
xīn wén tōnɡ xùn shè
  • News agency;wire service;wire agency
  1. 当时我26岁,是新闻通讯社路透社(reuters)驻莫斯科外国记者。

    I was a 26-year-old foreign correspondent working in Moscow for Reuters news agency .

  2. 新闻通讯社美联社(AssociatedPress)援引一位匿名的“美国官员”的话称“高度怀疑”该零件来自一架波音777。

    Associated Press , the wire service , quoted an anonymous " US official " as saying " with a high degree of confidence " that the part came from a 777 .

  3. 但根据官方新闻通讯社新华社(Xinhua)的报道,奥运会期间,北京五星级酒店的入住率达到81%。

    But according to Xinhua , the official news agency , five-star occupancy in Beijing reached 81 per cent during the Games .

  4. 2012年,韩国新闻通讯社韩联社(Yonhap)报道了一个惊人的变化。

    In 2012 South Korean news agency Yonhap noted a startling change .

  5. HBOS的管理人士迅速约见或致电新闻通讯社和报纸,声明公司根本没有流动性问题;

    HBOS officials quickly began speaking with or phoning newswires and newspapers to say there were no liquidity problems .

  6. 一是主流媒体被无情地拉向Twitter或连续发布和更新信息的典范&新闻通讯社,而告别等待一段时间以确认事实的传统方式。

    One is that the mainstream media are inexorably being dragged toward the Twitter , or news agency , model of constantly publishing and updating information , and away from the traditional approach of waiting for a while to nail down what is clearly true .

  7. 但前苏联政府仍保持沉默,直到事故发生近68个小时后,官方新闻通讯社塔斯社(tass)才发表了一篇短小且含糊的文章,称切尔诺贝利发生了事故。

    But still the Soviet government maintained its silence until , almost 68 hours after the accident , the official news agency TASS published a short , opaque article indicating that there had been an accident at Chernobyl .

  8. 穆特科部长并未直接作出回应,而是组织召开了面向国有新闻通讯社塔斯社(TASS)记者的新闻发布会。他说时报的质问毫无根据,并暗示这是里约奥运会开幕前又一抹黑俄罗斯体育界之举。

    Instead of responding directly , Mutko , the minister , organized a news conference with journalists from the state-run news agency TASS , calling the Times inquiry baseless and suggesting it was part of an attempt to discredit Russian sports ahead of the Rio Games .

  9. 据该俄罗斯新闻通讯社透露,17只企鹅中,只有三只幸存。

    Only three of 17 penguins survived , the Russian news agency said .

  10. 科威特国家新闻通讯社昨日报道,该国财长宣布,将扩大对日投资。

    The finance minister was quoted announcing the increased investment yesterday by the Kuwait state news agency .

  11. 但是和我的一个国际新闻通讯社同事的经历相比,这种离别要舒心的多。

    But this is minor league compared with what our colleague at an international news agency has been through .

  12. 一所学校大学或者新闻通讯社用来验证你自己具有全球化的知识体系。

    A school , a university , or maybe a news agency , to certify yourself as globally knowledgeable .

  13. 在新闻通讯社调查的经济学家中,预计印度央行将加息25个基点的占明显多数。

    A clear majority of economists polled by news agencies had been expecting the central bank to tighten policy by a quarter-point .

  14. 新闻通讯社星期二报导说,尼日尔外交部长对卡扎菲随车队尼日尔的报导予以否认。

    The French news agency , AFP , reported Tuesday that Niger 's foreign minister has denied reports Gadhafi is in the convoy .

  15. 据新闻通讯社报道,塞拉利昂当局周一报告称,当地第五名医生因感染埃博拉而死亡。

    In Sierra Leone on Monday , the authorities reported that a fifth local physician had died of the disease , news agencies reported .

  16. 伊朗国家新闻通讯社报道曼哈默德内贾德总统赢得了连任,不过改革派的竞争对手也宣称取得了胜利。

    Iran 's state news agency is reporting that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has won re-election , but a reformist rival is also claiming victory .

  17. 通过南韩联合新闻通讯社的财经新闻,调查16家金融机构所有的经济学者,预计银行将不会变化利率。

    All economists at16 financial institutions surveyed by Yonhap Infomax , the financial news arm of Yonhap news agency , predicted the bank would leave the rate unchanged .

  18. 阿尔及利亚国家新闻通讯社表示,该组织可能会在下个月召集一次紧急会议,比原定于12月下旬的会议有所提前,旨在讨论油价的下跌。

    The Algerian state news agency said the oil cartel might call an emergency session next month , ahead of its scheduled meeting in late December , to discuss the drop in prices .

  19. 公众宗教研究机构与宗教新闻通讯社联合开展的这项调查显示,不同政治派别和不同宗教信仰的人们对于恶劣天气的观念存在分歧,今年已经发生了多起严重的高温和干旱灾害。

    The survey by the Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with the Religion News Service found political and religious disagreement on what is behind severe weather , which this year has included extreme heat and drought .

  20. 土耳其国家新闻机构阿纳多卢通讯社(Anadolunewsagency)周三夜间说,包括重型装甲车在内的约30辆军用车辆已经从地中海的伊斯肯德伦(Iskenderun)基地转移至土叙边境。

    Turkey 's state-run Anadolu news agency late on Wednesday said some 30 military vehicles , including heavy armor , had moved to the border from Iskenderun base on the Mediterranean .

  21. 8名群众从这堵墙边走过时,被这面超过两米高的围墙倒下掩埋。他们被救援队员救出后都已经死亡,中国国营新闻机构新华通讯社报道。

    Eight people who walked near the wall , more than two meters high , were buried by the debris and found dead after being pull out by rescuers , state-run Xinhua news agency reported .

  22. 挪威国家新闻机构“挪威通讯社”星期六报导说,岛上的目击者告诉警察,有两人实施了枪杀行动。

    Norway 's national news agency NTB said Saturday that witnesses on the island have told police two people were involved .

  23. 中国新闻社以民间通讯社形象对外从事舆论工作,是中国最大的专业对外舆论机构。

    It is the largest professional international communication body in China and has long engaged in international communication as a non-governmental news agency .

  24. 能源和制造业巨头科氏工业集团老板科氏兄弟如今排在沃尔顿家族的另外三名成员和纽约市市长迈克尔彭博之前,作为新闻资讯公司彭博通讯社创始人,迈克尔•彭博目前位列第十。

    The Koch brothers , heads of energy and manufacturing giant Koch Industries , now rank above three other members of the Walton family and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg , founder of news and information company Bloomberg LP , who round outthe top 10 .

  25. 新闻协会(英国负责采集国内新闻并向本国新闻媒介供稿的通讯社)。

    The Press Association ( press agency that gathers home news and supplies it to the British press )