
  • 网络investment resources
  1. 世行高级经济师RobChase说,社区推动的发展(CDD)可以使社区团体控制计划决策和投资资源。

    Community Driven Development ( CDD ) gives community groups control over planning decisions and investment resources for development .

  2. 伦敦金融城经济学家安德鲁•史密瑟斯(AndrewSmithers)在《走向复苏之路》(TheRoadtoRecovery)一书中提出,这场衰退不是周期性的,而是结构性的,其诱因是奖金和激励机制导致的投资资源配置不当。

    And in The Road to Recovery , City economist Andrew Smithers , hardly a rabid lefty , argues that the recession is not cyclical but structural , and it is caused by the misallocation of investment resources brought about by bonuses and incentives .

  3. 此外,融资租赁的另一个重要特点是能够整合各种投资资源,建立交易服务平台。

    Besides , another important feature of financial leasing is that it can combine various investment resources to set up a trading platform .

  4. 过多参与不利于人才的培养,造成投资资源的浪费,使社会福利达不到最大化。

    Excess entry is not conducive to the cultivation of talents , resulting in a waste of investment resources , making the social welfare less .

  5. 一个运转良好的股票市场的主要好处是储蓄的动员、投资资源合理配置与基金的长期匹配、及经济的加速增长。

    The primary benefits of a well functioning stock market are , mobilization of savings , fund term matching with efficient allocation of investment resources , and acceleration of economic growth .

  6. 该理论强调了作为对外直接投资资源的跨国公司的新角色以及发展中国家跨国公司的兴起是如何促使对外直接投资流向非传统领域拓展的。

    The theory stresses the new role of MNCs as sources of FDI and how the emergence of MNCs from developing countries has led to an increase in FDI flows to nontraditional sectors .

  7. 目前大多数学者都认同高管的政治关联可以为企业带来更多的多元化投资资源、更多的融资贷款、更低的税收、更多的政府补助等。

    At the present , most scholars believe that the managers in companies with political connections will brings companies more loans , more investment resources , lower taxes , more government subsidies and so on .

  8. 自然资源企业看起来有更大的活动余地达成交易,正如中国铝业公司投资自然资源巨头力拓(RioTinto)所显示的。

    And natural resources companies appear to have wide leeway to make deals , as Chinalco 's bid to invest in natural resources giant Rio Tinto shows .

  9. SOA把系统的各个业务逻辑包装成服务,再根据业务流程组合成一个新的服务,与别的系统交互,能够保护现有投资的资源而不重新撰写逻辑模块。

    Each business logics in system is packed into server , and combined into a new server according to business process . This can interact with other systems and protect existing investment resource rather than rewriting the logical module .

  10. 一些国家把制造业投资作为资源开采交易的附加条件。

    Some countries made industrial investments a precondition for resource deals .

  11. 自那以后,中国的石油公司对投资美国资源一直持谨慎态度。

    Chinese oil companies have subsequently been cautious about investment in US resources .

  12. 我们能否应付投资人力资源和基层组织结构所需要的预算?

    Can we manage the budget required by the human resource and infrastructure investments ?

  13. 中国实行鼓励外商来华投资矿产资源勘查开发的政策。

    Encouraging foreign businesses to make investment in exploration and exploitation of other mineral resources .

  14. 最后,针对农业投资项目资源环境效益评价的结果,提出了相关的政策建议。

    At last , some policy suggestions are proposed according to the results of the evaluation .

  15. 投资促进资源信息系统

    Investment Promotion Resources Information System

  16. 塔尔说,一段时间以来,非洲国家政府在投资水资源和卫生方面犹豫不决。

    Taal said there was a time when African governments were hesitant about investing in water and sanitation .

  17. 这是因为市场而不是政府决定着面向研发投资的资源分配。

    This is because the market , not the government , decides on the allocation of resources to R & D investments .

  18. 但微弱的盈利能力意味着可用于投资的资源进一步减少,所有股东的回报缩水以及企业抵御外部冲击的能力受损。

    But feeble profitability means fewer resources for investment , diminished rewards for all stakeholders , and an impaired ability to withstand external shocks .

  19. 电信网的进一步发展必然要平滑演进,既要保护原有投资和资源,又要持续发展。这时候需要这样的技术:既能构建新的分组网络,同时也能用来实现传统电话网和新网络的融合。

    Thus we need technology that can not only construct new packet-based networks , but can realize the inosculation of the traditional telephony network and the new networks .

  20. 久而久之,势必会造成资产的重复投资、资源浪费、资产盘亏等现象,从而造成给企业造成一定的损失。

    In the course of time , it will cause the phenomenon such as the repetitive investment , resource waste and a plate of loss of assets , and then cause certain loss to enterprises .

  21. 而在实际的商业运营中,承包商往往具有自有资源,但因资源能力有限,可能投资购买资源,或者从外部租用紧缺资源。

    In actual commercial operation , the contractors often have self-owned resources . Limited to their resource capacity , they may buy resources or hire from the outside , or even outsourcing some work to shorten the project cycle and increase the project income .

  22. 策略是这样的:通过学习进行激励、推销你的福利、投资于人力资源(HR)。

    It goes like this : motivate through learning , market your benefit , invest in HR .

  23. 空间数据共享在GIS领域中越来越受到重视,它可以有效的解决不同行业和部门之间的重复投资和信息资源浪费。

    Spatial data sharing is more and more being paid attention to in GIS field , it can effectively solve overlapping investments and the waste of information resources between all kinds of departments .

  24. 著名的企业管理学教授沃伦·贝尼斯(warrenbeiennis)说过员工培训是企业风险最小,收益最大的战略性投资,人力资源已经成为生产要素中最活跃、最重要的因素。

    The famous enterprise management professor warren bei ennis said " employee training is enterprise minimal risk , the biggest strategic investment returns ", Human resource has become the most active factors of production , is the most important factor .

  25. 外商投资对地区资源环境影响的机制分析

    The Mechanism Analysis of FDI Impact on Regional Resource and Environment

  26. 这正是我们直接投资澳大利亚矿业资源的原因。

    So that is why we invest directly in Australian mineral resources .

  27. 风险投资中的资源整合效应研究

    Study on the Effects of Resource Conformity in Venture Capital

  28. 在预防地震方面日本投资了大量资源。

    Japan has invested a lot of resources in preparing for earthquakes .

  29. 青岛市外商投资企业人力资源管理现状调查分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of the Human Resource Management in Foreign-owned Enterprises of Qingdao

  30. 教育投资优化与资源合理配置的经济学思考

    The Economic Consideration of Optimize Investment in Education and the Rational Allocation of Resources