
  • 网络Target return;target income;target profit
  1. 本文可能的创新点有两点,一是根据目标替代率逆推得到企业年金的目标收益率。

    First is calculating target return according to the target replacement rate .

  2. 对单一证券来说,在不考虑市场利率因素影响的情况下,其投资风险和投资者的目标收益率有关。

    To single bond , without considering the influence of market interest rate , the investment adventure relates to the target income rate .

  3. 我们目标收益两亿美元

    We 're aiming for the $ 200million mark .

  4. 基于目标收益导向的动态投资组合保险策略研究

    Goal-Directed Dynamic Portfolio Insurance Strategies Research

  5. 在分析Jia&Dyer的风险-价值理论基础上,给出了一个基于预先给定的目标收益的非对称风险函数。

    Based on Jia & Dyer 's risk-value framework , this paper proposes an asymmetric risk measure model .

  6. 通过分析,本文强调细分定价、目标收益定价法、渗透定价法对我国体育赛事门票的适用及重要性。

    Through analysis , this article emphasizes the pricing segmentation , target income pricing , penetration pricing on tickets for sports events and the importance of the application .

  7. 第一,广告成本策略选择,具体从变动成本定价法、目标收益定价法、边际贡献定价法三个方面进行分析。

    First , the cost of advertising strategy , specifically from the variable cost pricing method , the target profit pricing , marginal contribution pricing analysis in three aspects .

  8. 同时对供水部门收益现值法和供水目标收益现值法的使用,收益现值法的应用程序、优缺点等进行了分析比较。

    Besides , the procedure of applications , advantages and disadvantages of the profit present value method for both water supply departments and water supply targets are analyzed and compared .

  9. 基于下偏风险的套期保值理论从行为金融学的角度出发,考虑投资者的风险厌恶程度,衡量低于一定目标收益水平的下方风险,理论上比前两种方法更优。

    Down side risk hedging model based on the behavioral finance theory , consider the risk detest mentality of the investor , scale the downside risk lower the target income .

  10. 因此,下方风险似乎更适合于度量风险,然而,下方风险默认投资者对超过目标收益率时是风险中性的,这种本质上的不完全性无法反映投资者对更好的投资机会的追逐。

    Therefore , the downside risk seems to be more appropriate for measuring risk . But the partial nature of downside risk which assigns neutrality to returns above target rate does not capture the pursuits of better investment opportunities by most investors .

  11. 该模型将风险覆盖与客户竞争两因素进行了有机融合,重点强调了贷款最低定价随客户风险度提高而提高,目标收益率随客户综合贡献率提高而降低。

    The model will be competitive and customer risk coverage for the two factors of organic integration , with emphasis on pricing of the loan with the lowest risk customers and raise the target rate of return with the integrated contribution of customers to lower rates .

  12. 多评价指标的首达目标的收益决策模型

    Return Decision Model for First - Arrival Targets with Multi - Evaluated Indices

  13. 单机问题的目标探测收益函数改进为多机协同的探测收益。

    The targets detected gain function was improved to the cooperative detected gain .

  14. 国家公司治理水平与跨境并购目标企业收益

    Corporate Governance Level and the Return of Target Enterprises in Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions

  15. 本文制定了三个目标:收益最大化、风险最小化和收益的偏度最大化。

    This paper established three goals : revenue maximization , risk minimization and gaining the maximization of the partial degrees .

  16. 会计收益报告的目标及收益观念,是随着社会经济环境的变化和会计信息使用者需求的变化而发展的。

    The objective of accounting income report and the income concept are developing with the changes of social economic environment and the demand of the users of accounting information .

  17. 在获取投资组合的最优权重,进行动态规划时,应该将双目标:收益最大,方差最小拓展至多目标:收益最大,方差最小,偏度最大以及峰度最小。

    In obtaining the optimal portfolio weights , dynamic planning , should be double goal : returns the largest and the smallest variance to expand up to goal : returns the largest and the smallest variance , Skewness and kurtosis the largest minimum .

  18. 结合收益和组织规则提出了一种Agent组织的递归模型,并讨论了Agent组织的目标分解、收益计算和组织规则形成等问题。

    In this paper , a recursive model of agent organization is proposed based on role utility and organizational rules . The goal resolving , utility calculation and rule formation of agent organization are also discussed in this paper .

  19. 排序和选择项目的过程应该根据组织的财政目标,比如收益率、投资回报率(ROI),预算成本以及税收增长。

    The process for prioritizing and selecting projects should go beyond financial objectives , such as profitability , return on investment ( ROI ), budgeted costs , and revenue growth .

  20. 论企业价值最大化目标下的收益分配

    On the Income Distribution under the Aim of the Enterprise Value Maximum

  21. 会计环境;会计目标;综合收益列报格式;

    Accounting environment Accounting objective Presentation format of comprehensive income ;

  22. 不过,另外一项基金可能要投资于风险更高的资产,目标是将收益最大化。

    But the other fund could invest in higher risk assets , aimed at maximising returns .

  23. 多次兼并公告对目标公司股东收益影响的案例分析

    The Case-Study on the Influence of Three Merger Announcements on the Dividends of Stockholders of the Target Companies

  24. 通过交易绩效案例研究,分析了并购公司及目标公司超额收益分布的特征。

    Case study on transaction performance analyses the characters of abnormal return distribution of M & A companies and target companies .

  25. 公共支出是政府为满足公共需求在一个财政年度内耗费的资金总和,公共支出的绩效是指公共支出的成本(或目标)与收益(或后果)的比较。

    Public expenditure is the sum of the expense that the government spends to satisfy the public needs in a fiscal year .

  26. 和谐社会为合作提供了目标,合作收益分析框架为区域合作提供了理论支撑和分析思路。

    Harmonious society provide a aim for cooperation , the framework of regional cooperation-benefit analysis provide a theoretical support and analysis of ideas .

  27. 我国工程项目管理理论和技术还需要做深入的研究以指导国内建设企业集团在国际舞台上实现项目目标并获得收益。

    Project management technology needs to be done in-depth study to guide domestic enterprises in the international construction arena achieve the project objectives .

  28. 据艾利伯估算,要实现这个目标,租金收益率至少要从目前的少于2%上涨到5%,甚至还要更高一些。

    Aliber reckons that the rental yield on apartments will eventually go from less than 2 % to 5 % , or even a bit higher .

  29. 第四章则运用因子分析法对上市公司并购的绩效进行分析,以揭示并购后并购公司和目标公司股东收益的变化情况。

    In chapter four , we analyze the performance through using factor analysis , in order to reveal its change and the proceeds of the shareholders .

  30. 摘要从项目公司和承包商双层角度,应用激励理论及委托代理模型建立了项目公司与承包商之间的多目标协调均衡收益激励模型,并应用一阶条件方法进行了求解。

    Based on the incentive theory and principal agent model , a revenue incentive model of multi-objects coordination equilibrium between Project Corporation and contractor was presented and solved through the first-order approach .