
  • 网络Targeting;Target customer;target consumer
  1. 因此,激起和满足目标顾客的情感需求,创造品牌独特的情感性价值正变得越来越重要。

    Therefore , it is more and more important to motivate and satisfy target customer emotional needs so as to create brand special emotional value .

  2. 研究表明,社会企业在价值主张、目标顾客、核心竞争力、组织设计、伙伴网络五大商业模式构成要素上都表现出独特性。

    The study shows that social enterprises showed great uniqueness in its five elements-value proposition , target customer , core competencies , organizational design and network of partners .

  3. 比如说,新型低热量可乐CokeZero在英国和美国推出的广告,就坚定地把目标顾客锁定在男人身上。

    Advertisements in Britain and the US for the new low-calorie Coke Zero drink , for example , have been firmly aimed at men .

  4. CNET帮助商人开发与他们的目标顾客一起共振的发送消息的策略和广告计划。

    CNET helps marketers develop messaging strategies and advertising programs that resonate with their target customers .

  5. 通过STP,把目标顾客群定位于政府、企事业单位的成功人士和各级领导。

    Through STP , It orientates target consumer group as successful personage and leaders at all levels of government 、 enterprises and institutions .

  6. 接下来通过对我国创业环境、创业者和目标顾客的分析,得出了C2C电子商务平台创业模式的SWOT矩阵。

    Based on the analysis of business environment , the entrepreneurs and the target customers in China , it comes to the SWOT analysis of self-employment of C2C e-commerce .

  7. 最后,B2C网站应根据不同的控制变量对网络顾客进行细分,选择适合自己的目标顾客,从而进行定位。

    Finally , B2C Web site should be based on different control variables to segment customers on the network , choose their own target customers , thus positioning .

  8. 目标顾客是谁?

    Who is your target audience ?

  9. 中国奢侈品市场正在蓬勃发展,而像这样的消费者正成为越来越重要的目标顾客。

    The luxury goods market in China is booming and consumers like these are an increasingly important target .

  10. 在进行市场定位过程中,需要有差异化的产品作为保证,提供合适的产品给目标顾客。

    In the process of marketing positioning , an enterprise need to provide suitable differentiating products to targeting customers .

  11. 在了解、分析顾客部分,主要分析了企业的目标顾客的分布,那些顾客是企业的利润顾客;

    The part of analyzing customers analyzes the distribution of target customers , which part of them are profit customers .

  12. 总的来说,即使我们的目标顾客已很清晰,但新产品上巿本来就像赌博,没人能有十成的把握。

    To conclude , even though our target audience is clearly defined , introducing a new product is always a gamble .

  13. 品类创新强调单一利益点的创新,民艺在新的消费形势下进行利益点的创新且单一化,可有效降低目标顾客的选择成本。

    Brand-category-innovation emphasizes the innovation of unique profit point . It can decrease customers ' choice cost in the new consumer environment .

  14. 在富人聚集的地段开设首饰店、高档时装店便是瞅准了目标顾客高收入这一特点。

    Lots of rich people gathered in the creation of Shoushi Dian , upscale boutiques is Chouzhun the target high-income customers this feature .

  15. 除了进行短期交易,营销者还需要与目标顾客,分销商,经销商,供应商建立良好的长期关系。

    Beyond creating short_term transactions , marketers need to build long_term relationships with valued customers , a distributor , dealers , and suppliers .

  16. 对目标顾客的有效选择,可以使企业获得高的顾客保持率、重复购买率和高的利润率。

    A combination of customer demand status , customer potential retention time and customer potential profitability is a more reliable and valid standard .

  17. 同时,本文确定了大型购物中心的核心要素包含目标顾客群体、业态经营理念、业态营销手段和经营辅助体系的构建等四个层次。

    Then , this paper identifies target customers , thinking of management , marketing and assistant managerial systems as the 4 key factors .

  18. 世上充满了各种有趣的事物,个个都跟你锁定同一群体目标顾客,竞争者群顾客的亲睐与荷包。

    The world is full of interesting things competing for the attention and pocketbooks of the same consumers you hope to turn into customers .

  19. 商品目录的作用在于向目标顾客销售产品或服务,或者介绍即将推出的品种或即将举办的活动。

    The purpose of a catalog is to sell products or services to a targeted audience , or to advertise upcoming classes or events .

  20. 通用还必须克服一个不利因素:即新的目标顾客中,很少有人认识很多别克车主。

    GM must also overcome the handicap that few of its new target customers are likely to know many people who own a Buick .

  21. 在市场经济环境下,企业经营始于企业目标顾客的需求和企业自身的收益,并最终决定于自身人力资本的优势。

    In market economy , business operation begins with the needs of target customers and self-benefits , finally determined by the advantage of human capital .

  22. 例如,他认为玛莎百货的目标顾客是年纪较大的女性,而目前有钱消费的却是年轻女性。

    M & S , for example , he sees as targeting older women , when it is younger females who have money to spend .

  23. 面对这种局面,百思买选择了调整他们的目标顾客群,开始向制造商收取产品上架费用。

    When that went away , Best Buy , for instance , shifted their customer base and began to charge manufacturers to stock their shelves .

  24. 东京一家珠宝店则忙于出售一套价值100万美元的13件套黄金餐具,目标顾客群为中国新贵。

    A jeweller in Tokyo kept busy selling 13-piece tableware sets made of gold for $ 1 million -- aimed at newly rich Chinese customers .

  25. 市场定位是识别差异化竞争优势,选择合适的差异化优势及与目标顾客进行沟通的过程,其目的是在目标顾客心目中确立有别于竞争对手的差异化竞争优势。

    Positioning is a process which to identify difference , develop difference and communicate with target customers . Its goal is to set up a differentiated customers .

  26. 商业企业为满足不同的消费需求和目标顾客而形成的不同经营理念、经营方式称为商业业态。

    In order to satisfy different consumption needs and target customers , commercial enterprises have formed different management conception and running patterns that are called retail forms .

  27. 由于小企业对其商品、服务与目标顾客很熟悉,它们在使用自己的广告促销商品时,颇为成功。

    Because of their familiarity with their goods or services and the target customers , small businesses can be quite successful in promoting their products using their own ads.

  28. 首先,通过市场五力分析,对目标顾客群进行细分,确定该产品的目标市场及其营销模式;

    First of all , we analyze through market " five strength ", subdivide goal customer group , confirm the goal market of this product and marketing mode ;

  29. 公司应当通过销售人员直接联系或者中介的分销渠道去接触市场目标顾客。

    Market target buyers may be contacted on a direct basis using the firm 's sales force or , instead , through a distribution channel of markering intermediaries .

  30. 为此,服务企业需要进行顾客关系进行管理,开拓、培育和维持与顾客的良好关系,使目标顾客与企业维持长期稳定关系,从而赢得竞争优势和长期利润。

    To maintain good long-term customer relationship and therefore earn competitive advantage and long-term profits , service enterprises need manage customer relationship to construct and develop good customer relationship .