

  15. 2005年,北京市留学人员海淀创业园在国际孵化器评选中获得“最佳社会收益奖”。

    In2005 , Haidian Overseas Students Pioneer Park is awarded the Best Social Return Prize in an international incubator contest .

  16. “实际”的价格确保每一个行动集合都被执行,只要它们的社会收益超过机会成本。

    The " virtual " prices ensure that every set of actions whose social benefits exceed their opportunity costs is undertaken .

  17. 从收益的角度看,二者分别对应于教育的社会收益与个人收益。

    Finally , from the perspective of income , the two correspond to the social income and personal income from education .

  18. 其中上层以社会收益最大化为目标,描述了交通管理者和出行者之间的博弈关系;

    The upper level of the model aims to maximize the total social profit , which describes the relationship between administrators and travelers ;

  19. 政府从厂商收益和社会收益(环保)之和最大化的角度去确定固定资产补贴率。

    According to the maximization of company and social benefits , government can determine the subsidy rate to support the investment of fixed assets .

  20. 刑罚作为一种抑制犯罪的手段,可以产生积极的社会收益,但这种社会收益的取得需要相当的社会成本支出。刑罚的效益就是指刑罚的成本与收益的比较关系。

    As the means for preventing crimes , the criminal punishments can produce active social benefits , but which requiress considerable outlay of social costs .

  21. 区域品牌的收益可以分为多个维度,例如可以有产业收益、社会收益等5类11种的划分。

    The benefit from Location Brand can be divided into several dimensions . For example the industrial income , the social income and so on .

  22. 仿真实验表明,该激励机制促进了社会收益的快速增长,达到了激励节点参与资源共享的目的。

    The simulation result shows that the incentive increased the social utility of the whole P2P system rapidly and incentive every peer to share resources effectively .

  23. 但在计算机行业,似乎还有数不清的企业家乐于为了那微小的一份社会收益而冒险。

    Yet in the computer industry , plenty of entrepreneurs seem happy to take risks for the prospect of a thin slice of the social benefits .

  24. 高校人格教育在重视社会收益的同时,也应关注大学生的个体心理收益。

    While special attention is paid to the social benefit in the education of personality in university , the personal psychological benefit should also be concerned with .

  25. 传统上,计量教育投资的社会收益是以工资的增长作为衡量指标,这样的模型中存在不足之处。

    In tradition , individual wage increment is the only index to measure the returns to education investment . Some defaults may exist in those traditional models .

  26. 通过创建社会收益表来反映企业的社会收益状况,以提高企业的社会收益。

    This paper try to establish the social earnings statement to reflect the enterprises ' social earnings for the purpose of increasing the enterprises ' social earnings .

  27. 有关研究表明,在发展中国家,初等教育的社会收益高于高等教育,对经济社会发展的贡献最大。

    The study shows that elementary education has higher social benefits than higher education and makes the largest contribution to the economic and social development in developing countries .

  28. 制度能够通过外部性内部化使创新的个人收益接近其社会收益,进而激发创新者创新动力。

    Innovation could not be separated with institution which can make private benefit close to social benefit through internalizing externalities and inspire the innovators ' dynamics of innovation .

  29. 最大社会收益原则要求估计公共决策每一方案的收益和成本,选择社会净收益最大的方案。

    Principle of maximum social income require to estimate the revenue and cost of each project of government decision , then choose the one that has maximum net revenue .

  30. 根据管治收益主体不同,大都市区管治的收益包括政府收益、企业收益和社会收益。

    Based on the difference of the governance profit gainer , the metropolitan area governance profit could be divided into government profit , enterprise profit , and social profit .