
  • 网络targetaudience;Target;the target audience
  1. 但新的口号来改变吧(MaketheChange)却没有激发目标受众的热情,而且还疏远了如今已上了岁数的原始客户群。

    But the new logo and slogan , Make the Change , did not excite the target audience and alienated its original , now older , customer base .

  2. 她相信,mba学员是理想的目标受众。

    She believes MBA students are the ideal target audience .

  3. 问题10:谁将是电视节目《ScienceNation》的目标受众?

    Question 10 . Who will be the intended audience of the TV show Science Nation ?

  4. 但新的口号“来改变吧”(MaketheChange)却没有激发目标受众的热情,而且还疏远了如今已上了岁数的原始客户群。

    But the new logo and slogan , " Make the Change , " did not excite the target audience and alienated its original , now older , customer base .

  5. 还有其他一些研讨会,目标受众也各不相同,但以上列举的研讨会是直接针对Java开发人员的。

    Other conferences with a variety of different target audiences are out there , but the above target the Java developer directly .

  6. InfoQ:谁是大会的目标受众?

    InfoQ : Who is the target audience ?

  7. 本文的目标受众是对网际协议(IP)上的协议(特别是HTTP和SIP)有基本了解的人员。

    This article is targeted to audiences with a basic understanding of protocols over Internet Protocol ( IP ), particularly HTTP and SIP .

  8. 《ManAboutTown》杂志是一本半年刊,杂志负责人说该杂志“目标受众是高端的商务精英和有着深厚文化底蕴的都市男性。这是一本时尚男士的必备指南。”

    Man About Town magazine , a biannual publication , says it is ' targeted at high-end business-engaged and culturally-orientated male urbanities ... giving a guide to the seasonal men must haves . '

  9. developerWorks主页的目标受众是正在寻找IBM支持的众多技术和品牌的相关参考资料的开发人员。

    Our target readers for the developerWorks main page are developers who are looking for resources on the many technologies and brands that IBM supports .

  10. 首先得说,Solo可能会让你感到困惑,因为它的目标受众和我们的客户有很大的重合。

    Let me say first that Solo can be a bit confusing from the outside because it 's targeted heavily at a segment of our customers .

  11. 所以不管信息是否矛盾,能让大多数目标受众知道DOVE就可以了。

    Therefore , whether the information is contradictory or not , it only matters that it makes most of the audience know about DOVE .

  12. 作家、社交媒体评论家克莱舍基(clayshirky)称,一个更难回答的问题是到底为什么要在网上与目标受众进行互动。

    An even trickier challenge is working out why it should do so at all , says clay Shirky , the social media commentator and author .

  13. 利用专题小组访谈(FGDs)分不同目标受众开展定性评价。

    Qualitative data using focus group discussion ( FGDs ) was implemented among different target audiences .

  14. 该报告的联合作者、美国卡罗来纳海岸大学市场营销教授卡罗尔•梅格希(CarolMegehee)表示,穿着名牌服装的方式和时机可能对你的目标受众产生很大影响,使之形成无意识的偏见。

    Carol Megehee , a co-author on the study and professor of marketing at Coastal Carolina University in the US , said that how and when you wear a prominent brand can have a big impact on your target audience 's unconscious bias .

  15. ClayShirky所撰写的文章(请参见参考资料中提供的链接)给出了几个非常有说服力的示例,说明了纽约大学的学生如何针对特定的目标受众设计有用且受欢迎的应用程序。

    An article by Clay Shirky ( see Resources for a link ) has several compelling examples of how students at New York University designed useful and popular applications by crafting them for a specific ( if not niche ) target audience .

  16. 我们依然关注服务的目标受众

    We also wanted to know which audience the service is targeting

  17. 下表说明了这些资源及其目标受众。

    The following table describes these resources and their intended audience .

  18. 基于目标受众感知和竞争视角的城市品牌定位研究

    City Brand Positioning from the Perspective of Customer Perception and Competition

  19. 任何广告都有自己特定的目标受众群。

    All advertisements have their own specific target receivers group .

  20. 模型的目标受众是能够理解这些模型的人群。

    Models are targeted to a group of people who understand them .

  21. 我们希望开发有创意的解决方案,影响到更广泛的目标受众

    We want to develop creative solutions to reach a larger target audience

  22. 这种转基因奶酪的目标受众是年轻人。

    The first targets for this frankencheese are the young .

  23. 我想它有很多事情要做我的目标受众。

    I imagine it has a lot to do with my target audience .

  24. 目标受众不明确;新闻是为受众服务的。

    The target acceptors are not made determinate ; News serves the audiences .

  25. 目标受众精确,广告效果好。

    Precise target audience , advertising effect is good .

  26. 家庭并非中国国有媒体的唯一目标受众。

    Families are not the only targeted audience of the state 's media .

  27. 第二,电影译名的信息对目标受众来说是不可接受的。

    Secondly , the translated title information cannot be receivable for target audiences .

  28. 为你自己写作,但最重要的是,为你的目标受众写作。

    Write for yourself , but mostly , write for your target audience .

  29. 而哪些关键词能够吸引目标受众呢?

    What keywords are meaningful to that target group ?

  30. 第一,更好的成本效率,尤其是更好的目标受众群和观众统计数据;

    First , greater cost efficiency and particularly better targeting and audience demographics .