- 名the social network;social networking site;Facebook;SNS

Friending means to act as the friend of someone or to include ( someone ) in a list of designated friends on a person 's social networking site .
Researchers found users typically post positive pictures and status updates on the social networking site .
Teresa posted a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website accompanied by the touching words :" What a blessing this young man was to our family ! He was so sweet and kind to do this ."
He posted his offer on a social networking website , and received thousands of e-mails , including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the right passports , " More interesting , there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in changing their name to Elizabeth Gallagher , " Axani said .
Inbox rot means to neither accept , nor decline a friend request from someone on social networking sites .
This depression often deepens when you find that your blog posts have not been re-blogged , or your Facebook status updates have not been liked .
With today 's social media -- especially sites with lots of interactivity1 and immediate2 feedback such as Twitter -- you can easily get caught up in chatting and surfing .
Weisure has been fueled by social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace , where “ friends ” may actually be business partners or work colleagues .
The coinage was largely overlooked for centuries . With the advent1 of the social network Facebook in 2004 , friending became widely adopted .
Personality spam refers to incessant online posts and messages relating to one 's personal life and interests , particularly on social media , and people who frequently do this are called personality spammers .
Wendy accidentally shared a selfie with the caption1 ' twenty weeks ' , and friends put two and two together – she 's pregnant . It 's typical of him to put two and two together and make five .
Originallly , morning selfie means that you grab from your eyes .
Diarrheaist refers to a person who shares too much online , particularly personal information . Example :
Friendvertising is the use of social media website ' friends ' to disseminate1 video adverts2 for products .
Statuscation is a new word coined to characterize the now commonplace activity of sharing your holiday plans on social networks .
Digital hangover is the feelings of shame and regret caused by social network photos and other online evidence of one 's embarrassing behavior .
Therefore if you want your profile picture on social media sites to be perceived as attractive , opt for a group shot with friends .
A data shadow is a minute pieces of data created when someone emails , updates social media profiles , swipes a credit card , uses an ATM , and so on .
One usually does this to take a selfie and share it on social network or to make oneself feel better about their physique , while in reality they have done nothing to keep fit today .
As taxi apps become smarter , experts predict they will sync with social networks and calendars to provide an even more efficient and tailored service to their passengers . Here comes the rise of the smart taxi .
The so-called ice-bucket challenge -- dump ice water on yourself , post and tag yourself on social media and challenge others to do the same -- got its start among golfers as a way to support pet charities .
Morning selfie describes the situation when someone posts a selfie to any social media in the morning , looking like he / she just woke up , but in fact , they already took a shower and put on make-up before taking the selfie .
A website called Quitfacebook Day has been urging people to leave this Monday .
Morin , 31 , is the founder of path , a social network accessible only via mobile phone .
Because Web 2.0 tools such as social networking sites help to foster a sense of community , they can play a powerful supporting role .
Twitter is undoubtedly one of the most recent and successful examples of social networking to appear on the World Wide Web .
For most people , Facebook is still the go-to place to socialize with friends online .
He argues that Facebook , not LinkedIn , is the biggest online professional network .
Facebook is not the only social-networking site which likes to think of itself as the new , new thing .
The potential for competition isn 't limited to large social properties & any fast growing web property poses a threat .