- The Social Network;SNS;social networking

With home , the social network is front and center .
Nearly every tech or nonprofit executive I spoke with mentioned their hope that The Social Network has improved the public 's perception of programmers .
Until students are able to resist the pull of social networking , texting , and endlessly surfing the web , they may continue to struggle in their classes .
Think of something as seemingly benign as the cellphone - we have microfinance and text-based social networking at one end of the spectrum , and improvised explosive devices at the other .
A few years ago , Watts , who is employed by Microsoft to study the dynamics of social networks , had a similar experience to Cutting ‘ s in another Paris museum .
But thinking about or remembering descriptions in terms of their social meaning activated the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex — part of the brain ‘ s social network — even as traditional memory regions registered low levels of activity .
Even in the age of open-plan offices and social networks some work is best left to the individual .
" But interactions with peripheral members of our social network matter for our well-being also ."
Social networking is also changing the way some doctors and patients communicate with each other .
The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with uncommon diseases to connect with each other and feel less alone .
Do you have friends who post about their whereabouts every now and then via Facebook and share it on other social networks ?
Fandom as a term can also be used in a broad sense to refer to the interconnected social networks of individual fandoms , many of which overlap .
Now , it ’ s time to take a break from social networking and go offline socializing .
Sharents are mums and dads who compulsively post pictures and blog , tweet etc about their offspring .
Grey hair is on trend with silver hair lovers the world over posting images on social media under the hashtag \# grannyhair .
In fact , the motivation for creating the app was to create a service that provided more privacy than other social networks .
It 's a way to share a moment with a specific friend and -- in a way -- a bit of an antidote3 to traditional social networking .
This is a term used to describe people who rarely2 , if ever , visit social networking sites because they have better things to do with their time .
Anti-social networking means1 using a social networking site or service to connect to other people but never communicating with those people once they have been established as a connection .
A report from the commission said wealthier families helped their children accumulate skills valued by the labour market and they also used social networks to secure internships and employment .
Social networking over the Web is a huge trend these days .
Social network service has become one of the most popular Internet applications .
The concept of semantic Web is being crystallized which will aid the growth of social networks even more .
F-ME : How consumers ' social networks are literally turned into products and services .
Social network that is Social Networking Service is designed to help people build social networks based on Internet social network service platform .
F-DISCOVERY : How consumers discover new products and services by relying on their social networks .
The retail giant has over 15 million fans on the social network .
As a social networking medium , Twitter is a lot of fun .
The agreement would make way for a new , jointly-owned social network unrelated to Facebook .
Others : Apart from the networks outlined above , there are multiple other social networks which serve a huge number of the internet population in multiple ways .