
  • 网络The Green Consumer
  1. 此外,文章还考察了绿色消费者的消费观念、消费动机、消费习惯和消费内容,力图呈现出当前城市居民绿色消费的一般状况。

    In addition , the article also examines the green consumer motivation , consumer attitudes , consumer habits and consumption of content , try showing a current city residents overall condition of green consumption .

  2. 同时还分析了绿色消费群体以及绿色消费现状;并建立了绿色需求函数,找出了影响绿色消费者购买行为的若干因素,进一步指出企业成功实施绿色营销获得最大收益的关键所在;

    It also probes into the green consumer behavior and its construction , and builds the green requirement function , analysis the factors affecting the consumer behavior .

  3. 对绿色消费者生活方式特征的研究

    A Study about Life Style Characteristics of Green Consumer

  4. 本文通过采用调查分析法、统计分析法、定性分析法等研究方法,分析了影响当前饭店业绿色消费者的社会因素和心理因素;

    Furthermore , adopting investigation analysis , statistic analysis , qualitative analysis , the paper analyze the social and psychological factor which influenced tourism consumer .

  5. 此外,绿色消费者是喜欢尝试新事物、追求消费潮流、对他人有影响力并被他人所接受的意见领导者。

    In addition , the green consumers are the leaders who like trying new things , seeking consumption trends , and influencing others to accept their own views .

  6. 那个手帕设计大赛的获胜者就会被称为“帕客”,即为了支持低碳生活,放弃使用一次性纸巾而选择使用手帕的绿色消费者。

    The winner will be called a " handkerchief advocator ," as it refers to green consumers who prefer to use handkerchiefs instead of throw-away paper tissues in support of low-carbon life .

  7. 本文试图从生活方式方面进行探索,以获得对中国绿色消费者的一些认识,帮助中国营销者更好地进行绿色营销沟通。

    We conduct an exploratory study about green consumer in terms of Life Style , to gain the knowledge about Chinese green consumers and help Chinese marketers to do better green marketing communications .

  8. 本文通过对苏州市城区消费者的实证调查分析,描述了绿色消费者的身份特征,并按照消费过程中绿色卷入程度对其进行分类。

    Based on the Suzhou City Survey and Analysis of consumers , green consumers who described the features , and according to the consumption level of their involvement in the process of classification of the green .

  9. 绿色食品消费者行为实证研究

    Demonstration Study on Green Food Consumers ' Behavior

  10. 食品企业实施绿色营销的消费者博弈分析

    The Consumers Game Analysis of Green Marketing of Food Enterprises

  11. 因此对消费教育应从确定消费教育核心的重要性、消费教育核心的选择原则、以绿色消费和消费者权益保护等方面为核心进行探讨。

    So from defining the importance and selecting principle of the nucleus of consume education , taking green consume and the protection of rights and interest of consumer etc aspects as the nucleus , carry on a probe into consume education .

  12. 一般的框架为,引导企业实行绿色设计、消费者进行绿色消费与消费残余分类,改善废物处理部门盈利的条件来实现消费残余的材料循环和最终废物的无害化处理。

    The general frame is to guide enterprise in green design and consumer in consumption and daily waste classification , and to archive circulation of material that composing product and detoxification of final waste , though improving profit condition of waste treatment department .

  13. 绿色设计与普通消费者绿色素质研究

    Research on Green Design and Green Quality of Consumers

  14. 绿色产品如何走近消费者

    How to Make Green Products Nearing Consumers

  15. 毫不令人意外的是,当沃尔玛最近被曝光用普通猪肉冒充绿色猪肉后,消费者会感到愤怒。

    Not surprisingly , consumers were annoyed when Walmart was recently accused of labelling common-or-garden pork as organic .

  16. 但是,许多真正在环保领域推陈出新的企业却并不愿意赤裸裸地用绿色和环保吸引消费者的眼球。

    But many of the most genuine corporate innovators in the environmental space prefer not to throw it in their customers ' faces .

  17. 绿色设计可以满足消费者绿色消费的需求,是可持续发展的必然选择,也是消除绿色贸易壁垒的最有效途径。

    Green design could meet the demand of consumer for green consumption , at the meantime , green design is the inevitable choice for sustainable development and the most effective way to eliminate the green trade barriers .

  18. 如何评价绿色家电产品的绿色属性?是消费者和企业共同关注的问题。

    What green home appliances are and how to assessment green home appliances are the common concerned issues of consumers and enterprises .

  19. 本文最后根据绿色食品营销存在的具体问题和影响我国绿色食品消费者行为的具体因素,结合绿色食品营销一体化组织模式,从多个方面提出适合我国绿色食品发展的具体的营销策略。

    Finally , based on the problems of green food marketing , factors influencing customers ' behavior in green food marketing , and the integrating model of green food marketing , it demonstrates concretes marketing strategy suitable for green food development from different perspectives .

  20. 绿色、安全、健康是全世界共同关注的理念,是全体消费者的共同期待,无污染、安全、优质、营养的绿色农产品成为消费者的首选。

    Green , Secure and Healthy is the common concern worldwide as well as the common good that all the customers expect . The pollution-free , secure , highly qualified and nutrient green agriculture products are of the customers ' first choice .

  21. 与工业产品市场相比,农产品尤其是绿色农产品具有明显的特征,这主要体现在绿色农产品的消费者对产品质量要求甚高。

    Compared with industrial products field , agricultural products especially green agricultural products have clear characteristics , reflected in the high demandingness of the quality of products .

  22. 绿色标志的监督认证是政府运用行政手段监督管理绿色产品,保障消费者和企业合法权益的重要手段。

    The surveillance and authentication of the green label is an important administrative instrumentality , which is used for supervising and managing green products , safeguarding the consumers and the enterprises legitimate rights and interests by the government .

  23. 日本地区经济绿色化发展的动力在于市场驱动下的企业经营绿色化、日益成熟的绿色消费者群体和具有日本特色的产、学、官、民合作体制。

    The driving force promoting the greenness development of the area economy in Japan arises from the greenness of its enterprise management driven through the market , increasing mature of the colony of consumers and the typical Japan cooperation system including the enterprises , schools , government and civilians .